Hatcher arrested

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My comprehension skills aren't lacking.

On the contrary, they are quite terrible. Your reply is filled with multiple examples. It's worse that you don't recognize it.

Maybe you shouldn't make uneducated remarks like " I haven't seen a picture of Hatcher's ride, but would be willing to bet it had tinted windows. Cops HATE tinted windows."

An uneducated remark is one in which you don't distinguish fact from opinion. I provided a qualifier doing exactly that and you can't see the difference. I added the qualifier because I knew very well I could be wrong and won't have any problem admitting it if I am.

So you had no idea at the time of your post if he even had tinted windows which is part of your rant against him being pulled over.
I think you need a question mark at the end of the sentence instead of a period. That's ok though. I knew what you meant though despite your mistake.

You weren't there but you're sure that the cop didn't pull over other speeders. Again, uneducated, because you weren't there.
Here's an example of your poor reading comprehension skills. I NEVER said the cop didn't pull over other speeders AT ALL. You assumed I said or meant it. To help you connect the dots, I was saying that officers typically focus on the more blatant offenders when they are targeting speeders. I feel quite certain the officer didn't pull many cars over for going 10 miles or so over the speed limit. That's not the same thing as saying the officer didn't pull ANY OTHER vehicles over. You're welcome. Further, you seem unable to distinguish between a qualified OPINION and an uneducated remark. An uneducated remark is saying that all cops love donuts. A qualified opinion is saying that you don't know for sure, but there are a lot of cops that probably like an occasional donut. You're welcome.

You make the assumption that cops think that all people who drive SUVs with tinted windows are bad people and then you make another uneducated remark that it takes an hour to do the paperwork for a speeding ticket.

It looks like you are the one that needs a little comprehension lesson. You state silly personal opinions about all of this. None based in fact. It sounds like you don't like your local police too much.

These two paragraphs are replete with uneducated assumptions, incorrect statements and incorrect conclusions with a high degree of confidence. It's this false confidence in your conclusions and observations that are examples of why I lose faith in humanity by reading posts like yours.

No, I didn't say anything even resembling that cops think ALL people driving SUVs with tinted windows. What I said was that cops profile whether it's conscious or not. If they notice a pattern that large vehicles, be it an SUV, can, etc. traveling late at night on certain highways have been found to have drugs hidden in them or in them, then, they will be much more likely to target that type of vehicle if they have the chance. You are interpreting my statement about the length of time necessary to fill out a speeding ticket much too literally. You assume because I make an exaggerated statement to convey that speeding ticket paperwork (and paperwork in general) take a surprising amount of time to complete that I mean it literally takes an hour to fill out the speeding ticket and all of the additional paperwork (which is pretty much exclusively entered into a laptop in the police car these days and calling it paperwork is a remnant of the bygone days when the forms were filled out with pen or pencil on paper). It definitely doesn't take an hour, but it takes at least 20 minutes if the only infraction is speeding.

Your condescending remarks in the second paragraph simply make you look bad. I'll let you go back and read them to see if you can understand why. Your uneducated remark "None based on fact" is patently wrong. In addition, I have a great deal of respect for police officers. I've gone through the multi-month citizens' police academy program that covers nearly every aspect of the work performed by the police. The classes were conducted by REAL LIVE POLICE OFFICERS so I have a very good idea of what cops do based on THEIR OWN WORDS.

They have a difficult job and are brave people that do a great public service. That said, they are human beings, and human beings are irrational creatures that have biases based on their life experiences, etc. I don't fault them for having varying degrees of bias and believe they try very hard not to have them. But they are still biased.

Why do you lose faith in people? Because they call you out on ridiculous conspiracy theories and your clear disdain for the police? By the way, do you think this of all police in this manner or just the ones that have pulled you over?

The only calling out that's occurred her is you've called yourself out as a good example of why my faith in humanity suffers when reading comprehension problems, erroneous conclusion-jumping, etc. have such a negative impact on the dialogue in a thread and take the focus off of the original subject. To your last question (which was properly punctuated. Congrats!), I'm foretunate to have only been pulled over for speeding a small handful of times in my life. All of my encounters have been very cordial and all of the officers have been very polite. It's perfectly reasonable to have a positive overall opinion of police without believing officers always do the right thing and are completely unbiased. Because there was strong evidence of racial profiling and targeting of minorities in Ferguson, Missouri, do you therefore think all cops do this? I'm sure you don't. Don't jump to conclusions so hastily and I won't need to explain this to you again in such detail in the future.
I know a girl who did a lot of the homework and took tests (online) for UL players. I suspect this happens everywhere. For athletes and non-athletes.
Just because there are a few outliers that are about to succeed despite the used of a heavy narcotic, doesn't mean that said narcotic should be legal. It's not a valid argument to use to defend your position. "Weed" has destroyed many lives and for what? It provides little to no benefit.

