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Mulder is a marginal SEC talent, surrounded by a bunch of lottery picks. WTF is so hard to understand about this? You realize there's only 40 minutes per game, and each team can only have 5 players participating at once, right?

He may contribute, as he's rumored to be a very good shooter, but don't hold your breath.
Like I said, revisionist history.
PTI got the marginal talent part right. He just needed to change SEC to “starting NBA shooting guard”.
Pork Butt is fall apart tender, perfectly cooked!

The rub/pellet mix calls for Apricot BBQ, lmao never even heard of it, but have become a HUGE fan of Stubbs Honey Spicy BBQ.

Biscuit Belly for brunch and on the way home I’ll stop by Shack n the Back for Green Beans, make some Gouda Mac n Chz and cornbread.


NY Knicks, then Ja vs Steph! Perfect Sunday before the 2-3 month onslaught I’m about to face.

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PTI got the marginal talent part right. He just needed to change SEC to “starting NBA shooting guard”.

Yes because their starting 2G has been injured for a year and a half. Also a lot of players have looked really good in that system next to that core, but let’s not factor that in before thinking Mulder was THIS good 5-6 years ago!
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Question for the group: was playing golf yesterday at a country club, and the people who lived at the house off the tee box on hole 9 were blowing an air horn when we were teeing off. What’s the appropriate response for that?

Edit: these were adults. Not college kids or teens.
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Question for the group: was playing golf yesterday at a country club, and the people who lived at the house off the tee box on hole 9 were blowing an air horn when we were teeing off. What’s the appropriate response for that?

Edit: these were adults. Not college kids or teens.
Depends on which side of the tee they were on. Snap hook or viscous slice oops into a window.
I’ve always found being cordial and explaining the etiquette of golf to them then asking did they not realize they bought a house on a golf course. Then taping said air horn button down and shoving it up their ass works really well.
Sky Harbor musings:

~ Elijah Craig is a solid sipper and goes down surprisingly well at 10:30 am.

~ Was pre-drinking at the hotel bar Friday and met a group of friends that take annual pilgrimages to different baseball stadiums and make a guys weekend out of it. Pretty cool hearing them talk about the different yards, pros/cons/experiences. I'd guess coming from their home park of Petco, every one was a step down.

Pretty wodie tradition that I'd be down for. Didn't Century and his posse have a similar annual roadie?

~ Desert heat is just not that bad when coming from the Ohio Valley. Sat outside each night in 90+ temps and it felt like a low 70's bluegrass evening, just perfect. During the day when you have a breeze the heat isn't noticeable. Don't think the natives realize how much humidity kicks our ass in the summer.

~ Thong bikinis have become the norm. Doesn't matter if they shouldn't (most were agreeable) it was a rarity to see any other style.

~ The influx of west coast residents flocking to this area appears similar to the TN & FL migration. Construction everywhere trying to keep up and real estate prices are skyrocketing.

~ Can't stand places that shut off breakfast at a certain time. It's eggs and bacon FFS and I'm 10 minutes past the mark. Fry a few up and take my money 🙄

~ Speaking of breakfast, don't think I'd ever get used to watching east coast sports over coffee and donuts.

~ Net/net, Mulder, like others recently, haven't been put in the best position to maximize their talents because of our antiquated offense. With O and Chin in the fold, have to think that changes this season.

~ The Louder than Life lineup is impressive. Can only handle one day of that mess so Friday with Metallica and Janes Addiction is the play.

~ Sounds like the team formerly known as the Redskins are pretty high on JD and his future in the organization. Super impressive to go from off-the-radar to 1st round, then take to the new team like a fish to water. If they could find a qb and with that D, they'd be a contender, especially coming out of the dreadful NFC East.
The guys who consistently backed Mulder for more minutes:

Mulder could've/should've played more but that was a championship level team that got ass raped by the officials in the Elite 8 vs the eventual national champs.

