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Sturgill is such a self-important bitch. Put out an album and shut the eff up about it. I wish that bastard was from Tennessee.
Jay Bilas segment on “the ACC should ask the SEC for merger” bit is comical.

Why would the SEC need anything more at this point with Texas/OU formally asking for an invite?
Glad you guys can be so proud of your stupidity. Enjoy wallowing in your own ignorance.
Had no idea I needed to know everyone who’s been molested over the years or I was wallowing in my own ignorance. Any other sexual predator topics of which I need to be aware? Don’t want to be caught slacking this time.
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Sturgill Simpson: "I've got a new concept album where I'll have a series of short poems or other sets of words that will be combined with the sound waves of various instruments".

GYERO Basic Bitches: 😍 😍 😍
-Was just wondering how many times ol' SAE has listened to the Childers' Instrumental album. Assuming dozens.

-Strugill is awesome. He got a carried away with Sound & Fury but is obviously heading back to his best stuff.

-Speaking of music, Kanye has been living in the MB Dome in ATL for a few weeks working on an album. If that's not bizarre enough, appears he's wearing the same clothes the whole time including a solid whole head covering. Those super artistic types seem to always have mental issues then combine that with the f*cking Kardashians. Hope he turns it around because I love his music. Dude has an unbelievable catalog.

-Complete love/hate relationship with pineapple. I could eat my weight in fresh pineapple but why does it have to ruin the taste of anything else you eat with it? Also, was not aware until recently it's a symbol of swinging.

-You just never know what someone is going through. Specifically a young lady that has a shit ton of pressure on her shoulders and was recently involved in abuse. Hopefully she can still compete in the all around later in the week. If not, hope she gets some help.

-Not really in favor of the death penalty but I feel like Nassar should be an exception.

-Cleveland Guardians. Good lord. Was that from a random mascot generator? Great job, wokes. Just really great stuff. Please, keep it up.

-What are some other rather enjoyable OR completely unassuming things we can cancel? Mascots, comedians and statues have been addressed.

-Was playing ball in the ocean last week and my knee "popped" with a wave. Scared the beejebus out of me. Never really hurt but some pressure for a day or so. Seems fine now, but for about 3-4 hours I was terrified. One part of my body I've never had any issues with.

-Little dude is on the f*cking move. Great baby but this is adding a whole new dimension that I seemed to have blocked from my memory.

-Summer is just the best, y'all.
My stance on the SEC expansion is very simple:

I'm good with whatever the Eff that can happen without prompting an effort by the football powers in the conference to explore replacement of current members of the SEC.
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Trading Hank for Wayne as a shit-tier PTI-styled contrarian is a Billy King level decision.

Yikes... getting compared to Hank and PTI in the same post is enough to make me change my ways. I'll do better guys. Sturgill is really cool. White people suck. Mental health is physical health. Simone - yasss queen!
Damn - Goodwin is a Top 20 player in the country? Had no clue he was that good. Highest rated football recruit since Couch? What did Dennis Johnson end up?
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Kentucky Open Leaderboard:

Damn - Goodwin is a Top 20 player in the country? Had no clue he was that good. Highest rated football recruit since Couch? What did Dennis Johnson end up?
He's alao got some nasty in his game. There's a reason he had offers from Bama and OSU.

BTW, the aspirations gym he works out at is becoming a UKFB pipeline. Dare Rosenthal has some sort of connection there too.
Huge fan of pineapples, they ruin nothing, but you keep your swinging to yourself!

Cover them in brown sugar and cinnamon then grill’em.............a little maraschino cherry juice drizzle on top, and heaven happens, in your mouth!
Can you tell us what issues you've had with your dick?
When I hear you little bitches whining about me giving you shit, none of you all get the amount of weirdos I do. Who are all these losers?

"You hurt my feelings talking about my running or politics." FOH.

Holler when you have UKO stalking you.
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