The only reason Cannabis has destroyed many lives like you state is because of the draconian laws we have regarding Cannabis. I like how the anti crowd likes to make it sound dirty by calling it "weed". Tomatoes, oat, canola and many other useful things are weeds. How about we call it what it is...Cannabis?
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Let me tell you about harmful. I was a patient at a pain management clinic for almost nine years. They almost killed me with fentanyl patches, morphine and many other LEGAL DRUGS!
I weaned myself off of the list of 23 medications that they had me on. I did it over a 19 day period. Don't preach about potential risk. I know for a fact that there is a national lawsuit over
fentanyl patches that were over dosing people. I was one of them. I have never over dosed on cannabis. It is naive to rail against something because you don't agree with it. For every link you can produce that says cannabis is evil, I can link one that says it is OK. I didn't bother to check your link out. Most are gov. funded. We all know our honest gov. wouldn't lie to us about a simple herb, would they?

You won't get an argument from me about pain pills/patches. I have seen first hand what they can do to people and it's horrible.

I'm not saying pot is some horrible drug like heroin or meth, but it's not completely harmless either. I've never met a pot head (a true stoner) that could smoke and say "hey, I wanna go bust my ass working for 8-12 hours". Medically it's not harmful, other than screwing with your lungs, and brain while high. It's harmful in the sense that for the majority of major smokers it takes their will to do anything productive away. All they want to do is get high and watch cartoons and pig out on junk food.
I can't believe people still think weed is harmless. I know several people personally who smoke and they are the laziest/dumbest people that I know. I'm not saying everyone who smokes weed is dumb, but almost every person I've personally known that smoked weed was lazy as hell. That's not some coincidence. I've never smoked weed and don't plan too based off how the people I've known act like when they smoke it.

I remember seeing a study a year or so ago that said weed can have terrible effects on a persons brain and I 100% believe it.

The only thing you have proven to us is, that most of your friends are lazy. Gullibility affects peoples brains also!
You won't get an argument from me about pain pills/patches. I have seen first hand what they can do to people and it's horrible.

I'm not saying pot is some horrible drug like heroin or meth, but it's not completely harmless either. I've never met a pot head (a true stoner) that could smoke and say "hey, I wanna go bust my ass working for 8-12 hours". Medically it's not harmful, other than screwing with your lungs, and brain while high. It's harmful in the sense that for the majority of major smokers it takes their will to do anything productive away. All they want to do is get high and watch cartoons and pig out on junk food.

You do realize that there are better than 200K patents for Cannabis in Europe. There are some that will give euphoria, some that make you want to lay on the couch for a while. There are also some that will make you get up and work your ass off. You should really educate yourself before making silly statements like you have.
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awf, I've seen people disagree with you and some myself included concede some points to you, but you just won't budge, yet call everyone else silly? Nothing in this life or any other is 100% one way or the other. You do understand that, right?
"There's nothing wrong with smoking a little pot". Tell that to the millions of people who get hooked on harder and harder drugs.
I don't have to have it to get by on life and unless you are physically ill for some reason you don't either. People use this crap excuse all the time of life is so hard and I can't take the pressure of my job bs. Grow up or grow a pair , then get on with your life.
It against the damn law, end of story. The only reason I would like to see it's use is for medical reasons only.
My son started smoking this crap and it led to more and more until someone talked him into trying something more powerful and he was hooked. I don't condone his use of it either and I had been warning him from the time he was just a few years old. Now he has wasted most of his young life taking illegal chit to cope with life, for what.
It's the same way with drinking to much and some people can and some people can not handle it. It starts to be a habit and grows from there.

