Hatcher arrested

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people who hate marijuana and marijuana users are super committed to human rights in latin america

i bet there are several posters in this thread who've protested at the school of the americas

it's stupid, but hatcher can't be stupid enough to be driving around at 3 am with a quarter pound on him. come on dunny you have a scholarship
UK Football... where a thread about a player busted for carrying a pound of weed turns into a fight over legalization. So, we're just like UL and UT now? Making ridiculous excuses when good players make bad decisions?

I say good riddance. Kid has been trouble since the get go. If he's no smarter than to keep getting into trouble over the same thing 3years in-a-row, best to just steer clear and let stupid do as stupid does. Give him a wide berth, as he's going to fail again and no sense in other people going down with him.

Give me $5 and a pinky toe on Hatcher resurfacing on 3rd street at second chance U before next season. He seems more like a Louisville man.
Just because there are a few outliers that are about to succeed despite the used of a heavy narcotic, doesn't mean that said narcotic should be legal. It's not a valid argument to use to defend your position. "Weed" has destroyed many lives and for what? It provides little to no benefit.

You seem to have swallowed the propaganda. Heavy narcotic? The pain pills we prescribe millions of people that lead to 44 overdose deaths every day in this county are heavy narcotics. Marijuana is not a "heavy narcotic." States with medical marijuana, for instance, have had significant reductions in overdose deaths. The most likely way for weed to "destroy a life" is through criminal penalties. Marijuana is less dangerous and destructive than alcohol, tobacco, prescription opioids, benzos, and other pharmaceuticals. Its decriminalization is completely arbitrary and now it's illegal because it's bad and it's bad because it's illegal. I'm not talking about "a few outliers who are able to succeed." That's a ridiculous statement. Marijuana is no serious impediment to success in most users apart from the threats of criminal penalties. That lazy losers choose weed over work isn't an indictment of weed any more than the existence of the people I knew who failed out of school because they spent all their time playing WoW is an indictment of video games. Lazy losers are going to be lazy losers, and they're the ones who are going to be visible when an activity is illegal - all the millions of responsible, hardworking people are keeping it mum because of the threat of criminal and social penalties.
yeah that's the problem at tennessee--that internet threads sometimes include the musings of random fans on drug policy

it's the exact same thing. sure
Coach Stoops has given Hatcher numerous "2nd chances" to get serious about his football career. He has taken it for granted each time. You only get so many chances in life to do the right thing. When a player continues to make the same mistakes, it becomes a detriment to the whole program.

I feel bad for the kid only because he's so self centered he can't see the harm he has done to himself and his team mates.

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He's a senior to be who was being counted to be a starter and leader. Instead he's driving around at 3am with illegal drugs on him. Some folks are there own worst enemy.
He was getting a free education and a possible chance at a NFL career. To throw that away for some pot speaks volumes to his mentality. Move on UK. You tried.
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yeah that's the problem at tennessee--that internet threads sometimes include the musings of random fans on drug policy

it's the exact same thing. sure
No, slick, UT fans go to great lengths to excuse the wrongful actions of their coveted players. They have for years. Check the last UT sex scandal thread on this very board as proof. They almost have to b/c they have always had such a high number of players breaking laws. This is how and why the Fulmer Cup was created.

The difference in what is happening with Hatcher here is instead of fans taking up for Hatcher's actions, they're taking up for an illegal substance found in his possession, relieving/absolving him of wrongdoing by proxy. Please try to keep up.
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I hate to burst your bubble but he is not the only football player or basketball player who smoke pot. Talk to students who know the players.

True at every school, and includes athletes and non-athletes.
That said, he had no business being in possession of so much of it.
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Should weed be legal IMO: yes

Should Hatcher be kicked off the team IMO: yes

The two outcomes are not mutually exclusive. Weed is no more harmful than thousands of products marketed to US citizens everyday, if harmfulness is the crux of the argument then it is a weak argument IMO.

If legality is the argument, then he broke the law and displayed poor judgement. The illegality of weed is completely arbitrary, and IMO in a society where private companies profit hugely off of incarcerating people, the motives behind keeping it illegal should be questioned. Just my humble OT opinion.
Among other things.

My sister is friends with a guy who does the homework for several football players.

