Hatcher arrested

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So it's ok to have a POUND of weed in your car? Isn't that a little much for personal consumption? The only thing I could imagine is he was getting a supply for his team members and himself. Incidentally, 81 MPH is about what ALL the cars travel on I-64 and I-75. I think the arresting officer could have been profiling.
Not really. It's cheaper if your buy quantity. But most people usually get it by the ounce or quarter pound when purchasing it for personal use to get it cheaper.

In Kentucky pot is decriminalized to a certain extent.

Your allowed to have up to eight ounces in a bag and it will be confiscated and you will pay a fine ($100 for first offense).

But, if you have an ounce in eight different bags, lots of cash, drug paraphernalia (papers, pipe, bong) then you can be charged with possession, sale and distribution as well as possession of drug paraphernalia.

Again, your still going to have whatever your arrested for on your criminal record. Not like you get off scott free. Either way law enforcement is going to want to know where you got the stuff regardless of how it is packaged.

Lesser amounts you won't even be questioned because they realize it's for personal use and it will be taken from you and you will be cited.

Sad that good people are subjected to these hypocritical laws and receive a criminal record when it is legal here and there but not in KY.
Probably past time to be kicked off of the team at UK. Dude's at the wrong school.
Tom Jurich on line one.....L1C4....Louisville 1st canibus 4ever.
Buh Bye.
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What are all of the health benefits,physical and mental,that make drug use so positive for family and society? Wonder why the 1950's and prior to the rebellious 60's ,the black families more than likely had two parents and less likely to have single mothers of whatever age? Also our prisons were less crowded,and we had less pawn shops! Such positive outcomes from all of these progressive ideas,with such an increase in truthfulness,honesty,and self discipline towards the law and self responsibility as a result of acceptance of drug use! What an enlightened country!
What are all of the health benefits,physical and mental,that make drug use so positive for family and society? Wonder why the 1950's and prior to the rebellious 60's ,the black families more than likely had two parents and less likely to have single mothers of whatever age? Also our prisons were less crowded,and we had less pawn shops! Such positive outcomes from all of these progressive ideas,with such an increase in truthfulness,honesty,and self discipline towards the law and self responsibility as a result of acceptance of drug use! What an enlightened country!

were there really fewer pawn shops in the 50s?

single-parent black households and burgeoning prison populations are largely attributable to the war on drugs. the drugs themselves, for the most part, existed before woodstock and integration and other things you evidently bemoan
Here in the real world we do not measure success by how many pawn shops are in business. Truthfully the war on drugs hasn't stopped or even slowed down drug use or availability, so,what's your suggestion? More police? More jails? The same thing that happened to the speakeasies and the gangsters who ran them, is the same thing that would happen to illegal weed.

Save your talk about lazy people on welfare b/c for every person you show me in that state I'll show you 2 business men, or athletes or politicians who use or have used weed. I can tell you about army Rangers who used their whole tour, I can tell you about half your community hooked on Xanex , when all they had to do to relieve the stress is take a few puffs. But you would rather see a person hooked on a legal drug that takes weeks to detox from, than to recognize the benefits of a harmless herb that has no detox time. It's bull headed COP think that is half the problem in this country, and this kinda short sighted thinking keeps filling up our prisons.

To paraphrase Genesis 1:12 " I have given you all the plants and seed bearing herbs that yield seed in and of its kind , and these are good" . Not some of these are good, not this one is bad and the others are good, but THESE ARE GOOD. Herbs are good for many this , many afflictions science has proved this time and time again. JAMA has along with many health experts stated the benefits , yet some people refuse to yield to the truth. They are married to their jobs in law enforcement and just love to strip people of their rights. The very cops taking people in for petty offenses like this are the same cops who will cover up their fellow cops criminal activity.

Also some families would have two parents if the local SS officer never hauled some kids dad off to jail for a harmless herb. See sometimes a decision of mercy and keeping the bigger picture in mind need to take place rather than putting fathers and mothers in cuffs for petty rules like this. The same people complaining about lack of two parents are the same ones throwing them in a jail for bull$hi+.
I'm not for people staying smoked out and high every waking minute of the day, but just like the local tavern serves whiskey or beer and people have the choice to stop in OR NOT, they should have the choice to inhale some herb if they so choose.