I hate to break it to you but cannabis isn't a gateway drug. Tobacco and alcohol are gateway drugs. Has been for a long time.
I have the utmost sympathy for your situation of a child of yours dealing with a horrible addiction slugger and I mean that from the heart. Where we disagree is that weed somehow caused this addiction or forcefully drove him into this problem. If he were my brother I'd take him to my cabin in the woods and lock the doors, and slowly heal,his symptoms with this herb, and pray to God for its healing benefits to help his problems.

Also no one necessarily has to smoke this healing herb to gain any medicinal benefits. They now have vaporizers, and ways to ingest it that do not carry the carcinogens that like tobacco are not healthy. But I'd rather have a loved one munching Grippos and cup cakes than sticking a needle is their arm.

And what part of God creating this herb along with all others is bull$#!+?
Thank you for your concern and I wish it was as easy as you like to think it is, but you must realize, as I have, that an addicted person cannot be healed until they hit bottom...I have exhausted all the avenues and now have put it in God's hands...what I do know is that my son has a high tolerance for the way drugs affect him as told to me by friends that he has and as I'm sure many others do as...I know you are going to say I'm wrong, but I've read and watched to many shows that the weed today is about 30 times stronger today that it was back in my days because it has become such a science growing you deny that? I have also watched a lot of programs on tv about the medicinal aspects and I must say that some of it was quit interesting to say that last and maybe that was His reason for creating the "herb" and if so I can surely live with it for that reason, but saying that it is not a gateway drug is BS as I know that my son dosen't even like alcohol so that wasn't his gateway drug...I know his choice was eliminated when the government cracked down on pills..
I hate to break it to you but cannabis isn't a gateway drug. Tobacco and alcohol are gateway drugs. Has been for a long time.

Is that because it wasn't a gateway drug for you? I've been a tobacco smoker for many years, and drank alcohol at one point in time, neither of those lead to other drugs for me. So by using your reasoning and logic, you are completely wrong. Your precious "cannabis" is no different than any other drug. It's not about the drug, it's about the user. It's why some people can drink and never become an alcoholic and others aren't so lucky. It's about the individuals makeup, and nothing else!
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Ultimately, it doesn't matter what side of the fence you come on as far as the marijuana debate. This player currently plays under rules that makes it illegal to use. He knew the rules and by all accounts this isn't the first time he broke the rules. He was given a fair shake and now it's time to face the consequences of his actions.
awf, I've seen people disagree with you and some myself included concede some points to you, but you just won't budge, yet call everyone else silly? Nothing in this life or any other is 100% one way or the other. You do understand that, right?
awf, I've seen people disagree with you and some myself included concede some points to you, but you just won't budge, yet call everyone else silly? Nothing in this life or any other is 100% one way or the other. You do understand that, right?
No I won't budge. I believe in what I believe. Maybe I should label you as being hard headed because you won't agree to what I say 100%. I call it silly to call a organic herb a narcotic. Yes, that is silly.
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Let me tell you about harmful. I was a patient at a pain management clinic for almost nine years. They almost killed me with fentanyl patches, morphine and many other LEGAL DRUGS!
I weaned myself off of the list of 23 medications that they had me on. I did it over a 19 day period. Don't preach about potential risk. I know for a fact that there is a national lawsuit over
fentanyl patches that were over dosing people. I was one of them. I have never over dosed on cannabis. It is naive to rail against something because you don't agree with it. For every link you can produce that says cannabis is evil, I can link one that says it is OK. I didn't bother to check your link out. Most are gov. funded. We all know our honest gov. wouldn't lie to us about a simple herb, would they?

Using another substance that can be harmful as evidence another is not is a bad argument. In addition, you are comparing a controlled substance vs something people are wanting to purchase OTC.

I never said I was a big fan of pain killers, fentanyl patches, morphine, etc. I think those things have certain uses under controlled setting, but I agree they are MASSIVELY overprescribed. I work in the VA, and that is part of the reason there is a major movement to shift patients off of these PRESCRIBED medications.

Now, if you are asking if marijuana should be become legal for medical purposes, I think there may be evidence for that. However, that STILL doesn't mean it's harmless. It just means you are choosing something that provides the best benefit with less risk.
Ultimately, it doesn't matter what side of the fence you come on as far as the marijuana debate. This player currently plays under rules that makes it illegal to use. He knew the rules and by all accounts this isn't the first time he broke the rules. He was given a fair shake and now it's time to face the consequences of his actions.

This x 1000.

