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You aren't the only one with that question. I have some friends and family that almost surely feel the same way. Even though it won't interest everyone, here is a bit of an answer as to the details:

We bought the majority ownership at a very reasonable price during a time that the company was struggling. Covid played a part, but the bigger issue was that the interest and knowledge of the product had fallen dramatically and it needed a shot in the arm. I was of the belief that with Craig Greenberg's business acumen and connections in the Louisville business community and my marketing/statewide platform, we could make it grow. It was relatively low risk investment and in a field that I have been a huge fan of all my life.

The play is threefold:

1. Most importantly, I think there is a market for a statewide wrestling product that focuses on Kentucky and travels around the state to create events in towns all over. The idea is to create a Friday night that is kind of like what KSR is...a platform for people of all ages to come together and have fun. Friday at Country Boy in Georgetown was the PERFECT example of our goals. We had about 400 people, all ages, with folks drinking beer and families with their kids. Everyone there seemed to have a blast and I feel like that is replicable everywhere.

2. Along with OVW, we have a Wrestling Academy trade school licensed by the state. This is the only school in America with such accreditation and within a year, we will be eligible for federal student loans for our trainees. I don't see any reason why, with Al Snow as the head trainer. we can't be the top place to learn to wrestle in America for newcomers. There are only a handful of wrestling schools in American with any kind of credibility and this is one of them. Run it like an actual business (which the others are not) and you can have great success and be the top spot to learn to wrestle.

3. The longer term hope (and a bit more of a gamble) is to make this the top Developmental territory in America for wrestlers...the minors for the top stars. This is what OVW was in its heyday when Cena, Lesnar, Batista, Orton, The Miz, etc all trained here. Back then they had an official connection with WWE and my hope is that we can establish a similar one with them or AEW in the near future. But even if we don't, because we have a weekly live TV deal (which no other minor league promotion does) gives us advantages that I think we can exploit to draw great talent here. And with tv networks and streaming services DESPERATE for content, my hope is that we get the product to a place where a national provider takes the show outside Kentucky.

Thats the long of it. The short of it is this...I am the kind of person who likes to build things. We built KSR the site and it has had great success. We have the radio show which is awesome to do, but really can't grow anymore and is now just about sustaining. We built a sports bar that I am proud of but since I don't really cook or manage food, my role is basically as a marketer. This is something new to build. My guess is I will keep wanting to try and create new things forever. It is just how I am wired.

I hope all you guys will someday visit. Huber was there at Georgetown and I read he had a blast. Having these local celebrities has gotten a lot of new eyes on the product and we are in development for a reality show (think like the "Last Chance U" of pro wrestling) which will be in production this fall. It is a blast and I am really glad I got into it.
Thanks for taking the time to explain.
Obviously Matt doesn’t care or he wouldn’t gambol, but who cares what someone else thinks. That person doesn’t have your interest, drive, expectation or belief.

I hope OVW blows TF up and becomes that top feeder again. Cant even imagine what it would be like to do that, as a fan of wrestling myself.

The krazy’s will absolutely be in attendance if your ever close to Mt Washington!
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There was a house that backed up to Picadome golf course that had a wrestling ring in their back yard. Well worth it to let several groups play through and take in that entertainment on a Saturday afternoon.
Oh I'm sure Bullitt County is on their radar, krazy. Don't you worry.
I tried to book the Bullitt East gym for our first road show but they had Covid restrictions. As soon as they go away, you better believe we will be there.

We do teach people how to run production as well as wrestle....I didn't realize until I got into this that, at all but the top levels, the wrestlers also have to set up the ring, take it down, etc. These men (and women) really love this stuff and It is very cool to see all of them pursuing their passion.

I have never seen Vince Marrow more nervous than he was last Thursday night backstage waiting to go out to the ring. Dude was really worried about the whole thing. But he crushed it. Not surprisingly, Richie Farmer was in heaven and I think if I am not careful, he is going to try and get in the ring for real
I tried to book the Bullitt East gym for our first road show but they had Covid restrictions. As soon as they go away, you better believe we will be there.

We do teach people how to run production as well as wrestle....I didn't realize until I got into this that, at all but the top levels, the wrestlers also have to set up the ring, take it down, etc. These men (and women) really love this stuff and It is very cool to see all of them pursuing their passion.

I have never seen Vince Marrow more nervous than he was last Thursday night backstage waiting to go out to the ring. Dude was really worried about the whole thing. But he crushed it. Not surprisingly, Richie Farmer was in heaven and I think if I am not careful, he is going to try and get in the ring for real
What about Kash?
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Dude. If Kentucky makes the Final Four, my house will rent out for SOOOO much money on AirBnb. This is gonna be awesome.
Quick shots as my students finish up an on-line exam:

- My son played some travel basketball this weekend which meant I had to order from Taco Bell's drive thru a couple of times (not bragging). Now, the last few times I've gone through their drive through I've asked for "a few Fire Sauce packets" and they dump in about half a ton in the party pack. Not sure if I've won some kind of sauce clearinghouse, or if this is a common practice. It's like they have unlimited resources. Just an embarrassment of Fire Sauce. Basically, get it together Mr. Cathy!!!

- Started to watch the Jeffery Epstein doc on Netflix. I couldn't get through the first 20 minutes. I turned it off and will never watch another second of how that pedo manipulated teenage girls.

- My AC is out (probably a $2,000 issue), but with Mother Nature finally being somewhat agreeable, I'm going to have the lowest electric bill I've ever had. I haven't had to turn on the unit in over 10 straight days. That 70 bucks I'm saving is going to come in handy!!!!

- Original Starburst flavor rankings:
1. Cherry
2. Orange
3. Strawberry

4. Yellow

As a matter of fact, if you have yellow anywhere but last, I can't trust you and would rather not spend any of my time in your presence. Clearly you're a sociopath.

- The ultimate question regarding our basketball team is if Cal can adjust his offensive philosophies to it. You all have already mentioned it, but this team is going to be unlike any other he's coached. He's going to have draw some things up instead of just out-athleting and out-working other teams.

Furthermore, this change in style/philosophy shows me that Cal is more "thin-skinned" then he'd have us believe. That's the deal with being a big time promoter/marketer. You'd better somewhat listen to the people or your brand will get stale. Personally, I'd consider that a strength.
Pink and yellow are the ones that actually taste the same after 1 or 10. The rest lose the snap of their flavor quicker than Big League Chew.
I believe this bit of marketing settles the debate. Haven't been able to find the All Yellow yet.

Anything cherry (except black cherry) or grape flavored is pretty awful. It doesn’t help that neither flavor tastes anything like the actual delicious fruits.
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