I'm far more old school than this belief would lead people on here to believe , I'm just so tired of the misinformation and bull$h!+ being spewed here. I'd also like to say I no longer smoke , but did for 20 plus years of serving my country and never had a problem for one second when I decided to stop. Stereotypes do not always apply. Every dude getting high does not look like Cheech and Chong , now days they would look more like Rand Paul or Russsel Wilson. I know decorated soldiers and real life heroes who smoke daily, so don't try to paint the average user as some welfare recipient who won't hit a lick, b/c they could work your face in the dirt and be ready for 10 others after doing so. Machines who like to decompress from time to time and should not have to worry about the doughnut eating squad kicking in the door with a no knock search warrant.
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"There's nothing wrong with smoking a little pot". Tell that to the millions of people who get hooked on harder and harder drugs.
I don't have to have it to get by on life and unless you are physically ill for some reason you don't either. People use this crap excuse all the time of life is so hard and I can't take the pressure of my job bs. Grow up or grow a pair , then get on with your life.
It against the damn law, end of story. The only reason I would like to see it's use is for medical reasons only.
My son started smoking this crap and it led to more and more until someone talked him into trying something more powerful and he was hooked. I don't condone his use of it either and I had been warning him from the time he was just a few years old. Now he has wasted most of his young life taking illegal chit to cope with life, for what.
It's the same way with drinking to much and some people can and some people can not handle it. It starts to be a habit and grows from there.
hatcher is already kicked off the team

there is no parallel

please shove your unwarranted condescension
It's fun being obtuse when convenient.

The parallel is respective fans finding/manufacturing excuses to warrant bad behavior exhibited by better players within respective programs. Whether or not the player in question has been removed from the team/punished for the action is a non sequitur. The action in question and its subsequent fan toleration is the object of concern, not the consequences.

As for my condescension... I learned it by watching you. I simply inferred this to be your preferred means of communication, that is to say via succinct elitist quips of thick sarcasm and implied derision. Are you now insinuating that what is good for the goose is not adequate for the gander?
Honestly put , I feel for,your son and for you Ky grandpa and certainly hope things get lined out.

On the other hand the gateway theory always points the finger at herb, when most of the time kids truly start off with alcohol long before anything else. Some start with stealing a cigarette, but no one will ever speak out to criminalize either of those.

I'm all for anyone having a set of balls and self control as well, and pulling themselves up by the boot straps , but I speak from experience when I say that weed is far safer than all the other garbage that's out there today and its medicinal qualities should not be withheld from those who need it.

I had an uncle who was in several tours in Veitnam and the only piece he could find was through this herb that God put on the earth. When the bottle caused him to much trouble he secluded himself and treated his nightmares with the best thing he could. ......and that wasn't any kind of addictive pill/s it was an herb.
With all due respect, the point all of you drug apologizers miss , is that there is nothing beneficial to illicit drug use and it's conseqences, or for that matter abuse of alcohol or cigarettes. What's offensive is your rationalizations on any mind altering drug, in that there is no harm. Certainly family members,social workers,and law enforcement officials/ medical professionals can testify to the destruction that these products create. As far as pawn shops, yes there were substantially less pawn shops in the fifties that now. Why? We didn't have as many addicts stealing grandparents jewelry or their neighbors lawnmower or tools. Ask any body in law enforcement about the increased crime rate,and it is drugs. Not possession ,just the dumb ass,brain dead actions as result of drug use,Not acohol or cigarettes! As far as the black family is concerned,it was the well intentioned war on poverty,that quickly morphed in to ,don't have a nuclear family and you get a government check! It's a fact along with the explosion on unwed mothers! I lived through it and don't need some expert to explain to me,like what's on here. I used to trick or treat on Bourbon street in Lexington when I was 8 year old white boy.Look up that location and try that today,had many friend friends and families there. Your ignorance of a more stable time for the black family shows!
Saw this one coming from a mile away. I posted sometime last season when Hatcher got hurt that he shouldn't be out too long with all of the "medical marijuana" he had been smoking and I got drilled by a few posters on here. The boy was stoned out of his mind at a small house party I was at the night of the UT game last year. Hopefully he gets it together and gets a chance at the next level. He was given numerous chances while he was here.
I'll address one last issue about drugs and Woodstock,since I was at UK. My freshman year,1963, some KA fraternity members beat the crap out of a fellow member at a party I was at. His offense,caught him smoking pot in the bathroom! Only drug use became a common occurrence in the late sixties and not generally accepted or thought to be cool thing. Vietnam and the Viet Cong,who supplied the troops, along with the mainstream media,which glamorized and disemanated broadly the myth about drugs. The counter culture and Vietnam war created a hyper volatile situation along with the media,to propagandize the benign features of mind altering drugs. So like any good marketing program, the media and counter culture merged to create the impression that if you didn't use,you weren't hip! As we found out,we're reaping the whirl wind! So let's all do it! It's hip!(sarcasm)
I have seen far more crimes such as rape and vehicular homicide come from alcohol than weed. Other drugs might lead to pawn shops bursting out the seems but I will bet you anything they are not stealing old ladies purses to go score weed. That's silly to believe it or argue that weed is the problem. So in a way it would seem that we agree. Because the dumb ass brain dead actions of some heroin junkie or some idiot on nerve pills is far worse than a person at home using weed. A natural herb is not a hard drug, and that's what many from the 40s and 50s do not understand. The face of a weed user is that of some hippie from Woodstock or a draft dodger, and that's not today's reality.