Maybe he should have started over Briscoe. It's not worth arguing over now. But Golden St also has Juan Toscano Anderson who is a key man in their rotation that plays more than Mulder. He averaged 3.2 ppg for his career at Marquette. Golden St. seems to have a knack for finding and developing these guys. Either way, I'm happy for Mulder and hope he has continued success.
So you’re proving your point by cherry picking in game red-ass, including a sarcastic post by BBdK that was actually pro-Mulder?
You're right. That didn't belong. I was just showing we all weren't always so enamored with Mulder. I gave BBdk props in my previous post. He, richie, Anth and BleedBlue definitely called for more Mulder on a consistent basis. Thanks for sharing that.
Question for the group: was playing golf yesterday at a country club, and the people who lived at the house off the tee box on hole 9 were blowing an air horn when we were teeing off. What’s the appropriate response for that?

Edit: these were adults. Not college kids or teens.

What Country Club?
Question for the group: was playing golf yesterday at a country club, and the people who lived at the house off the tee box on hole 9 were blowing an air horn when we were teeing off. What’s the appropriate response for that?

Edit: these were adults. Not college kids or teens.
as you leave the teebox.
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I guess my weekend in Nashville made me a little too optimistic about this how Kentucky would react to the mask mandate lifting.

When we got back I ran into Wal-Mart, which no longer requires masks or has signs up, and I was only one of 3 or 4 people with out one.
Question for the group: was playing golf yesterday at a country club, and the people who lived at the house off the tee box on hole 9 were blowing an air horn when we were teeing off. What’s the appropriate response for that?

Edit: these were adults. Not college kids or teens.
Sounds like a midnight party needs to be scheduled around the #9 tee box with a DJ and loud speakers.
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I think the argument would be better if he were a couple years removed from UK, but it’s been 6 years. At that stage you just have to congratulate the guy on clearly putting in the work and improving his game significantly. He played a ton in the 1st half against UNC with Fox getting the rape whistle so it would’ve been nice if he hit some of those wide open 3s he bricked in his last game.

Visited my wife’s grandmother in the nursing home this morning. Never been to one of those,. She has Alzheimer’s and really went to shit the last month so she didn’t know who we were. We sat with her in the cafeteria and she was sitting with another patient, who looked like happy Gilmore’s grandmother and was very sweet the first couple minutes. Unfortunately after about five minutes she decided she didn’t like my wife and starts screaming at her to leave her grandmother alone and to leave and that she wasn’t welcome. It was just a complete horror show and very emotional for my wife.

I don’t know whatever happened with that dr Kavorkian guy but as far as I’m concerned he was doing good work. Feel free to put a bullet between my eyes if I ever get diagnosed with one of those god awful mental diseases. Probably wouldn’t be that bad for me as I wouldn’t know what was going on but just hell for the family.

Mulder could've/should've played more but that was a championship level team that got ass raped by the officials in the Elite 8 vs the eventual national champs.

Maybe he should have started over Briscoe. It's not worth arguing over now. But Golden St also has Juan Toscano Anderson who is a key man in their rotation that plays more than Mulder. He averaged 3.2 ppg for his career at Marquette. Golden St. seems to have a knack for finding and developing these guys. Either way, I'm happy for Mulder and hope he has continued success.

Yeah, and did the same for Juzang. Pretty sure we all did for Allen.
I don’t know whatever happened with that dr Kavorkian guy but as far as I’m concerned he was doing good work. Feel free to put a bullet between my eyes if I ever get diagnosed with one of those god awful mental diseases. Probably wouldn’t be that bad for me as I wouldn’t know what was going on but just hell for the family.

Yep. Too bad he was way ahead of his time. My mother had ALS, and while she would have probably never considered it, if I come down with something akin I’m going out way before I’m completely incapacitated. The last 9 months of her life the only thing she had control of were her eyes. Luckily we were financially able to purchase this cool computer system that she could type out words just using her eyes so we had communication. Her favorite phrase was, “Damnit, Fred, change the channel”. While it was hard taking care of her, and I would never consider it a burden, no way would I ever put my family through it again.