Playing football, having a scholarship, etc is NOT a right but a privilege. In addition, he signed a contract, and he broke that contract MORE THAN ONCE.
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Not going to read it as I know it is probably more BS " propaganda" as you calm it from a pro drug legalization group ... as I said legalize it I do not care but strictly for medicinal purposes... and no I don't need to go back and have more conversation because I think people on the front lines who deal with the stuff on a daily basis and tell you that this is true is much better source than some pro rag paper..
Not going to read it as I know it is probably more BS " propaganda" as you calm it from a pro drug legalization group ... as I said legalize it I do not care but strictly for medicinal purposes... and no I don't need to go back and have more conversation because I think people on the front lines who deal with the stuff on a daily basis and tell you that this is true is much better source than some pro rag paper..
It's from time magazine and you act as if it's the Enquirer . By all means your much smarter than the Medical Institute and the numerous doctors who actually provide research to back up what most people already know.
The only reason Cannabis has destroyed many lives like you state is because of the draconian laws we have regarding Cannabis. I like how the anti crowd likes to make it sound dirty by calling it "weed". Tomatoes, oat, canola and many other useful things are weeds. How about we call it what it is...Cannabis?
Let's call it what it is, heavy narcotic. And while we are at it let's tell the truth about you. Stupid pot head loser.
All I'm saying to slugger is its not THE gateway or the only gateway to other drugs. The doctors and researchers clearly state alcohol and cigarettes are for more of a gateway to harder things then herbs because of their availability That's all the article says,'s not a black v white , rich v poor , democrat v republican or left v right article.......its medical research.

And weed is scientifically grown better these days, that's a good thing. Some strains help addicts in withdrawal , some hype you up, some helps you sleep, some helps seizures. None has to be smoked if that's the harm one would see in it.

I'll take lowered expectations over the grip of addictions any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
I hate to break it to you but cannabis isn't a gateway drug. Tobacco and alcohol are gateway drugs. Has been for a long time.
Folks like you are so full BS on on this it could fill an ocean...WEED IS A GATEWAY deny it is ignorance...may not be the only one but it is one. .lIke I told you my son was not a drinker and dosen't drink to this day
No I won't budge. I believe in what I believe. Maybe I should label you as being hard headed because you won't agree to what I say 100%. I call it silly to call a organic herb a narcotic. Yes, that is silly.

An organic herb that alters the mind when smoked, or eaten. Not like eating a piece of wild mint, is it?
Folks like you are so full BS on on this it could fill an ocean...WEED IS A GATEWAY deny it is ignorance...may not be the only one but it is one. .lIke I told you my son was not a drinker and dosen't drink to this day
I see you have come off you initial position and that is good. It shows you are learning something from this thread.
All I'm saying to slugger is its not THE gateway or the only gateway to other drugs. The doctors and researchers clearly state alcohol and cigarettes are for more of a gateway to harder things then herbs because of their availability That's all the article says,'s not a black v white , rich v poor , democrat v republican or left v right article.......its medical research.

And weed is scientifically grown better these days, that's a good thing. Some strains help addicts in withdrawal , some hype you up, some helps you sleep, some helps seizures. None has to be smoked if that's the harm one would see in it.

I'll take lowered expectations over the grip of addictions any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
You never did answer my question about the"science" that says the weed today is 20-30 times stronger that the weed back in my younger days...a little story... I participated in a jury case on a drive by shooting... 1 of the witnesses was a strapping young black kid about 23 years old... They asked the young man what he did for a living and he said that he did not work because he was on disability from smoking bad weed and now had constant anxiety attacks...just a harmless herb right
I see you have come off you initial position and that is good. It shows you are learning something from this thread.
I have never said it was the only one just the major one which I have been told dozens of times by the counselors and doctors that have worked with my son do this thread hasn't changed my position on anything...
You never did answer my question about the"science" that says the weed today is 20-30 times stronger that the weed back in my younger days...a little story... I participated in a jury case on a drive by shooting... 1 of the witnesses was a strapping young black kid about 23 years old... They asked the young man what he did for a living and he said that he did not work because he was on disability from smoking bad weed and now had constant anxiety attacks...just a harmless herb right
Yes I did answer your claim that it is 20 to 30 times stronger by agreeing that it is in fact stronger. Read my post sir.

