Hatcher arrested

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Slugger ,you are absolutely correct in your assertions! If these dopers defended this country,as strongly as they defend their holy herb, we wouldn't have to fire a shot against Isis ! We'd dazzle them with our facts and research on dope .to confuse and scare the hell out of them! Such brilliance as pot heads have ,let all of us non users to sleep soundly,knowing they've got our back and have all the answers! Mush headedness at its best ,by these macho,defensive pot(weed)heads!
Those mush heads in Colorado and Washington are ruining the country!!!11! All that darn tax money is going to send us to HELL. First class ticket to Lucifer I tell ya
You are a fool. People like yourself are why this country is stuck in the stone age with a 2000 year old book. I wake up every day and smoke weed. Then do you know what I do 5 maybe 6 days a week? I go to work for 8-12 hours a day. I take a hit of weed and I run three miles 3 or 4 days a week. I take a hit of weed and I f*ck like a horse for a good 30 minutes.

Say a prayer for me or whatever

I'm very sorry that you lack reading comprehension skills. If you had followed this thread or my post at all you would have seen that I made it a point to say that not all where the same, and based my reasoning on personal experience with people.

So as I made it a point several times to make sure it wasn't a blanket statement and all inclusive, you made it a point to assume that I was a bible thumper who opposed weed. I smoked while in high school and enjoyed it as a child. But please continue making comments like you did, i find it rather amusing when people make complete asses of themselves.
It didn't take the whole thread to find ignorance in your posts. It took reading one thing that you wrote. I am just here to bring you and all of the other grandparents in this thread to the light.

That's outstanding, couldn't take the time to be well informed in this thread, but bash others for not being informed or having different beliefs. You're a real winner, huh? Grandparents, lmao! I'm probably younger than you. Ignorance...Ignorance is thinking that your views and opinions are absolute fact, and the only way, that is ignorance. Like I have stated several times in the thread that you must be too lazy to read, I have conceded and agreed with some opposing views, but keep on being an arrogant ass that makes assumptions, you are doing wonders for your cause. lol
Slugger ,you are absolutely correct in your assertions! If these dopers defended this country,as strongly as they defend their holy herb, we wouldn't have to fire a shot against Isis ! We'd dazzle them with our facts and research on dope .to confuse and scare the hell out of them! Such brilliance as pot heads have ,let all of us non users to sleep soundly,knowing they've got our back and have all the answers! Mush headedness at its best ,by these macho,defensive pot(weed)heads!
What?!?! Oh my gosh, talk about wholesale puritanism at its finest. H. L. Mencken warned us about you and your maniacal band of prohibitionists. Good grief!

Meanwhile, we'd rather crucify some promising young kid who gets busted for a little weed rather than confront real problems facing this country.
What?!?! Oh my gosh, talk about wholesale puritanism at its finest. H. L. Mencken warned us about you and your maniacal band of prohibitionists. Good grief!

Meanwhile, we'd rather crucify some promising young kid who gets busted for a little weed rather than confront real problems facing this country.

Back to the original point of this's not about anyone's personal stance on pot. Hatcher knew the rules and he broke them, not once, not twice, but three times. If you can't follow simple rules, then you have no business being in the position you are/were in.
That's outstanding, couldn't take the time to be well informed in this thread, but bash others for not being informed or having different beliefs. You're a real winner, huh? Grandparents, lmao! I'm probably younger than you. Ignorance...Ignorance is thinking that your views and opinions are absolute fact, and the only way, that is ignorance. Like I have stated several times in the thread that you must be too lazy to read, I have conceded and agreed with some opposing views, but keep on being an arrogant ass that makes assumptions, you are doing wonders for your cause. lol
The only FACTS that I provided were about my life, which I informed you that I smoked weed and work every day. Stop fabricating an argument and accept that your views about pot are wrong.