I'm a student at UK and have seen it first hand. People that are naive enough to think stuff like this doesn't happen on every college campus across the nation need to get a reality check. I've been asked personally to write a paper or two (100% never said yes, said do your own work before you get the school in trouble). Yes, there are good students on all teams, but there's cheating everywhere at every school.
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Well...did you think his drig problem would magically go away?? Doesnt work like that..ask Chane Behanen...good riddance
Dumb question, was he busted in Frankfort driving back to Lexington from Louisville? If so where and from whom did he obtain all of that weed? Sadly Hatcher will probably do time before he ever gives up the source. Not going to have too many people messing with him behind bars, but a bullet would drop him pretty quick if he rats to avoid jail time.
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Making excuses for him will not bring him back on the team. He knew the rules and he chose to break them. Why is it too much to ask a young man not to engage in something that is illegal if he wants to play football. He may have ruined any pro career he may have had. Is the drug so strong he was willing to risk it all just to suck on this idiotic weed? Is that where we are as a society? I will not shed a tear for stupidity, I don't care if they do wear the Blue and White and Black and sometimes gray with the chrome helmets.
Personal opinions on legalization aside--The law exists and he knowingly broke it. Time to account for his actions and take responsibility. He is not a "kid"....he is a grown man who appears to have committed a crime. Good bye and good luck....he will need it.

Next man up!
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As another poster succinctly posted, you can drink a beer without getting drunk,but you smoke weed to get high!

Unless you're Bill Clinton (I didn't inhale!)

Back to the topic at hand, Hatcher needs to be dismissed. The totality of his record at UK suggests he doesn't take his responsibility seriously.
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You seem to have swallowed the propaganda. Heavy narcotic? The pain pills we prescribe millions of people that lead to 44 overdose deaths every day in this county are heavy narcotics. Marijuana is not a "heavy narcotic." States with medical marijuana, for instance, have had significant reductions in overdose deaths. The most likely way for weed to "destroy a life" is through criminal penalties. Marijuana is less dangerous and destructive than alcohol, tobacco, prescription opioids, benzos, and other pharmaceuticals. Its decriminalization is completely arbitrary and now it's illegal because it's bad and it's bad because it's illegal. I'm not talking about "a few outliers who are able to succeed." That's a ridiculous statement. Marijuana is no serious impediment to success in most users apart from the threats of criminal penalties. That lazy losers choose weed over work isn't an indictment of weed any more than the existence of the people I knew who failed out of school because they spent all their time playing WoW is an indictment of video games. Lazy losers are going to be lazy losers, and they're the ones who are going to be visible when an activity is illegal - all the millions of responsible, hardworking people are keeping it mum because of the threat of criminal and social penalties.

I am in my mid 60's, never smoked pot, or anything else for that matter. The entire point is it isn't legal today, doesn't matter what I think, the kid thinks or you think, today in Kentucky he is breaking the law. I am not going to argue that law is a good or bad one, thats for someone else to decide. Every school has kids who do it, everyone knows UGA certainly has had them, no matter how harmless you are anyone else thinks it is or it may actually be, it comes down to following the law, which goes right alone with following the rules.
True at every school, and includes athletes and non-athletes.
That said, he had no business being in possession of so much of it.

Yep. I'm not making a moral justification. I am just stating a fact. I know several UK students...and a couple athletes. Pot is getting smoked by students, football players...and some of our past players (none on the current roster ;-) ) who bounce the ball. It is a fact of life not just at UK but all around D1 and the rest. And guess what...they drink too.... They are college kids. They do not act any differently than the rest of the student population. They are however a bit smarter about where they do things especially with the advent of the cell phone cameras. There are also LilBrothel fans at UK (and vice versa) who'd love to snap a picture.
Smoking marijuana, however, may put you at risk to lose everything you've worked for whether you are hard working or not. I'm not speaking of the legalities of it, but the medical risk. It's naïve to assume it's "harmless", as so many often suggest. There are potential risks to almost every organ system of the body associated with marijuana use. If you don't think so, just check out the link below:*~hmac=4aa97c67f2869ce31f89f0c88d4df8b49ab03cec0e10ce688909b087677297e7

I can't believe people still think weed is harmless. I know several people personally who smoke and they are the laziest/dumbest people that I know. I'm not saying everyone who smokes weed is dumb, but almost every person I've personally known that smoked weed was lazy as hell. That's not some coincidence. I've never smoked weed and don't plan too based off how the people I've known act like when they smoke it.

I remember seeing a study a year or so ago that said weed can have terrible effects on a persons brain and I 100% believe it.
It's not "harmless." It also has not found to be something incredibly harmful to ones health. Potential risks and "could potentially be"s like that paper mentions are very different from actual findings of substantial increases in mortality and morbidity. Many things that many people indulge in have health risks. I routinely drive 10-15 mph over the speed limit (making sure not to stand out from the speed of traffic, haven't been pulled over for speeding in 10 years) and this is an objective risk to my life and health. I eat processed meats (ham/turkey lunch meat, bacon) which objectively increases my risks of colorectal and pancreatic cancer. Smoking weed isn't good for you or perfectly harmless like some of the ridiculous hippie "THC cures cancer!" types seem to think, but it's risks and harms are hardly noteworthy compared to the myriad habits and activities and vices that all sorts of people engage in.