As far as the young man smoking something that was bad , I could agree to. If a person puts something foreign on it it's bad and could harm you. In its natural,state it could not be bad enough to cause a person to get disability.

I could lace up,a cheeseburger with d con and that would be bad too. Absolutely no difference in the two.
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Hey Johnny,learn to read, news flash ,dopers that don't have money to make a buy,steal stuff! Trot down to the nearest jail and let them explain this to you,in simple terms!
You don't believe people can get addicted to pot? What makes a kid get busted with pot three times, and told after the second that he will be living on the street if he brings it home again? What makes a kid getting a free ride to school and has a good shot at a real future do the same damn thing over and over? If that's not addiction then nothing is.

Please stop saying Cannabis, it makes you sound like a douche-bag hipster.

I choose to call it by it's name. How about it makes you sound like an ass to call me a douche?
Slugger ,you are absolutely correct in your assertions! If these dopers defended this country,as strongly as they defend their holy herb, we wouldn't have to fire a shot against Isis ! We'd dazzle them with our facts and research on dope .to confuse and scare the hell out of them! Such brilliance as pot heads have ,let all of us non users to sleep soundly,knowing they've got our back and have all the answers! Mush headedness at its best ,by these macho,defensive pot(weed)heads!
I have never said it was the only one just the major one which I have been told dozens of times by the counselors and doctors that have worked with my son do this thread hasn't changed my position on anything...
Then you would still be wrong as are the people you are getting your info from according to this highly regarded institution:

Scientists long ago abandoned the idea that marijuana causes users to try other drugs: as far back as 1999, in a report commissioned by Congress to look at the possible dangers of medical marijuana, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences wrote:

Patterns in progression of drug use from adolescence to adulthood are strikingly regular. Because it is the most widely used illicit drug, marijuana is predictably the first illicit drug most people encounter. Not surprisingly, most users of other illicit drugs have used marijuana first. In fact, most drug users begin with alcohol and nicotine before marijuana — usually before they are of legal age.

In the sense that marijuana use typically precedes rather than follows initiation of other illicit drug use, it is indeed a “gateway” drug. But because underage smoking and alcohol use typically precede marijuana use, marijuana is not the most common, and is rarely the first, “gateway” to illicit drug use. There is no conclusive evidence that the drug effects of marijuana are causally linked to the subsequent abuse of other illicit drugs.
Thank you for your concern and I wish it was as easy as you like to think it is, but you must realize, as I have, that an addicted person cannot be healed until they hit bottom...I have exhausted all the avenues and now have put it in God's hands...what I do know is that my son has a high tolerance for the way drugs affect him as told to me by friends that he has and as I'm sure many others do as...I know you are going to say I'm wrong, but I've read and watched to many shows that the weed today is about 30 times stronger today that it was back in my days because it has become such a science growing you deny that? I have also watched a lot of programs on tv about the medicinal aspects and I must say that some of it was quit interesting to say that last and maybe that was His reason for creating the "herb" and if so I can surely live with it for that reason, but saying that it is not a gateway drug is BS as I know that my son dosen't even like alcohol so that wasn't his gateway drug...I know his choice was eliminated when the government cracked down on pills..

Back fifty years ago most of our cannabis came from Mexico. Mexican pot normally has around 10% THC. One of the most powerful cannabis varieties (white widow)has about 26-27% THC. While I don't argue that there are higher THC levels today than back then it isn't 20-30 times higher. Even back then if you knew someone that sold cannabis that was indoor grown you could find cannabis that was about the same as the best varieties today.
It doesn't bother me that other folks don't want to smoke. That is fine by me. What gets my hackles up is when they spew misinformation about smoking. Hell there are people who get addicted to eating bar soap. When I read where they say it is addictive, it kills me and people rob so they can get pot. This is the BS reasoning the government laid out when they first outlawed it. The bible thumpers didn't like people smoking and having a good time...No surprise there. The fact that it is even a schedule 1 narcotic is pretty crazy. The real problem is they really don't know how to control it. It grows wild and will grow almost anywhere. Once the greedy politicians in Washington figure out that there are tax dollars to be made watch out. It will be listed on the food pyramid.
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Slugger ,you are absolutely correct in your assertions! If these dopers defended this country,as strongly as they defend their holy herb, we wouldn't have to fire a shot against Isis ! We'd dazzle them with our facts and research on dope .to confuse and scare the hell out of them! Such brilliance as pot heads have ,let all of us non users to sleep soundly,knowing they've got our back and have all the answers! Mush headedness at its best ,by these macho,defensive pot(weed)heads!

