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My favorite TCCat memory was bringing his 3 year old to a tailgate. Little f-er kept swiping peoples beers and drinking them. Seemed like the most TC thing ever.
I remember that tailgate well. Little toucher must have slammed 5-6 Bud Lights.

"Ahh, don't worry about it. He'll be alright."
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I mean, 2.5 of my top 10 best friends in life came from this board, and countless other very good friends with near daily off-board communication.

That may SOUND weird to say or type, but it isn't. Yeah, we all 'met' in person for the first time at UK games, travel destinations, or tailgates... and were pretty much real friends in many instances and to varying degrees after that, just like meeting anyone else for the first time.

-My favorite TCCAT memory is him not killing me when he had the chance, and justification -- nothing but respect over here. 🙂
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The guy who blocks me from his life 25-40% of the time, makes death threats, jokes about waxing my dying grandmother, no call/no shows, tells me I'm short, bald, and fat, celebrates tornados destroying my home town and prays for more, threatens to call my job and get me terminated, trashes me and my family, roots for UK to lose every game, makes soul-crushing personal insults, asks GOD for me to eaten by a shark when I go on vacation, or create a Hurricane, constantly tells me that I am not Caucasian when I know that I am, .etc.
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The who guy blocks me from his life 25-40% of the time, makes death threats, jokes about waxing my dying grandmother, no call/no shows, celebrates tornados destroying my home town and prays for more, threatens to call my job and get me terminated, trashes me and my family, makes soul-crushing personal insults, asks GOD for me to eaten by a shark when I go on vacation...etc.
You two have a very entertaining relationship.

You dumb MF.

You really don't want to go there on wouldn't end well for you.
I've been reading this board since before Cliff Hawkins had asthma, IIRC, we switched him from New Mexico. It was always about the Cats, but the randomness of the conversations was entertaining. TOWCHOP, Tubby friends, to the Billy G year(s), to the door at Memphis made this thread a critical source of info and opinion. I rarely posted, mainly because by the time I had something to post, someone else said it in a better way than I could have. I was a tax accountant from Hoptown and now spend my winters in South Florida. Most of you are my kids age, so I know better than to clutter up this place with my crap, but still find it necessary to read what you have to say. I saw Anth735 at a Cats game at Vandy once when I was still going by SlamDunk and did introduce myself as such.

Oh yeah, one other thing, LexHeelFanColetheasshole can eatshitanddie.
- I sat next to Century for about five minutes before Zion made basketball love to us in Indy. I wish I left when he did

- picked up former poster (who was doxxed by WettCat) at his house and watched UK/Vandy in Nashville

- Met universally loved former paddock poster Willy4UK at a wing place in at Daytona Beach

- Sent dk a picture of my second ass hole on Facebook messenger hoping for some advice and all I got was a “**** you” in return. Sad.

-have been following rogue for a couple weeks on Instagram and feel like I’m in his little sex triangle thing he has going on
IMO, it's way more creepy to not introduce yourself. I'm way past the awkward phase. It was announced at my wedding that I met my wife on a UK message board.
I was actually at your wedding and never put 2+2 together. When I heard that I just assumed it was a UK dating site. I didn’t read GYERO for the first 5 years I was on this board
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Yeah your wife and her sisters grew up with my wife. And now that I think about it we sat at the same table for that reception. But it was before I knew about GYERO.
Yeah your wife and her sisters grew up with my wife. And now that I think about it we sat at the same table for that reception. But it was before I knew about GYERO.
So you're the guy I met on Friday at CTK and you were at my wedding before GYERO and are just now figuring that out?

You sat at the head table of my wedding?

Did I enter the multiverse yesterday? WTF, was in that tequila?
No. We did meet at the twins either reception or rehearsal dinner. I was at your wedding but we did not meet. My wife’s name is Alicia.
I didn’t realize who you were until one day while reading the board you know how sometimes when the page loads and you click on the thread right next to the one you meant to click on? Well that happened and there was a pic of Bernie (who I also know) right at the top of the page. That’s when I started reading and put it all together
I didn’t know Kenny Mayne was still even on ESPN, which is equally as sad. Mt Rushmore there, easy. (SportsCenter)

His partners were Stu & Karl in his prime mostly, iirc? That whole era runs together

Just remember SC being appointment viewing nightly, whereas for 15 (20?) years it’s mostly accidental or background noise.

Btw, occasionally ESPNNEWS will run a marathon of all the ‘Best of SC’ commercials special shows, with commentary. Record it. Makes for great random DVR viewings.
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No. We did meet at the twins either reception or rehearsal dinner. I was at your wedding but we did not meet. My wife’s name is Alicia.
I didn’t realize who you were until one day while reading the board you know how sometimes when the page loads and you click on the thread right next to the one you meant to click on? Well that happened and there was a pic of Bernie (who I also know) right at the top of the page. That’s when I started reading and put it all together
Were you there when my friend ran across the stage in his underwear and the belly dancer showed up?
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No talk here on Arkansas’s #1 ranked baseball team? Is it not May? wtf
Honestly probably long gone by that time but I do remember the pastor calling you Tony.

Mark me down for not remembering this, or really, anything else from that day/night except Ghetto or was it Lewis?? & my two dear friends getting married in a nice & fun evening, in general. That’s a long time ago.

I’m certain it was an extravagant & beautiful occasion.
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