I'm all for a two,parent home as well, one with a male parent and a female parent if you know what I mean, but this attack on an herb because of past stigmas is just wrong.

We talk about taxes and jobs and rebuilding the states infrastructure but not having the funds to do it with, but with one stroke of the pen we could legalize this and have the billions in taxes built up to further our states needs. Jobs and education will keep the vast majority's for kids off of hard drugs. The taxes picked up from sin tax alone could go toward free education. Imagine the money that could be saved. No money taken to fund the eradication of weed , no taxes placed on people so we can pay cops, judges and prosecutors or jails and the medical needs of those in jail, over weed. That alone saves millions, and that's before you have a corporate tax, a sin tax and all the income tax placed on the industry. In a state that needs money and jobs and education opportunities it would seem the smart thing to do to,legalize being as peole who want to smoke it will find it anyway. But that would be to simple, we would rather waste money and keep the Gestapo in jobs, keep the modern day Jim Crow laws in place .

"We got a kinder and gentler machine gun hand."
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A pound is a really large amount of weed. Not a good look for the coaching staff to have a guy on the team dealing at that level.
Greasy, he wasn't at home. He was on the road speeding and smoking the score in the car. He made his last bad decision as a Wildcat. He let a lot of people and his former teammates down big time. He was not justified in any way, period.
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If you're from greasy creek in a certain county,I understand your defense of weed. Weed industry in that area was/is big time! Still doesn't make it right,and I'll say one more time,who has a family member in county jail administration,98% of the inmates in jail are there,for crimes arising out of drug use,not acohol or cigarettes. Possession is not the criminal act they were arrested for,but the dumb ass,stupid act that they perpetrated to buy another hit,toke,fix,whatever! Good luck in your world or creek!
Can't disagree ageit , it was a boneheaded move b/c it is illegal to be burning and speeding .. Just saying he should not lose his chances at plying his trade as a pro, and I'm saying it shouldn't be illegal in the first place.
No problem lawman 1127 , we see things differently. I've got a degree in social work and corrections and have besides army worked many jobs within the field. Can't disagree well over half are in ther for drugs. My point is they should not be in jail for weed. Real simple.
Another victim of the harmless herb.

Funny how Obama, Bush and Clinton were all users of this herb and it never crumbled their lives into pieces.

Just a shame that a legal substance in our nations capital, will no doubt ruin the career of a promising future. What a disgrace.
Your an idiot. The three you mentioned are not role models for my kids.
So it's ok to have a POUND of weed in your car? Isn't that a little much for personal consumption? The only thing I could imagine is he was getting a supply for his team members and himself. Incidentally, 81 MPH is about what ALL the cars travel on I-64 and I-75. I think the arresting officer could have been profiling.