EDIT: wrong AND stone aged
I'll have to admit I've learned a lot in this thread. I've learned that if your a dope defender,you certainly live in an alternative world,with different logic,facts, and what is good for your health! I'm cool with whatever you potheads want to do,hopefully your children will be smarter than their parents! Great example to your children to get stoned when you feel under stress! The alcohol equivalent ,is to get a little drunk. Either way,courageous way to handle adversity. Contrary to your strongly held defense of dope, it's just stupid to use and promote, just like drinking to get drunk,or smoking 2-3 packs a day of cigarettes! As I said ,if you have children,hope their smarter than you genius "parents"!
I'll have to admit I've learned a lot in this thread. I've learned that if your a dope defender,you certainly live in an alternative world,with different logic,facts, and what is good for your health! I'm cool with whatever you potheads want to do,hopefully your children will be smarter than their parents! Great example to your children to get stoned when you feel under stress! The alcohol equivalent ,is to get a little drunk. Either way,courageous way to handle adversity. Contrary to your strongly held defense of dope, it's just stupid to use and promote, just like drinking to get drunk,or smoking 2-3 packs a day of cigarettes! As I said ,if you have children,hope their smarter than you genius "parents"!
If you personally do not need weed, cigarettes, or alcohol to "take off the edge" then kudos to you, my friend. The main point in this thread is this. If you are an adult (21+) you should be able to smoke and possess weed in the same manor that you would alcohol or cigarettes. It is less harmful than both on your mind and body.

The same people in this thread that are bitching about potheads are the same losers that are keeping most of the counties in this fine state "dry". Its 2016. Gays can get married, Bruce is a woman but Ill be damned if a kid who beats his body up EVERY DAY can't smoke a damn hog leg.
The only FACTS that I provided were about my life, which I informed you that I smoked weed and work every day. Stop fabricating an argument and accept that your views about pot are wrong.

EDIT: wrong AND stone aged

I'm so very sorry, I must have forgot the CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am amazed and astonished at the level of success you have achieved from your weed intake and amazing work schedule.

That make you feel better?

So you base your "facts" on personal experience, but others aren't afforded the same? Hmmmm

Please continue telling us all how your life experience is so much more important than everyone elses. :popcorn:
I said "it MAKES YOU SOUND LIKE a douche-bag", which is different than saying "IT MAKES YOU A DOUCHE-BAG". I apologize though, I should have been more clear.
Ok, so it makes me a douche bag. Hell you can print anything you like. But I stick with you being an asshole. I prefer someone who is a douche vs and being a total ass....go look in the mirror punk.
People have been doing stupid s""t since the beginning of time! What you cited is a perfect example of that stupid sh!t!
I'm so very sorry, I must have forgot the CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am amazed and astonished at the level of success you have achieved from your weed intake and amazing work schedule.

That make you feel better?

So you base your "facts" on personal experience, but others aren't afforded the same? Hmmmm

Please continue telling us all how your life experience is so much more important than everyone elses. :popcorn:

Should I have introduced myself first? Because you said...

I'm not saying pot is some horrible drug like heroin or meth, but it's not completely harmless either. I've never met a pot head (a true stoner) that could smoke and say "hey, I wanna go bust my ass working for 8-12 hours". .

...I would be willing to bet that you know quite a few people who "bust their ass" working 8-12 hours a day. They just don't/can't talk about it because why would they? Pot doesn't stop people from being productive. It would probably stop you from being an elderly asshole though.

Who says " hey, I wanna go bust my ass working for 8-12 hours" anyway? Does anybody WANT to do that? No. It seems you are the one who is out of touch with reality.
I'll have to admit I've learned a lot in this thread. I've learned that if your a dope defender,you certainly live in an alternative world,with different logic,facts, and what is good for your health! I'm cool with whatever you potheads want to do,hopefully your children will be smarter than their parents! Great example to your children to get stoned when you feel under stress! The alcohol equivalent ,is to get a little drunk. Either way,courageous way to handle adversity. Contrary to your strongly held defense of dope, it's just stupid to use and promote, just like drinking to get drunk,or smoking 2-3 packs a day of cigarettes! As I said ,if you have children,hope their smarter than you genius "parents"!
So you think if anybody holds a different view than yours they are a "pothead". That sir is very good evidence you are an obstinate ideologue so vain that you are beyond learning. I don't agree with your ignorant views ( I showed how your ideas about gateway drugs was declared to be wrong in a report to congress) and I don't smoke pot. Next you'll be spouting about freedom and associated propaganda.
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So you think if anybody holds a different view than yours they are a "pothead". That sir is very good evidence you are an obstinate ideologue so vain that you are beyond learning. I don't agree with your ignorant views ( I showed how your ideas about gateway drugs was declared to be wrong in a report to congress) and I don't smoke pot. Next you'll be spouting about freedom and associated propaganda.
You have to understand. That's what they were raised to believe in their time.
Should I have introduced myself first? Because you said...

