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I'm usually quite the critic of you, not that it matters. Listened to ya on the way to work guest hosting on the Max Kellerman(sp?) show on ESPN radio. Did a real good job.

Entire segment on SEC, the possible merger, etc and nice to hear a host actually including Kentucky in the list of SEC schools that play football. Matt will pimp the school every chance he gets. kudos. 👍

Now you can go back to bashing Wayne.
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ThroughBlue, the biggest anti-vax loon here, got vaccinated because his fiancé wanted him to do it. But he regrets it and doesn’t think other healthy people should get it!


I think we should just collectively put the blame one him.
My first purchase was a cool $150,000. Then two minutes later I sold a triple autograph of MJ/Lebron/Kobe for the same amount before the show starts tomorrow.

For those that don’t know this 1986-87 Fleer box and has at least three rookies each of Michael Jordan, Patrick Ewing, Barkley, Olajuwon, Mullin, I.Thomas, Dominque, Worthy, Drexler, Karl Malone and a few others. It’s the best basketball box ever made



-so "DELTA VARIANT!!!!!" is a weakened version of COVID-19(science: when viruses mutate they weaken) and a plurality if not a majority of folks are vaccinated...but we're headed towards total annihilation if'n we don't mask up. Got it. Get ****ed.

Er, uhm, maybe Facebook science says that?
A former coworker that I used to play tennis with died last week of COVID. He was born in the Philippines, lived and worked in the US for decades, and then retired and moved back to the Philippines a few years ago.

In his last post on Facebook, about three weeks ago, he wrote that he was on a waiting list for a COVID vaccine so he could travel back to the US to visit friends and family.
Cricket is such a queer

an anti vax loon wouldn’t have taken the vaccine. Anti government loon maybe. Anti lake Cumberland and its phag residents loon maybe. But I am up to date on all vaccines that I am aware of as are my children.

The kind of things governors should be saying at this point
-false. Common knowledge that it is *usually* the case. getting ready to go play I only have time to give you one article from the Cleveland clinic :

-now get off my dick and go chastise some poor bastard about they/their grammar/syntax errors on a message board...your out of your weight class, shitstain.

Your quote, that I responded to: "(science: when viruses mutate they weaken)."

Mutations are random. They may make viruses "weaker" (whatever you think that means scientifically), or they may make viruses "stronger" (more deadly). They may make viruses more contagious, or they may make a virus less contagious. They occasionally lead to a virus being able to jump from infecting one species to another.

From the very link you provided:

"Most of the time, mutations are so small that they don’t significantly affect how the virus works, or they make the virus weaker, Dr. Rhoads says. But occasionally, a mutation helps the virus copy itself or get into our cells more easily."

So, yes, mutations *may* make the virus weaker. Or they may not. You know, the opposite of what you claimed.

Now go get a tennis ball served into your nads at 100mph.

It's absolutely sad how many grown adults in this room let unfounded and unverified claims about bullshit no one still knows anything about affect your daily lives.

Good Christ, you deserve to be locked inside for the rest of your days. Let those of us live who want to live.
More than 161 million people have been vaccinated in this country. Sorry, the hair-splitters can get bent at this point.
More than half the country and over 80% of the at risk vaccinated and Vegas just mandated masking. Lol. Seems like both sides has a problem following the science.
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Who cares about Covidsucka?

If you're vaccinated -- who gives a crap about whether anyone else is? You're probably going to be just fine.

If you're not vaccinated -- you're an idiot but whatever, you're the UKO of life. Congrats. You're probably still going to be fine but statistically you're much more likely to die if you're fat or old.

People absolutely cannot shut the f*** up about the world's dumbest topic.

I’m still really struggling with the logic. People aren’t vaccinated, so we all have to wear masks. People need to get vaccinated. If you are vaccinated, you can still get and/or spread Covid. But you still need to wear a mask and you still need to get vaccinated. Can we talk in any more circles?
I was going to ask if Chumps gets blinding blackout redass while watching the Olympics. But that’s a silly question.

The real question is what sports cause it.
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Because those of us with money and lives still like to travel and go places. And it's absolutely absurd that I as a completely healthy mid-30's vaccinated human being should be subjected to wearing face condoms for 14 hours a day in Las Vegas.
Oh, I understand. The people who love control don't seem to -- or at least pretend they aren't just doing this for control of others.

(Wink and a gun to John Blue who can't quit that ban button. I see you, buddy. Thank you for your censorship. You're really adding value here.)

But the point remains, it has been almost a year and a half of endless talk about the same stuff and nothing at all has changed other than people collectively have gotten dumber.
Oh, I understand. The people who love control don't seem to -- or at least pretend they aren't just doing this for control of others.

(Wink and a gun to John Blue who can't quit that ban button. I see you, buddy. Thank you for your censorship. You're really adding value here.)

But the point remains, it has been almost a year and a half of endless talk about the same stuff and nothing at all has changed other than people collectively have gotten dumber.
Longest two weeks ever.
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