I agree with pretty everything you said regarding too many governmental regulations as I feel the federal government should already have less control not more.

In addition, my post really was for the "It's harmless" crowd. They are definite physiological impacts from marijuana, and there are significant correlations with a number of conditions, as outlined in the article.
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I can't believe people still think weed is harmless. I know several people personally who smoke and they are the laziest/dumbest people that I know. I'm not saying everyone who smokes weed is dumb, but almost every person I've personally known that smoked weed was lazy as hell. That's not some coincidence. I've never smoked weed and don't plan too based off how the people I've known act like when they smoke it.

I remember seeing a study a year or so ago that said weed can have terrible effects on a persons brain and I 100% believe it.

Totally agree. I have no use it or the legalization argument. The argument for pot being harmless and it's my personal business looks dumb when it's stated in conjunction with mug shots. I have zero interest in barging into people's living rooms or basements to see if they are smoking pot or not. If it really is something that is harmless and you just do it in the privacy of your own home then you should have the capacity to keep it there. The fact that some of these pot heads can't seem to keep it in the home tells me it's not as harmless as they like to say. Getting busted in a car for other activities blows up the argument that pot heads are otherwise minding their own business. Once your habit crosses over into public view you've already lost the argument of it being your private business.
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Bye Felicia. I don't wanna seem like I'm on a moral high horse, but there is no excuse for that stupidity. We are not Louisville. He can go blaze up with Chane Behanon at high school parties now.

I dont think anyone is saying he should not be kicked off the team. He's received his fair share of 2nd chances. He had to be cut from the team...and that is hard to have to admit.
College football detritus is littered with the likes of the Jason Hatchers of the world - those of immense potential and upside who fell victim to self destructive priorities.

There is a silver lining here. I would rather find all this out now than on a Thursday night in October right before a key conference game. This will give someone else - more deserving - a chance to step up, work into the system, and contribute.
The moral of the story is, if you drive late at night with a pound of pot in your car, drive the speed limit, you may not agree with it, but it may keep you out of the cross bar motel.
I don't know what "all" entails, but weed + some others, yes. Why not?
Do you have any first hand experience with this drug thing? I'm assuming you "inhale":smiley:so you may or may not understand..have two of my children heavy involved--one heroin and one pills, alcohol and weed and both their lives are a total mess and yes they both started with "only" smoking weed and they would argue with me that it was no big deal, but guess what, it has and now they are both a burden to society. My thing is if you are all in with legalization then are you also all in on taking care of them while they can't hold jobs and paying for rehab treatment for all those that become addicted because unless you have your head buried in the sand then surely you must realize that ALL drugs, including alcohol, are stupid and are one of the biggest blots on this society...
You seem to have swallowed the propaganda. Heavy narcotic? The pain pills we prescribe millions of people that lead to 44 overdose deaths every day in this county are heavy narcotics. Marijuana is not a "heavy narcotic." States with medical marijuana, for instance, have had significant reductions in overdose deaths. The most likely way for weed to "destroy a life" is through criminal penalties. Marijuana is less dangerous and destructive than alcohol, tobacco, prescription opioids, benzos, and other pharmaceuticals. Its decriminalization is completely arbitrary and now it's illegal because it's bad and it's bad because it's illegal. I'm not talking about "a few outliers who are able to succeed." That's a ridiculous statement. Marijuana is no serious impediment to success in most users apart from the threats of criminal penalties. That lazy losers choose weed over work isn't an indictment of weed any more than the existence of the people I knew who failed out of school because they spent all their time playing WoW is an indictment of video games. Lazy losers are going to be lazy losers, and they're the ones who are going to be visible when an activity is illegal - all the millions of responsible, hardworking people are keeping it mum because of the threat of criminal and social penalties.
Those other drugs have nothing to do with it.
I can't believe people still think weed is harmless. I know several people personally who smoke and they are the laziest/dumbest people that I know. I'm not saying everyone who smokes weed is dumb, but almost every person I've personally known that smoked weed was lazy as hell. That's not some coincidence. I've never smoked weed and don't plan too based off how the people I've known act like when they smoke it.

