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Line’s in the sand. State your side.
Anyone who would not welcome Wheeler and considers him a C- guy falls in the same category as those who throw shade at Fauci.

You gobbled up not only the shaft but balls and all.

Congrats on your gullibility!
I like the Wheeler pickup, and Fauci deserves shade. His messaging has been abysmal from the start of the pandemic.
His messaging?

Since when did arguably the top disease specialist in the world have to deal with messaging?

Oh, 14 months ago when the last president aka coward bitch hoodwinked America and said so!
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Russians attacking us with space lasers, Israel getting bombed, K retiring, anyone else got something to distract from cawood’s #badtake?
- NY vs LA on a Tuesday night.

- All I need to know is overall will Wheeler be better than whoever the kid was we started last year?

If yes, great!

That’s how low the bar is set for Cal’s guards.

- I hate that people know I’m getting rich on lumber packages, and sadly prices are still on the rise.

Come and get it!
Wheeler's shooting numbers were better (not great) his freshman year so he can do better. An All SEC pg coming into his junior year won't improve on his efficiency?
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With Wheeler slicing defenses and the shooters we have on the perimeter I dare any teams that want to zone that team. He can also make things so much easier for Oscar and Brooks around the rim. This kid can play. I’m excited and this close to asking Willy to photoshop some Empire Strikes Back poster that would cause Rafters to go bananas.
With Wheeler slicing defenses and the shooters we have on the perimeter I dare any teams that want to zone that team. He can also make things so much easier for Oscar and Brooks around the rim. This kid can play. I’m excited and this close to asking Willy to photoshop some Empire Strikes Back poster that would cause Rafters to go bananas.
Cal won't be able to resist starting Oscar, Brooks, Toppin and Wheeler together while defenses dry-hump Grady on the perimeter.
Bengals-Vikings Week 1

I hate how stupidly excited I am for schedule release day.

But GD the NFL is great.
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* Neil Everett has been holding down the #1 anchor spot on Sportscenter for a decade, which is all the proof you need that ESPN prefers beta yes men to talented individuals.

* Top 1990's babes (in no particular order)

- Tiffani Amber-Thiessen
- Jennifer Anniston
- Jenny Mccarthy
- Carmen Electra
- Christina Applegate

* So did we save any of that $5 trillion we created out of thin air last year or nah?

* <-- was gonna be out in front on disliking Marcus Carr, and honestly think we avoided a mess there. I'm glad we have a legit PG, as opposed to a high volume scorer.

* Meathead humblebrag: the satisfaction of pushing thru a challenging workout you had to force yourself to show up for in the first place is off the charts. 9 miles on the track yesterday (10 x 800), in the pouring rain, with no water since my Yeti fell over.

* Random dog quirks:

- sleeps on his back, spread eagle
- loves to eat cat poo
- chases after even the tiniest of flies/insects
- prefers to sleep in the guest bed by himself
- sits like a normal human in the car seat, completely upright, and is happy to be buckled in
- hates a bath, but loves being dried off

* Haven't checked yet, but I'm assuming KingLlama has already made a hysterical social media post about applying for the available defensive back coaching position? He's so silly.

* Who's our cool, young, backwards hat wearing "Get Back" coach these days?

* Steph Curry = 1-11 from 3 last night. God, he's so terrible.

* Who can go both ways better --> Megan Fox or Shohei Ohtani? Haha lol.
Wednesday Randoms...

- I was a big a critic as anyone on Cal but he gets an A+ this offseason. Got rid of dead weight on the staff, changed the roster to add shooters. Only one big change left to do (and it is arguably the most important one) and that is modernize the offense.
- Wife is 27 weeks. She's been an all star considering she spends all day chasing around a 2 year old that doesn't sleep. Yesterday: to the beach, to the pool, 2 long walks, out to each for lunch. Wife gets rewarded with a 45 min nap and then a 12:45am wake up call for 3 hours. I'm spent, don't know how she is doing it.
- When I talk with friends back in KY or wife's family back in CT, Covid is still topic #1 by far. When I speak with people down here in FL, Covid isn't even mentioned.
- I'm the least political person I know (I HATE both sides) but my question is "when is the end game...if not now then when?"
- Had an uncle who passed away last week at 87 after having a stroke. He spent his last year locked in his house, only got to see his newborn great-grandson once (didn't get to hold him), and basically had no life outside his house the last year of his life. Can't imagine how many people die each day where their last year played out the same way. Not saying there shouldn't have been lockdowns but there's got to be a middle ground.
- Gotta cut back on the midweek drinking a bit. Used to have a rule of no alcohol M-W and now seems like every night, I'm having 3-4 beers.
- Don't really follow the NBA that much but Lakers vs Warriors in a play-in game will get my attention.
- Can not get over the price of lumber. My GC gives me the invoices and I hardly even look at them any more. Just write the check and move on.
- My 2 year old has said "NO" to me no less than 10x in the time it took to write this post.
- When are the football over/unders released for SEC teams? Have a side bet with my friend that UK's will be 6.5 or 7. If so, gonna hammer the over.
Lumber question for Krazy because I live around a lot of loggers.

Where is the price difference coming in? I know there aren’t any less trees being cut and ran down the road and I also know the ones cutting them down and sending them on their way aren’t seeing much of the spoils
Kelly Kapowski is an obvious top 5 of the 90s but that list needs color. Aaliyah would be on my list, of course, but you should at least have Chilli from TLC.
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Lumber question for Krazy because I live around a lot of loggers.

Where is the price difference coming in? I know there aren’t any less trees being cut and ran down the road and I also know the ones cutting them down and sending them on their way aren’t seeing much of the spoils
Everyone took their stimulus checks and built decks, home improvements, etc. Demand went up.
Lumber question for Krazy because I live around a lot of loggers.

Where is the price difference coming in? I know there aren’t any less trees being cut and ran down the road and I also know the ones cutting them down and sending them on their way aren’t seeing much of the spoils
Restrictions on Canadian lumber, extremely high demand, a bottleneck from shut down processing plants that has never been corrected, lack of labor force to cut/process/deliver the product, inflation hitting the commodities first, wholesalers and distributors making up a bit of lost margin....

Its not just one thing.
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