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* drxman ever figure out where to land a 5-star caterer or private chef in St Kitts? Poor guy was in a big ole pickle last week.
I sure hope he reached out to my high school friend and current Instagram model Shanna Dickerson. I've been looking for an excuse to slide into her DMs for a while now, and making sure Doc got a good recommendation is the excuse I was looking for.
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Sun morning at 1 am 13 yr old girl reported missing. Mid-day Sun there is already a mobile HQ setup and 50 officers searching. Sun night they find her body in the woods.

They are charging this 14 yr old. He was apparently snap chatting in the back of the cruiser and has created a social media shitstorm with trolls.

We can't even go anywhere because this happened a few miles down the road we live off of and there's f'ing traffic from idiots trying to see the crime scene.
We'll get through this. #Inittogether

This little incel is going to be someone prison jiz rag. He's a smug little c-word, rolling his eyes at the judge and showing little to no remorse. Apparently she wouldn't f him so he just murdered her.

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2021 Randoms

Doc & WCC--huge congrats on getting married and becoming fathers. Enjoy every minute and watch the world from their eyes. Your kids are fortunate to have you as fathers.

Sloot/Anth, congrats on #2, I was WAY out ahead on you two being great parents. But no surprise there.

PTI and Rob...keep posting, you guys crack me up.

Max/UCL, I'll never believe you aren't one person until I see you both at the same time.

Tommy G, damn kid, you turned out pretty well. Congrats and keep working it. Politics is a tricky nasty world, but you were built for it.

Clown/HK Don't ever F'ing change. Never.

Rudd1, 3,500 days. Respect. Keep working #12.

Strokin', keep coaching, those kids need guys like you.

Through Blue, I had nothing to do with that guy getting canned but for whatever reason you keep bringing it up. So I'll donate $500 to a GYERO charity of choice if you prove I did it. If you can't, never post in GYERO again. Thing is, you can't cause I didn't do it. But feel free to take the bet. I hope you do. And if you don't, then STFU about it.

Rogue---stay young and enjoy the sun.

UKO---just keep playing the Heel. (Hubert Davis---LOL, good luck with that.)

Matt Jones--congrats on the success, hard not to be jealous of what you did. Props.

Bradyjames---damn, just damn. Huge congrats for stepping out and making it happen. FWIW, I reached out to your store last week to sell about 4,000 cards I've collected over the past 50 years. They suggested sending pics of some, help me get as much $$ for them as possible. Have two more kids to get through college.

Castle Rubric/Wyvern---gold, f'ing gold. Post more.

Cricket, Geese, Willy, Llama, Bristol Cat, SAE, Vern, Booker, '73, Cawood----great to see you still posting. Goes back a long way.

To 99% of the new comers--STFU. You are going to ruin this thread. You CAN quit posting, I'm proof.

As for me,

Divorce was final a couple of months ago. Finally. Really tough hit on the finances but I'm free. Bitches be crazy.

Mother passed away a couple of months ago also, tough. Real tough.

One kid out of college now working on her masters, another will graduate next Spring and my 6'5" "baby" is off to school in August. Good kids, proud of them.

Sober since August of 2016, really active in AA. One of the best things I ever did.

Sold the big Brentwood House last Fall and living in an apartment until September. Selling off a lot of crap, putting the rest in storage and hitting the road. Considered Vanlife but decided on monthly Airbnbs for the next two years. I can work from anywhere and am picking out places I've always wanted to go for more than a few days. Asheville, Sedona, Maine, Pacific Northwest, Victoria BC, back to Alaska, Costa Rica, Canada, Panama, South America, Asia, Australia, etc. Have traveled a lot on business over the years and have been to many places, but never got to know them. This is my chance.

Peace, love and serenity to all.

Life, enjoy the ride.
If the glove doesn’t fit you must acquit

there is literally no way to prove that you did that. You asked about your daughters self diagnosed fibromyalgia and didn’t like when the former poster told you his opinion on the ailment. Shortly thereafter his administrator gets an anonymous call about an employee breaking HIPAA on a Kentucky sports message board. It wasn’t hard for you to figure out his info. You both live(d) in Nashville and you already had his name.
You stop posting for many many moons until you see your bat signal and feel the need to defend your bitch act.
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So last Saturday about an hour before the KY Derby, I go on my TVG account and try to deposit $100 for some fun, losing money. Hit the quick deposit, "error", again "error". After 3 more times, I finally notice $100.45 is my balance, $10 fee, $110 charged on my bank card. Then, balance goes to $200.45, $300.45, $400.45, finally $500.45. All of the messages of "error", they actually ran my card 5 times, along with 5 different fees. Smooth $550. Messaged TVG support. Hour wait, notta. So, last night about 4/5 of the way drunk, message again. Poor little Rashon felt the wrath. 20 minutes, ALL of my money credited back to my card, AND Risk Free $300 bet. It is only for a Win bet, and with nathan to lose, I will pick a solid 5-6 / 1 horse and bet the max $300. Win, boom, $1500-$1600 winna, lose, ole well, it was fun being a high roller betting $300 on a horse race.

Moral of the story : Pay attention to your online gambling accounts, MF'ers will try to get you.
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I thought spears posted under Col Angus now?

Went out in columbus last week. Went to Townhall which is a Cleveland offshoot I think. Me and the Mrs went to that area around 3 months ago and it was vacant with a literal homeless camp outside of it. Was worried about downtown as Columbus was a bit of a mess and very woke. Fast forward to Saturday night place was absolutely packed, and no masks. I don’t mean people weren’t getting on you about masks, I mean literally the bartenders and servers weren’t even wearing them. Was actually weird at first. And this was 20 somethings with piercings and tattoos, people who you couldn’t even tell what sex they were, people that seem very excited to shame at any minute. Was great and very refreshing.

Finalized plans for our house last night, now I just sit here for next 60 days awaiting the hopefully not ridiculous quote. Joy. Can already tell this is going to be a long year.
You're going to make ThroughBlue jealous.
That’s not true but I’m not going to continue to argue about it on a message board. WettCat made the call because his feelings got hurt. He was bamboozled at home and took it out on an internet acquaintance that he could easily access information to.
-a proper RV would be fun for away tailgates. Maybe a big trip out west. I nice lil tow behind would be fun for hiking/fishing trips within a days drive.

^the biggest thing is storage and maintenance. I've calculated the coat per use...and like a boat it's better to rent/have a buddy that owns one.
I mean, a cruiser is like a floating rv...its not for everyone.

Damn losing Clinkscales sucks.
We used to set up a tailgate in the visitors RV lot and shew wee some of the set ups that would roll in were impressive. The works, really. Full of people just living their best life driving in to Lexington for a football game.

Best set up though was this family with a fully decked out custom RV from Norfolk State.
Does Dr Bistecki (sp?) and his "guy friend" still roll around in an old school Austrian SUV ambulance or whatever? That thing was cool AF.
UK is finally in a position where we are a desirable job. Coupled that with the fact that we pay good $$ for assistants now, I trust Stoops to make a great hire.
Exactly. Your staff being constantly courted by big name schools is a really good thing. I love hungry assistants. NMU.
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