...I would be willing to bet that you know quite a few people who "bust their ass" working 8-12 hours a day. They just don't/can't talk about it because why would they? Pot doesn't stop people from being productive. It would probably stop you from being an elderly asshole though.

Who says " hey, I wanna go bust my ass working for 8-12 hours" anyway? Does anybody WANT to do that? No. It seems you are the one who is out of touch with reality.

Ahhhh...another wonderful millennial. Such an amazing group of children. Have fun voting for Bernie, he will GIVE you everything you need.
I'm glad you depend on the government and congress for your information/justification . That's all any well informed person needs ! I'm not obstinate,I just don't swallow the bullsh#t like you do about the merits of drugs! By the way, I do drink beer and whiskey, but not if there's a problem I need to resolve. Better, not to be drunk or stoned when you're trying to apply logic or common sense to making the best decision you can. I know this is a foreign concept to a lot of you. As far as ideologues, you dopers have cornered the market on that, your defensive posture on the virtues of weed and dope,certainly confirms this! We'll conclude by saying,we'll agree to disagree on this subject and or the merits. I think the status of the family and society norms are evidence enough for any unbiased observer, to say things are effed up!
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Society is messed up , but that cannot be laid at the feet of herb users.

Mostly I think it's screwed up b/c of bull headed morons who can have a journal full of research from a couple hundred doctors laid at their feet, but they race to insert their heads in the sand b/c it does not line up with the info their brain washed minds have been fed.
I'm glad you depend on the government and congress for your information/justification . That's all any well informed person needs ! I'm not obstinate,I just don't swallow the bullsh#t like you do about the merits of drugs! By the way, I do drink beer and whiskey, but not if there's a problem I need to resolve. Better, not to be drunk or stoned when you're trying to apply logic or common sense to making the best decision you can. I know this is a foreign concept to a lot of you. As far as ideologues, you dopers have cornered the market on that, your defensive posture on the virtues of weed and dope,certainly confirms this! We'll conclude by saying,we'll agree to disagree on this subject and or the merits. I think the status of the family and society norms are evidence enough for any unbiased observer, to say things are effed up!

I would argue that things being effed up have more to do with big Pharm companies pumping out the pain and nerve pills to anyone that asks for it. I know people getting 150 xan a month. What happens when they cut them back or they decide that the patient no longer needs those pills? They go crazy and start doing whatever they can do get their hands on some.

Legalizing weed would replace nerve pills, pain pills, appetite pills, sleep pills, etc

It would cut back on crime. It would save AND earn tax dollars. It would stop ruining the lives of young, black americans such as Jason Hatcher for getting high. I buy a quarter pound at a time in most instances. It saves me money and it saves me from being at my dealers house too often.
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I would argue that things being effed up have more to do with big Pharm companies pumping out the pain and nerve pills to anyone that asks for it. I know people getting 150 xan a month. What happens when they cut them back or they decide that the patient no longer needs those pills? They go crazy and start doing whatever they can do get their hands on some.

Legalizing weed would replace nerve pills, pain pills, appetite pills, sleep pills, etc

It would cut back on crime. It would save AND earn tax dollars. It would stop ruining the lives of young, black americans such as Jason Hatcher for getting high. I buy a quarter pound at a time in most instances. It saves me money and it saves me from being at my dealers house too often.

How would it cut back on crime? I agree with everything else you said, but find that comment interesting.
If weed is legal then instead of me going into the projects to buy it, I go to the weed shop. Cuts down on the sale and distribution of marijuana.

EDIT: Actually they would probably allow each person to grow at least three plants. So I wouldn't go anywhere.
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Jus to gauge how " effed " up you are, please tell me the lesser of two evils.