Yes, the cop was probably profiling him, at 1am. Oh, wait, it's pretty dark at 1am...
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The only reason weed had destroyed many lives is because it is illegal when it should not be. It creates an unnecessary and unfair criminal record for a person who otherwise is a good, productive citizen and because of that they are looked at as a criminal.

Like another poster said, it is legal in our nations capital, where all our laws are determined. How hypocritical is that for the rest of the nations citizens.
You are wrong.
Drug abuse, cheating on college tests, alcohol abuse, uncontrolled abusive behavior, damaged childhoods, mental issues and sexual deviant actions are but a few of the issues college football coaches face. The name of the game in SEC football is win and win now. Athletic department budgets, booster donations, TV ratings and full stadiums depend on winning.

While abusive behavior, drug abuse et al can't be hidden in today's social media world, second, third and fourth chances abound.

In time, Jason Hatcher may undergo rehab, counseling and reorientation to prepare him to play football again. The same happens everywhere including professional sports.

At the end of the day, Mr. Hatcher's career is just beginning. Lawyers, hangers on and rehab organizations will back Mr. Hatcher's rehab to allow him to play again, UK will be made the bad guy as they didn't recognize the need to assist his addictions rehab and give him another chance to be a productive student. After all, there are those who will want a piece of Mr. Hatcher and then leave him to face life alone. And, the cycle begins again.
To be clear I hate this man messed up and will never get to realize his true potential but this whole trafficking thing is a conudrum as well.

Is this stuff just supposed to magically appear or would someone have to provide it? It is provided in Colorado now is the violent crimes any worse there then it is here or South Dakota? So why are we worried about those who provide the same service in a state that does not have " dispenseires ".

Let's wait 10 years and then draw our conclusions.
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You seem to have swallowed the propaganda. Heavy narcotic? The pain pills we prescribe millions of people that lead to 44 overdose deaths every day in this county are heavy narcotics. Marijuana is not a "heavy narcotic." States with medical marijuana, for instance, have had significant reductions in overdose deaths. The most likely way for weed to "destroy a life" is through criminal penalties. Marijuana is less dangerous and destructive than alcohol, tobacco, prescription opioids, benzos, and other pharmaceuticals. Its decriminalization is completely arbitrary and now it's illegal because it's bad and it's bad because it's illegal. I'm not talking about "a few outliers who are able to succeed." That's a ridiculous statement. Marijuana is no serious impediment to success in most users apart from the threats of criminal penalties. That lazy losers choose weed over work isn't an indictment of weed any more than the existence of the people I knew who failed out of school because they spent all their time playing WoW is an indictment of video games. Lazy losers are going to be lazy losers, and they're the ones who are going to be visible when an activity is illegal - all the millions of responsible, hardworking people are keeping it mum because of the threat of criminal and social penalties.

Millions! LOL, make it up as you go, you could probably write a book. You could be a legend.
Drug abuse, cheating on college tests, alcohol abuse, uncontrolled abusive behavior, damaged childhoods, mental issues and sexual deviant actions are but a few of the issues college football coaches face. The name of the game in SEC football is win and win now. Athletic department budgets, booster donations, TV ratings and full stadiums depend on winning.

While abusive behavior, drug abuse et al can't be hidden in today's social media world, second, third and fourth chances abound.

In time, Jason Hatcher may undergo rehab, counseling and reorientation to prepare him to play football again. The same happens everywhere including professional sports.

At the end of the day, Mr. Hatcher's career is just beginning. Lawyers, hangers on and rehab organizations will back Mr. Hatcher's rehab to allow him to play again, UK will be made the bad guy as they didn't recognize the need to assist his addictions rehab and give him another chance to be a productive student. After all, there are those who will want a piece of Mr. Hatcher and then leave him to face life alone. And, the cycle begins again.
No one with any sense will ever make Uk out to be the bad guy here. Even the potheads on hear are acknowledging that he had to be let go for not following team rules. I'm not picking on you SanAntonio, I'm just responding to your post, but everyone on this board seems to be a bit dramatic on this issue. We can all disagree about whether pot should be legal without saying it is ok vs. you will be addicted to heroin if you try it. I've seen both sides. But that doesn't mean that is the norm. I think everyone should be able to agree that abusing anything, alcohol, pot, cigarettes, twinkies, chocolate..... is bad for you and can lead you into a bad place that will make your parents disappointed. The fact is, this kid was told to quit doing something by a school that was offering him a free education and a chance to earn a living playing a game. He did not listen, so he gets what he deserves. His (ex)teammates should whip his ass because his actions could very well cost them next year because his absence will be felt on the field. He has been selfish since he got here. I also notice that while everyone criticizes the running back that went to Alabama that never committed here, everyone was very happy when this kid that was committed to USC picked Kentucky and dissed them. No one called him a traitor because it helped us. Now, people are trying to justify him breaking rules. The homerism really makes it hard at times.
It's fun being obtuse when convenient.

