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You aren't the only one with that question. I have some friends and family that almost surely feel the same way. Even though it won't interest everyone, here is a bit of an answer as to the details:

We bought the majority ownership at a very reasonable price during a time that the company was struggling. Covid played a part, but the bigger issue was that the interest and knowledge of the product had fallen dramatically and it needed a shot in the arm. I was of the belief that with Craig Greenberg's business acumen and connections in the Louisville business community and my marketing/statewide platform, we could make it grow. It was relatively low risk investment and in a field that I have been a huge fan of all my life.

The play is threefold:

1. Most importantly, I think there is a market for a statewide wrestling product that focuses on Kentucky and travels around the state to create events in towns all over. The idea is to create a Friday night that is kind of like what KSR is...a platform for people of all ages to come together and have fun. Friday at Country Boy in Georgetown was the PERFECT example of our goals. We had about 400 people, all ages, with folks drinking beer and families with their kids. Everyone there seemed to have a blast and I feel like that is replicable everywhere.

2. Along with OVW, we have a Wrestling Academy trade school licensed by the state. This is the only school in America with such accreditation and within a year, we will be eligible for federal student loans for our trainees. I don't see any reason why, with Al Snow as the head trainer. we can't be the top place to learn to wrestle in America for newcomers. There are only a handful of wrestling schools in American with any kind of credibility and this is one of them. Run it like an actual business (which the others are not) and you can have great success and be the top spot to learn to wrestle.

3. The longer term hope (and a bit more of a gamble) is to make this the top Developmental territory in America for wrestlers...the minors for the top stars. This is what OVW was in its heyday when Cena, Lesnar, Batista, Orton, The Miz, etc all trained here. Back then they had an official connection with WWE and my hope is that we can establish a similar one with them or AEW in the near future. But even if we don't, because we have a weekly live TV deal (which no other minor league promotion does) gives us advantages that I think we can exploit to draw great talent here. And with tv networks and streaming services DESPERATE for content, my hope is that we get the product to a place where a national provider takes the show outside Kentucky.

Thats the long of it. The short of it is this...I am the kind of person who likes to build things. We built KSR the site and it has had great success. We have the radio show which is awesome to do, but really can't grow anymore and is now just about sustaining. We built a sports bar that I am proud of but since I don't really cook or manage food, my role is basically as a marketer. This is something new to build. My guess is I will keep wanting to try and create new things forever. It is just how I am wired.

I hope all you guys will someday visit. Huber was there at Georgetown and I read he had a blast. Having these local celebrities has gotten a lot of new eyes on the product and we are in development for a reality show (think like the "Last Chance U" of pro wrestling) which will be in production this fall. It is a blast and I am really glad I got into it.
When are you going to face the World Heavyweight Radio Champion StD in the squared circle? Or are you CHICKEN?!?
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- i have yet to turn on my AC. Should probably my give a test run looking at the forecast for this week.

- pink starburst and green apple jolly rancher, FTW

- any of yal hop on the Bitcoin sale?
On one of our first dates, my now wife asked me “what is your favorite skittles flavor?” I legit had no clue what she was talking about and said so to her. I don’t eat a lot of snacks like that but when I did, I just threw about 8-10 in and chewed at once. She was absolutely blown away I didn’t know skittles had individual flavors and looking back on it now, it was not one of my better moments.
This may be a birth defect of some sort, but yellow's problem has never been taste. It's texture, or rather, firmness. For some reason, it's the least chewy of the Starburst.
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Apparently, lime was an original Starburst flavor. I think they were created in Europe and supposedly there are still some places where you can get Starburst with the limes.
That is literally not true.

Most purple stuff tastes like soap. Purple Gatorade is the worst Gatorade.

The best gummy snack of all time - Swedish fish - comes in one flavor. Because it’s fn stupid to make any other flavors.
Big Red is literally not cherry flavored.

Cherry Coke. Probably the original and only flavored coke worth drinking.

Uhh can I get a grape coke cuz...

No, you literally can’t.
Side note: Cherry juice is quite healthy for you long distance runners... and everyone else too.
- Once again, who is Chris Kolb and if he’s such a stupid obnoxious bastard, then why do so many of you follow him and spread his opinions?

- There are some things in the world - women’s college volleyball and Israel/Hamas for instance - where I just don’t have deep enough knowledge to take a strong stance. The old phrase “wide and inch deep” comes to mind with a lot of people these days.

- When college football returns this fall, can we not treat every instance of a rusher “hurdling” a tackler as extraordinary?

- I’ll say this, it was nice getting out and drinking/eating this weekend.

- Not looking forward to 90s this weekend. This area just hates hanging out in that 65-80 range.
I like cherry candy. I also like grape candies, except for the neon green shits you get afterward. That is weird AF.
Maybe Hickman truly did want to be near home - as he chose a program with 2 point guards, one experienced, who he will clearly be behind starting out? Although, unlike some coaches Few is guaranteed to play his best players....wouldn't shock me at all if Hickman/Sallis/Nembhard all start with the 2 Honks up front.

-Lock up Wheeler today though, and I'm pretty much in love with our 5 man guard/wing rotation, with still an outside shot at Mintz.
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-hard candy goat: butterscotch discs. those strawberry things are nice. Now and laters and jolly ranchers are torturous.

-lemonheads are the truth. Candy corn is delicious.

-tbh most of the gummy/fruit stuff is nasty. Starburst is *the* exception.
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