Well sir I pulled 3 tours in a living hell along with some of the bravest heroes you could find , these patriots and I would go,wherever Uncle Sam sent us to defend the freedom to have your false opinions. Again not everyone who uses herbs are lazy bums.

Not that it makes it right or wrong, but how many tours have you pulled lawman1127?
Slugger ,you are absolutely correct in your assertions! If these dopers defended this country,as strongly as they defend their holy herb, we wouldn't have to fire a shot against Isis ! We'd dazzle them with our facts and research on dope .to confuse and scare the hell out of them! Such brilliance as pot heads have ,let all of us non users to sleep soundly,knowing they've got our back and have all the answers! Mush headedness at its best ,by these macho,defensive pot(weed)heads!

you would make a good fascist
Hey greasy,appreciate your service,and hope you had the same enthusiasm defending the country as you do dope. If it had been available in the 2nd world war or Korea,I'm sure both would have been over sooner,with more success ! If service exonerated you from dumb situations,I'm sure we wouldn't need MP's or cis in any branch. So as that great soldier Bubba Gump says,stupid is as stupid does!!
Hey greasy,appreciate your service,and hope you had the same enthusiasm defending the country as you do dope. If it had been available in the 2nd world war or Korea,I'm sure both would have been over sooner,with more success ! If service exonerated you from dumb situations,I'm sure we wouldn't need MP's or cis in any branch. So as that great soldier Bubba Gump says,stupid is as stupid does!!

Well first off herb was available in Korea because it's been here since the creation of this earth.

Second off dope is dope AND HERB IS HERB . One is natural and one is man made.

Third thing is I Don't make jokes about other wars or snide sarcastic statements about them.

And your right stupid is as stupid does. If a man buries his head in the sand when presented with facts time and time again then that's pretty f~€{ing stupid.
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Hey greasy,appreciate your service,and hope you had the same enthusiasm defending the country as you do dope. If it had been available in the 2nd world war or Korea,I'm sure both would have been over sooner,with more success ! If service exonerated you from dumb situations,I'm sure we wouldn't need MP's or cis in any branch. So as that great soldier Bubba Gump says,stupid is as stupid does!!
For someone so certain there is a definite lack of knowledge on display.
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You won't get an argument from me about pain pills/patches. I have seen first hand what they can do to people and it's horrible.

I'm not saying pot is some horrible drug like heroin or meth, but it's not completely harmless either. I've never met a pot head (a true stoner) that could smoke and say "hey, I wanna go bust my ass working for 8-12 hours". Medically it's not harmful, other than screwing with your lungs, and brain while high. It's harmful in the sense that for the majority of major smokers it takes their will to do anything productive away. All they want to do is get high and watch cartoons and pig out on junk food.
You are a fool. People like yourself are why this country is stuck in the stone age with a 2000 year old book. I wake up every day and smoke weed. Then do you know what I do 5 maybe 6 days a week? I go to work for 8-12 hours a day. I take a hit of weed and I run three miles 3 or 4 days a week. I take a hit of weed and I f*ck like a horse for a good 30 minutes.

Say a prayer for me or whatever
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Thank you for your concern and I wish it was as easy as you like to think it is, but you must realize, as I have, that an addicted person cannot be healed until they hit bottom...I have exhausted all the avenues and now have put it in God's hands...what I do know is that my son has a high tolerance for the way drugs affect him as told to me by friends that he has and as I'm sure many others do as...I know you are going to say I'm wrong, but I've read and watched to many shows that the weed today is about 30 times stronger today that it was back in my days because it has become such a science growing you deny that? I have also watched a lot of programs on tv about the medicinal aspects and I must say that some of it was quit interesting to say that last and maybe that was His reason for creating the "herb" and if so I can surely live with it for that reason, but saying that it is not a gateway drug is BS as I know that my son dosen't even like alcohol so that wasn't his gateway drug...I know his choice was eliminated when the government cracked down on pills..
Keep on bringing up your addict son in every thread that brings up pot. It wasn't the weed that got your son on crack or meth or whatever he is banging. It is probably his addictive personality. If it wasn't drugs it was going to be porn, food, or something else.
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