The parallel is respective fans finding/manufacturing excuses to warrant bad behavior exhibited by better players within respective programs.

hatcher isn't even that good. the parallel isn't there

you people deserve my condescension
The only reason weed had destroyed many lives is because it is illegal when it should not be. It creates an unnecessary and unfair criminal record for a person who otherwise is a good, productive citizen and because of that they are looked at as a criminal.

Like another poster said, it is legal in our nations capital, where all our laws are determined. How hypocritical is that for the rest of the nations citizens.

Most people who smoke weed already most likely had terrible lives to begin with.

I don't care if its legal in DC. It shouldn't be legal period.

I do know sadly one day it will be legal in all 50 states. And that's too bad because its not a harmless drug. Isn't "harmless drug" an oxymoron anyway?

Once weed is legal will cocaine be made legal? Or Heroine etc... Its a slippery slope. If you legalize one drug why not legalize them all?
I have seen far more crimes such as rape and vehicular homicide come from alcohol than weed. Other drugs might lead to pawn shops bursting out the seems but I will bet you anything they are not stealing old ladies purses to go score weed. That's silly to believe it or argue that weed is the problem. So in a way it would seem that we agree. Because the dumb ass brain dead actions of some heroin junkie or some idiot on nerve pills is far worse than a person at home using weed. A natural herb is not a hard drug, and that's what many from the 40s and 50s do not understand. The face of a weed user is that of some hippie from Woodstock or a draft dodger, and that's not today's reality.

I'm all for a two,parent home as well, one with a male parent and a female parent if you know what I mean, but this attack on an herb because of past stigmas is just wrong.

We talk about taxes and jobs and rebuilding the states infrastructure but not having the funds to do it with, but with one stroke of the pen we could legalize this and have the billions in taxes built up to further our states needs. Jobs and education will keep the vast majority's for kids off of hard drugs. The taxes picked up from sin tax alone could go toward free education. Imagine the money that could be saved. No money taken to fund the eradication of weed , no taxes placed on people so we can pay cops, judges and prosecutors or jails and the medical needs of those in jail, over weed. That alone saves millions, and that's before you have a corporate tax, a sin tax and all the income tax placed on the industry. In a state that needs money and jobs and education opportunities it would seem the smart thing to do to,legalize being as peole who want to smoke it will find it anyway. But that would be to simple, we would rather waste money and keep the Gestapo in jobs, keep the modern day Jim Crow laws in place .

"We got a kinder and gentler machine gun hand."

You really believe all that you just wrote or just hoping dope becomes legalized? Legalizing dope isn't the answer to our budget woes. I would have to be shown data to believe it generated enough tax revenue to fund the added number added to welfare rolls.
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Then what is the answer to our budget woes grumpy? More jails, more cops, more families torn apart b/c a parent smoked an herb?

The fact is weed will be available even when people like you make it a crime . So why not get a threefold tax benefit from it along with the savings for not pursuing all the arrests and prosecutions.

Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it. Does prohibition not come to mind here? Will we not learn from it, or just bury are head in the sand. And herb is not dope , dope,is the handfuls of pills you people's guzzle everyday, but you,tell yourself it's OK and your better than the guy up,the street who,likes to inhale some smoke from time to time. Meanwhile your hooked on the worst pharmaceuticals in all the land.