If I’m able, give me one more strong pour, a bite of medium rare ribeye, and a Marlboro Red, then send ole AW packing. Cremate my ass and have a big effin party and be done.
Sky Harbor musings:

~ Desert heat is just not that bad when coming from the Ohio Valley. Sat outside each night in 90+ temps and it felt like a low 70's bluegrass evening, just perfect. During the day when you have a breeze the heat isn't noticeable. Don't think the natives realize how much humidity kicks our ass in the summer.

It's nowhere close to as hot (and humid) as it's going to get later in the summer.

Yes, May days in the desert, when it's in the 90s and low humidity, feel pretty nice. I've worn jeans and been comfortable on days approaching 100 and super low humidity.

But wait until late July, when it's 120 and with a little more humidity, or when the monsoon weather hits and its 110 and every bit as humid as it gets in Kentucky (yes, this does happen there). 120 is miserable no matter what the humidity is, and overnight lows often are only in the mid 90s.

Those weeks in late summer in the desert are brutal, way worse than anything Kentucky experiences.
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Am I the only one who doesn’t get the OVW purchase? Would love to know the details of the transaction.... I’m assuming it has to be one of those “buy extremely low” purchases and flip in a few years.

You aren't the only one with that question. I have some friends and family that almost surely feel the same way. Even though it won't interest everyone, here is a bit of an answer as to the details:

We bought the majority ownership at a very reasonable price during a time that the company was struggling. Covid played a part, but the bigger issue was that the interest and knowledge of the product had fallen dramatically and it needed a shot in the arm. I was of the belief that with Craig Greenberg's business acumen and connections in the Louisville business community and my marketing/statewide platform, we could make it grow. It was relatively low risk investment and in a field that I have been a huge fan of all my life.

The play is threefold:

1. Most importantly, I think there is a market for a statewide wrestling product that focuses on Kentucky and travels around the state to create events in towns all over. The idea is to create a Friday night that is kind of like what KSR is...a platform for people of all ages to come together and have fun. Friday at Country Boy in Georgetown was the PERFECT example of our goals. We had about 400 people, all ages, with folks drinking beer and families with their kids. Everyone there seemed to have a blast and I feel like that is replicable everywhere.

2. Along with OVW, we have a Wrestling Academy trade school licensed by the state. This is the only school in America with such accreditation and within a year, we will be eligible for federal student loans for our trainees. I don't see any reason why, with Al Snow as the head trainer. we can't be the top place to learn to wrestle in America for newcomers. There are only a handful of wrestling schools in American with any kind of credibility and this is one of them. Run it like an actual business (which the others are not) and you can have great success and be the top spot to learn to wrestle.

3. The longer term hope (and a bit more of a gamble) is to make this the top Developmental territory in America for wrestlers...the minors for the top stars. This is what OVW was in its heyday when Cena, Lesnar, Batista, Orton, The Miz, etc all trained here. Back then they had an official connection with WWE and my hope is that we can establish a similar one with them or AEW in the near future. But even if we don't, because we have a weekly live TV deal (which no other minor league promotion does) gives us advantages that I think we can exploit to draw great talent here. And with tv networks and streaming services DESPERATE for content, my hope is that we get the product to a place where a national provider takes the show outside Kentucky.

Thats the long of it. The short of it is this...I am the kind of person who likes to build things. We built KSR the site and it has had great success. We have the radio show which is awesome to do, but really can't grow anymore and is now just about sustaining. We built a sports bar that I am proud of but since I don't really cook or manage food, my role is basically as a marketer. This is something new to build. My guess is I will keep wanting to try and create new things forever. It is just how I am wired.

I hope all you guys will someday visit. Huber was there at Georgetown and I read he had a blast. Having these local celebrities has gotten a lot of new eyes on the product and we are in development for a reality show (think like the "Last Chance U" of pro wrestling) which will be in production this fall. It is a blast and I am really glad I got into it.
I’ve never heard of OVW, and don’t even watch WWE, but dammit I loved watching The Dude the last two weeks. OVW is hilariously fascinating.

Mr. Chin and company have it pretty easy this year. Get CJ and Dontaie volume looks every game. Good luck, Chin!

I’m already white hot pissed about having 2 long range snipers that basically fight each other for spot reserve minutes and get yanked if they miss their first shot.
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