1.) a man is in prison for growing a natural herb.

2.) a government eavesdropping on every call you make without a warrant.

One wipes its a$$ on the constitution , the other has the constitution written upon it.
I'm glad you depend on the government and congress for your information/justification . That's all any well informed person needs ! I'm not obstinate,I just don't swallow the bullsh#t like you do about the merits of drugs! By the way, I do drink beer and whiskey, but not if there's a problem I need to resolve. Better, not to be drunk or stoned when you're trying to apply logic or common sense to making the best decision you can. I know this is a foreign concept to a lot of you. As far as ideologues, you dopers have cornered the market on that, your defensive posture on the virtues of weed and dope,certainly confirms this! We'll conclude by saying,we'll agree to disagree on this subject and or the merits. I think the status of the family and society norms are evidence enough for any unbiased observer, to say things are effed up!
Perfect response by you to illustrate your deficiencies. "I don't swallow anything I disagree with no matter how much evidence to the contrary." "I'm a user of the most prevalent drug in the world and you're a dope-head". I don't smoke anything so you're wrong again.

"Society is so effed up." Yeah the USA imprisons more of its people than anybody, more than Russian or China boogiemen yet we could only find Madoff guilty after 2007/08 Wall Street debacle so I agree things are messed up.
Suits me if you think it will be legal in five years. Then you and your boyfriend besides being married can go to Walmart and buy some weed and if you get him pregnant, you can take your planned parenthood membership card and get a legal abortion at a discount, bitch!
Suits me if you think it will be legal in five years. Then you and your boyfriend besides being married can go to Walmart and buy some weed and if you get him pregnant, you can take your planned parenthood membership card and get a legal abortion at a discount, bitch!
I love it when you make senseless comments such as this. Shows how truly ignorant you are.


As a wiseman once told me,you can't argue with a dumbass,because they've had more practice at it than you,so just let them use their logic to survive in this world! In conclusion,hope all you dope and weed users/defenders, have a sit down with your children and explain to them the virtues and benefits of using weed and dope! Cite the studies and medical research to back up your talk with them,and as eloquent and convincing as your statements have been on here,little Johnny and Susie will grow up to be outstanding members of society and opinion makers as their parents! Here's to the brave,enlightened,new world! Amen!
As a wiseman once told me,you can't argue with a dumbass,because they've had more practice at it than you,so just let them use their logic to survive in this world! In conclusion,hope all you dope and weed users/defenders, have a sit down with your children and explain to them the virtues and benefits of using weed and dope! Cite the studies and medical research to back up your talk with them,and as eloquent and convincing as your statements have been on here,little Johnny and Susie will grow up to be outstanding members of society and opinion makers as their parents! Here's to the brave,enlightened,new world! Amen!
Why do you throw stupidity on top of your statements. You are ignorant of my daughter and other children as well but you make all these assumptions and false statements as is you have some great insight. The thing is for me I can tell your statements are vacuous and based on completely ignorant prejudice. You have no clue about me or my children yet you try to pose as someone that does. That's not just wrong but dishonest and self-serving.
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Your opinion is like assh#les,everybody got one! If you believe in weed so strongly, you would deduce you would want to share these revelations with your children,so they can maximize their potential . We got a lot of 3rd and 4th generation dope users running around and I'm sure they agree with you! I don't and as I previously stated,if you eff yourself up ,fine ,just as long as its just you!
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Sorry mine know better,and also understand it's not too beneficial to take advice from a pothead or druggie! Try spouting your BS to somebody that would believe a brain dead weed lover!
Suits me if you think it will be legal in five years. Then you and your boyfriend besides being married can go to Walmart and buy some weed and if you get him pregnant, you can take your planned parenthood membership card and get a legal abortion at a discount, bitch!
Translation: "I'm losing this argument. Therefore, I must resort to name-calling."

Game. Set. Match.

Thankfully, sanity reigns in bastions of freedom, like Colorado. No worries. It's only a matter of time before other states see the light.
No, I didn't lose any argument,I'm just stating your warped reality! No wonder we can't have an intelligent conversation about UK sports!
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