Make no mistake there are millions and millions in taxes to support whatever a state would put it towards ,generated from a legalized herb. And in one of theorist states in the nation I think creating jobs is a good thing. None of this back and forth means much right now because in a decade these dinasours who oppose this freedom will be overran , and life will be much better for anyone involved on either side of the issue.
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Try not doing it! Just like not eating poison mushrooms or berries,playing in traffic,putting a loaded gun to your head,jumping off a 100 story building! Stupid is as stupid does!!
Yes, the cop was probably profiling him, at 1am. Oh, wait, it's pretty dark at 1am...

The cop saw a large SUV. I haven't seen a picture of Hatcher's ride, but would be willing to bet it had tinted windows. Cops HATE tinted windows.

If you don't think the police target certain kinds of vehicles more than others, then you haven't been around many police officers. I'm not saying the officer knew it was Hatcher's car when he decided to pull him over, but I AM saying there were likely several other vehicles passing the officer at excessive speeds before Hatcher drove by and he decided to pursue Hatcher. Why his vehicle and not one of the other vehicles?

Cops are more aggressive about pulling over cars going 15 mph or more above the speed limit because the chances of the charges sticking are much higher. I've witnessed many times an officer letting speeders pass by because he or she was waiting for a car going 15+ mph over the limit. Since the cop is going to have to spend an hour filling out paperwork after he makes a stop, why not expend your energy on a stop that's more likely to stick? Was this cop doing just that, but saw an SUV drive by that in his mind was more likely to be driven by a bad actor and chose to use the speeding charge as an excuse to pull it over and go fishing for bigger charges? I think that had to be a factor.

Keep in mind I think Hatcher had blown his many chances with Coach Stoops and more or less deserved to be booted from the team. I'm not weighing in on whether or not pot should be legal.

And the IQ of the idiot who said I must think rape is ok and accused me of being a Tennessee fan because I said the traffic stop was fishy must put him on the dull level, if not down at the feeble minded level.
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Then what is the answer to our budget woes grumpy? More jails, more cops, more families torn apart b/c a parent smoked an herb?

The fact is weed will be available even when people like you make it a crime . So why not get a threefold tax benefit from it along with the savings for not pursuing all the arrests and prosecutions.
I'm sure you will deny this, but I would bet that 99.9% of all heroin addicts smokkedThose who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it. Does prohibition not come to mind here? Will we not learn from it, or just bury are head in the sand. And herb is not dope , dope,is the handfuls of pills you people's guzzle everyday, but you,tell yourself it's OK and your better than the guy up,the street who,likes to inhale some smoke from time to time. Meanwhile your hooked on the worst pharmaceuticals in all the land.

Make no mistake there are millions and millions in taxes to support whatever a state would put it towards ,generated from a legalized herb. And in one of theorist states in the nation I think creating jobs is a good thing. None of this back and forth means much right now because in a decade these dinasours who oppose this freedom will be overran , and life will be much better for anyone involved on either side of the issue.
I'm sure you will deny this , but I would bet that 99.9% of all heroin addicts first drug of choice was weed...what say you ? As some said earlier you can drink beer and bourbon without the intention of getting drunk, BUT you CANNOT smoke weed without getting high or wasted and it is not option
The cop saw a large SUV. I haven't seen a picture of Hatcher's ride, but would be willing to bet it had tinted windows. Cops HATE tinted windows.

If you don't think the police target certain kinds of vehicles more than others, then you haven't been around many police officers. I'm not saying the officer knew it was Hatcher's car when he decided to pull him over, but I AM saying there were likely several other vehicles passing the officer at excessive speeds before Hatcher drove by and he decided to pursue Hatcher. Why his vehicle and not one of the other vehicles?

Cops are more aggressive about pulling over cars going 15 mph or more above the speed limit because the chances of the charges sticking are much higher. I've witnessed many times an officer letting speeders pass by because he or she was waiting for a car going 15+ mph over the limit. Since the cop is going to have to spend an hour filling out paperwork after he makes a stop, why not expend your energy on a stop that's more likely to stick? Was this cop doing just that, but saw an SUV drive by that in his mind was more likely to be driven by a bad actor and chose to use the speeding charge as an excuse to pull it over and go fishing for bigger charges? I think that had to be a factor.

Keep in mind I think Hatcher had blown his many chances with Coach Stoops and more or less deserved to be booted from the team. I'm not weighing in on whether or not pot should be legal.