I remember seeing a study a year or so ago that said weed can have terrible effects on a persons brain and I 100% believe it.
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Do you have any first hand experience with this drug thing? I'm assuming you "inhale":smiley:so you may or may not understand..have two of my children heavy involved--one heroin and one pills, alcohol and weed and both their lives are a total mess and yes they both started with "only" smoking weed and they would argue with me that it was no big deal, but guess what, it has and now they are both a burden to society. My thing is if you are all in with legalization then are you also all in on taking care of them while they can't hold jobs and paying for rehab treatment for all those that become addicted because unless you have your head buried in the sand then surely you must realize that ALL drugs, including alcohol, are stupid and are one of the biggest blots on this society...
Thank you!
Just because there are a few outliers that are about to succeed despite the used of a heavy narcotic, doesn't mean that said narcotic should be legal. It's not a valid argument to use to defend your position. "Weed" has destroyed many lives and for what? It provides little to no benefit.
The only reason weed had destroyed many lives is because it is illegal when it should not be. It creates an unnecessary and unfair criminal record for a person who otherwise is a good, productive citizen and because of that they are looked at as a criminal.

Like another poster said, it is legal in our nations capital, where all our laws are determined. How hypocritical is that for the rest of the nations citizens.
For pikespeak I never said that weed would kill his ability to make the nfl , I'm saying its on him if it does or does not. I think he liKe many athletes could perform and smoke out all he wants....much like Michael Phelps, or half the nfl and nba.

No evidence has ever been provided to support anyone being hooked or addicted to marijuana , habit forming yes addictive NO. I've seen scholarly journals that cannot provide any evidence of overdose from this harmless herb, but I've seen first hand a bunch of people die from cigarettes and alcohol. Closed minded bureaucrats of this country will as the bible says " gag at a nat and swallow a camel" .

The other issue is he could have and should have followed the team rule . If you lift , run and have the discipline to learn the playbook and defensive scheme then you should have the discipline to refrain from at risk behavior. The shame is that this can keep,him from his goal,of the NFL over something the last 3 presidents have done which is partake in the use of marijuana. And if you do not think these last 3 presidents purchased weed whole sale or at least bought some and got money gave back , then you have no clue of how things like this go down anyhow, and might just want to go bury your head in the sand.

I'm not for all drugs being legalized and sold in the store and don't want to see our future youth placed in the grips of addictive substances, that's why tobacco and alcohol should be illegal for kids like it is. I have a young son and I'd rather see him vaporize a few puffs now and then ,than to smoke Marlboros everyday and get drunk.
So it's ok to have a POUND of weed in your car? Isn't that a little much for personal consumption? The only thing I could imagine is he was getting a supply for his team members and himself. Incidentally, 81 MPH is about what ALL the cars travel on I-64 and I-75. I think the arresting officer could have been profiling.
Ive always said good thing George Bush and Bill Clinton and president Obama never got charged with this or maybe their stellar careers would have been ruined..... A man who used marijuana also created the most profitable company on the planet, his name was Steve Jobs. ..the record holder for most medals won in the Olympics was filmed to a water bong and admitted to smoking herb, his name was Michael Phelps. Countless NBA and NFL players to numerous to mentioning weed on a regular basis. Many business men whom you may consider pillars in your community use weed, yet we pile on this young man like he is threat to national security.

Did our grandfathers storm the beaches of Normandy for these kind of laws to imprison people.
Or how many successful people have done cocaine, heroin or have possession of child porn for that matter. Being successful is a really dumb argument for legalization. It should be illegal everywhere, certainly in the amounts he has. And it's not like this is his first offense.

Personally I think they should get him for stupidity alone. And that should be a crime. He could have been set for life and all he had to do was not smoke pot and he couldn't pull that off. Even after being caught once before and he still couldn't leave it alone. I don't care about the legalization argument. If had a chance to make millions of dollars and all I had to do was not drink alcohol I wouldn't care how legal it was to drink I would stop right away. You can be a millionaire in the NFL or you can be a pot head claiming it should be legal. Looks like Hatcher chose the second one.

Hahahaha are you serious? You actually believe pot should be illegal? You do realize pot does less harm to your body then both tobacco and alcohol right? So we should outlaw both of those as well? I don't even use pot but ffs let's not talk like it's the 1950s
No, slick, UT fans go to great lengths to excuse the wrongful actions of their coveted players. They have for years. Check the last UT sex scandal thread on this very board as proof. They almost have to b/c they have always had such a high number of players breaking laws. This is how and why the Fulmer Cup was created.

The difference in what is happening with Hatcher here is instead of fans taking up for Hatcher's actions, they're taking up for an illegal substance found in his possession, relieving/absolving him of wrongdoing by proxy. Please try to keep up.

hatcher is already kicked off the team

there is no parallel

please shove your unwarranted condescension
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