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I *have* heard every single health care worker on the planet explain that co-morbidities increase your likelihood of hospitalization or death, but working towards removing those from your lifestyle doesn't appear to be an option for some odd reason. Strange.
Pretty sure fat people know they should lose weight. It's the execution that's the challenge.
Get vaccinated and still wear your mask?! They both work!! Mask kids in school!!

You know what, f*ck you. Tried telling you all this was going to happen.

Tell your brethren to get the F’ing vaccine. We’ve gone from 6 to 42 hospitalized in a month up here.

Sorry, but the CDC can’t just say “F’em” like some HVAC conglomerate. They have to be concerned about the community, unlike these assholes refusing the vaccine.

It’s pretty GD simple- stop the conspiracy bullshit, stop the spite, stop the nonsense and get the vaccine.

There’s one group to blame here.
*Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not dead. And for the record, I won't be vaping myself to death, I'll be Zyn'ing myself to death, thank you very much.

* First kidless vacation in like 10 years. We've gotten away for long weekends, of course, but first time in forever we've gotten a normal length vacation without them. I missed them, but damn it was nice and relaxing. Drank every day. Beach. Pool. Played both World Golf Hall of Fame courses, and Sawgrass (which ate my asshole more vigorously than Wynn eats his wife's). On Sawgrass, I managed to neither hit the green on 17, nor hit it in the water. I hit it in that little piece of shit bunker front right. Had a fried egg, and hit a miracle bunker shot to about 6 feet, and then missed the opportunity for the sandy of a lifetime.

*BIL got his port put in and started chemo when we got back. So far, he's feeling pretty shitty, but weed and drugs help a lot.

*-3 over my last 54 holes. 69 on Saturday (nice). 100% stone-cold lock that I won't break 80 either day during the Eli. That's just the way it is, and likely always will be.

*Don't really give a shit about Oklahoma/Texas, but I will very much enjoy seeing Texas get their shit pushed in for quite some time. Oklahoma is sure to get knocked down a peg or two as well. It just means more (money)

*Work has picked up quite a bit, so haven't had as much time to post, but I've still been reading some atrocious takes around here.

*If you don't want the vaccine, you're a moron. It's that simple. If that offends you, f*ck off, I don't care. Ignorance doesn't bother me THAT much until it starts infringing on what me and mine get to do, and we are getting there. Don't expect me to wear a mask, social distance, or really jack f*cking shit to hedge against your ignorance.

*100% agree with PTI that we should go back to fat-shaming. This body acceptance bullshit has gone too far. If you're fat, you're fat, and you aren't healthy. I don't give a shit what your numbers say, you aren't healthy and you aren't as attractive as you would be if you lost some pounds. That's just a fact. Let me know the next time you see a 300 pound 80-year-old. Get your shit together, fatties.
~Pro vaccine team here....BUT, you have every "right" not to get it.....UNLESS, your decision not to directly impacts other as well. There are many fine lines with this and we need to be careful as it is fast approaching Soviet Union style mandates.

~Vaccinated plus natural immunity from prior covid cases should equal us being out of the woods....didn't happen, and now those who have recovered and have antibodies are no longer part of the equation for whatever reason.

~The obese and generally unhealthy population now seems to be getting a free ride w/ the covid.....not their fault they got it....wear a mask, despite your life expectancy already shortened by a number of years.

~Sturgil sucks....period. Perhaps if you could make out a lyric once in a while.....but not seeing that happen based on what he has put out to date. To each his own, however. That is why there are a million types of music.

~Oh look, more Olympic drama, only now in the form of another woe is me I can't cope with the stress athlete. Whatever....hopefully whenever you are looked at to be there for someone when it really matters (LIFE) then you are up to the challenge.

~Anth...right here anytime you need to talk. Otherwise, cease with the accusations.
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Actually there's not. Look at the numbers, I believe a huge part of the unvaccinated most likely lean your way, buddy. Specifically the minorities. People should be able to make a dumbass decision if they want. That's kind of their right. If this thing didn't overrun our health care system last winter, and it didn't, it's not going to now. I'm assuming your hospital system can accommodate 42 patients.

None of that has anything to do with masking children, who are all but immune to the damn thing, or vaccinated adults. Because that's way more harmful to the cause than the "antivax" crowd. I can't help your team has blown the messaging.

We're nearing 80%+ of "at risk" with 2 shots but for some reason I guess that's not enough. What is enough? Zero covid?
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Telling vaccinated people they have to wear masks because they can still get the virus and pass it on to other people isn't the most convincing argument for people who are against getting vaccinated.

If we had a magic way to tell who’s been vaccinated, then it wouldn’t be necessary, dipshit.

One group to blame here.

some people just don’t think they need a vaccine to defeat a suped up cold virus.

the only group to blame are the ones in Washington who think they should control people’s health decisions.

at this point I’m for letting women abort their babies that resulted from them
Whoring around even at 39 weeks if it gets “people” like Chad to stop making medical decisions for 330M+ Americans
Takes daily prescriptions that may cause:

  • Constipation
  • Skin rash or dermatitis
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Dry Mouth
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Abnormal heart rhythms
  • Internal bleeding
  • Cancer
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Vomitting
  • Vaginal ejaculations
  • Dysentery
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Diabetes
  • Heart failure
  • Penis evaporation
  • Etc...

Won't take a Covid shot because I read on Facebook, watched on YouTube, I saw a Tweet that said, Bobby Jangles down at Kmart said, Pastor Chuckle**** preached, etc...
The younger aged school kids that were raped at home and in their ability to get a quality education should be studied for many years to come.

here in my hometown a 10 year old girl sit at home with her sexually abusive parents all year until her in person check up at the end of the year when she could finally tell her teacher what had been happening to her.
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