And the IQ of the idiot who said I must think rape is ok and accused me of being a Tennessee fan because I said the traffic stop was fishy must put him on the dull level, if not down at the feeble minded level.

Is this a serious post? Seriously? You admitted you don't even know if he has tinted windows and yet you rambled on about it. I've owned a SUV for over 10 years with dark tinted windows and I've been pulled over 2x during that span because of speeding. I don't think I was I was targeted nor do I believe police think that everybody that drives SUVs with tinted windows are "bad actors". In case you haven't noticed, there are a lot of SUVs on the road with tinted windows.

How do you know the officer didn't pull over other cars? Were you in the car with Hatcher? Were you hanging out on the interstate on Monday night at 1am?

Cops spend an hour filling out paperwork for a speeding ticket? Wow, I didn't know that.
Is this a serious post? Seriously? You admitted you don't even know if he has tinted windows and yet you rambled on about it. I've owned a SUV for over 10 years with dark tinted windows and I've been pulled over 2x during that span because of speeding. I don't think I was I was targeted nor do I believe police think that everybody that drives SUVs with tinted windows are "bad actors". In case you haven't noticed, there are a lot of SUVs on the road with tinted windows.

How do you know the officer didn't pull over other cars? Were you in the car with Hatcher? Were you hanging out on the interstate on Monday night at 1am?

Cops spend an hour filling out paperwork for a speeding ticket? Wow, I didn't know that.
Alright then sport. Since you're an expert on the topic, why don't you test it out for us by speeding at least 10 miles an hour over the speed limit in the same part of I-64 at 1am every night for a month and report back to us.

I lose faith in the intelligence and reading comprehension skills of society every time I read a post like yours.
I can tell you first hand beer and wine and liquor comes long before weed on the progression of drug use. It's a fact. And I personally never tried any thing harder than weed , except for the few times a dentist wrote pain medications or Doctor and that was not my reason for going to see them.

And your right every time I smoked weed there was an effort to,get high, that was the reason for doing it. What the hell,is your point. And why would you drink Vodka or tequila if you do not want to get drunk? Oh let me guess b/ c nothing tastes quite as great as tequila . That's one of the biggest lies I've ever heard on here. Or are you Don Draper just drinking to look cool . No you drink to catch a buzz or smoke herb to catch a buzz, they are one in the same.
Do you have any first hand experience with this drug thing? I'm assuming you "inhale":smiley:so you may or may not understand..have two of my children heavy involved--one heroin and one pills, alcohol and weed and both their lives are a total mess and yes they both started with "only" smoking weed and they would argue with me that it was no big deal, but guess what, it has and now they are both a burden to society. My thing is if you are all in with legalization then are you also all in on taking care of them while they can't hold jobs and paying for rehab treatment for all those that become addicted because unless you have your head buried in the sand then surely you must realize that ALL drugs, including alcohol, are stupid and are one of the biggest blots on this society...
Slugger, sorry about your children. I'm sure that has caused a lot of worry in your family. I hope they find their way out of their addictions.

I think you make an interesting point here. I am very much a Constitutional Conservative, pretty close to Libertarian. I believe in the founding father's vision of individual liberty, so I have long been in favor of choice on the matter of drugs. However, this country has drifted so far away from individual liberty that I have been questioning some of my thoughts on legalization of drugs. The problem is in a society where we have liberty, it is not as much of a problem to have legal drugs. When someone ruins their life with drug use, the cost of taking care of them and rehabilitating them doesn't spill over to you and me by force. If I choose to contribute toward those organizations that perform those functions, fine. But it would be my choice, not the governments. They would operate as charities or as facilities where the family has to pay the cost. However, in our society, we have forced charity, which runs counter to individual liberty. With forced charity, people think they have the right to tell other people what they can and can't do because they ultimately are forced to pay for the consequences of some ones bad decisions. Perhaps they should have that right if they are forced to pay the cost. Liberty is a great tool for providing an incentive for people to make good decisions because it forces you to take individual responsibility for your actions. That being said, I think there is an argument for society deciding what is legal and illegal if they are going to be the ones who ultimately pay the costs when people make poor decisions.
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