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This basically sums up my feelings on another mask mandate for the vaccinated.

A moment ago, you said that you ordered Lt. Kendrick to tell his men that Santiago wasn't to be touched.

That's right.

And Lt. Kendrick was clear on what you wanted?


Any chance Lt. Kendrick ignored the order?

Ignored the order?

Any chance he forgot about it?


Any chance Lt. Kendrick left your office and said, "the old man is wrong"?


When Lt. Kendrick spoke to the platoon and ordered them not to touch Santiago, any chance they ignored him?

You ever served in an infantry unit, son?

No, sir.

Ever served in a forward area?

No, sir.

Ever put your life in another man's hands and asked him to put his life in yours?

No, sir.

We follow orders, son. We follow orders or people die. It's that simple. Are we clear?

Yes, sir.

Are we clear?!

Crystal. Colonel, I just have one more question before I put Airman O'Malley and Airman Rodriguez on the stand. If you gave an order that Santiago wasn't to be touched, and your orders are always followed, then why would Santiago be in danger? Why would it be necessary to transfer him off the base?

Santiago was a substandard marine. He was being transferred...

That's not what you said. You said he was being transferred, because he was in grave danger.

That's correct.

You said he was in danger. I said "grave danger"? You said...

I recall what I said.

I could have the court reporter read back to you...

I know what I said! I don't have to have it read back to me, like I'm...

Then why the two orders? Colonel?

Sometimes men take matters into their own hands.

No, sir. You made it clear just a moment ago that your men never take matters into their own hands. Your men follow orders or people die. So Santiago shouldn't have been in any danger at all, should he have, Colonel?

You snotty, little bastard.
Chumps contempt for Beshear cracks me up since he hasn’t lived in Kentucky for at least 20 years/ever.
Explain that circle to me then? Why would “my” Southern Baptist friends need to get vaccinated if they can still get covid, spread covid and still need to wear a mask? So that they get less sick when they get covid? Ok. But it’s their own choice for not getting vaccinated. You are not going to convince them to get vaccinated by telling them they can still get and spread covid and still need to wear a mask. That’s dumb.
Can’t wait to watch the extreme element of the right wing after the first wave of anti-vax minority football players become their heroes for refusing the vaccine.

And then watch them collectively retrieve their gasoline and wooden crosses from storage after witnessing them eventually kneel for the anthem.
I blame those Texas congressfolks who who took a booze flight to DC and caught Covid (while vaccinated), spread it throughout the center of the free world and blew this thing back up again.
And now asking for care packages
lol you quoted some rightwing professor’s Twitter posts a million times in that silly circlejerk thread promising it was over.

Time after time.

Delta variant been coming for awhile now. Been well publicized. Get vaccinated.
Been vaccinated, bitch.

It has been over. But your power drunk douche bags won't let it stop. Keep masking kids asshats.
Still moving, but never caught the COVID.

Please tell me where to catch this dreaded virus, I’m ready!
Their messaging has been shit from the get-go, which is why I am happy they’re keeping it simple and optimistic for once.

These vaccinations are incredible and should be a celebration. It should have been, “get your shots, wait 10 days and start living your life again. Party time!”

Instead, you’re telling people “get your shots then wait another 4-5 months and life may start getting a tad better.”

WTF. If you’re trying to sell these to some dubious and exhausted people, give them good reasons - normalcy right there after.
Lol. What a ****ing loser.
Nearly all of my Baptist friends are vaccinated and my pastor actively encouraged people to get vaccinated.

Edit: Guess chad deleted his Baptist dig.
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Why do you care? It has no effect on you if you're vaccinated.
Why do you care? It has no effect on you if you're vaccinated.

Because all these stupid white people got vaxed so they could post it on da gram and be FREE, then their overlords told them vax doesn’t actually work. It’s downright hilarious. More power to you for doing your patriotic duty and following orders. Keep getting vaxed, and boosted. One of these days we’ll have an FDA approved vaccine because of your brave actions

I’m a fascist? Well, you’re a c***.

I just want to get over this shit. The vaccine is available. It’s the simplest way to move on and Kentucky is sitting at 45%.

It’s absurd.

uhhhhh have we not moved on? Hell, some people never stopped, there was no “moving on”. KY was at 45% a loooong time ago. And I seem to recall you same damn White people saying hilarious things such as “just wear your mask for another month!” Or “once we get all old people vaxed, we can move on!”.

Oh, and now you white people are threatening people’s livelihoods/jobs over a damn vax. Because that’s not fascist at all! That’s a whooooooole nother level of something that’s really hard to comprehend happening in the United States of America.
Bourbon in a glass and all is good with the world. Happy Friday evening, fellas and Pretzel.
You left me (and B$) out here, Chad.
The best thing about manning the smoker is having the cover to sit on the patio by yourself all day under the auspices of providing for the family. In reality, 96% of that time is spent drinking your beverage of choice and staring at the smoker, in peace and solitude.

but the women have no clue how anything works, so they think you’re hard at work. Biggest profit ever.
Wynn, us wives are on to you and your “needing to man the smoker” charade. Just FYI.
People get vaccinated and it’s not a problem.
Get vaccinated, but still wear a mask because you can still get covid and you an still spread covid. K.

-When I went to quote and respond to wcc, these old posts were still in my quote queue so figured I better respond to them now as well.
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