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I believe they(1&dones) are mostly taking online classes the spring semester. Pitino had thrown jabs regarding this. Not that it matters especially with the march travel required but yes Brooks you're correct.

I'll also throw out there I dropped a ton of classes after I figured out the professor was going to be a dick and floundered around for 2 years with no concern for the future or 20k my parents were spending per year. Got it together those last 2 years though. Figured that's pretty typical.
* Don't forget about ukcats2008 when it comes to GYERO journalists.
Ha, I spend more time giving dirty looks to journalists who ask stupid questions than actually being a journalist. Unless you count writing recaps of women's soccer games that end in 0-0 ties. Then, I'm all over it... because apparently posting "soccer was played, allegedly" doesn't suffice for some people.
Any future offspring of mine will have the option of graduating in 4 years on Dad.

After that, the cruel tutelage of life begins.
5 worst names in the world, imo.

1.) Jerry
2.) Anthony
3.) Chad
4.) Matthew Paul
5.) Keith Garrett

Not a huge fan either, two first names and such. When I was a Kid I wanted my name to be Ray for some reason
- Reading Jordan Rules right now. Fascinated by the man and his competitive fire. I mean.. He was literally insane, IMO. Not a good person, though. He and his image were so carefully protected by Stern.

It's hard to compare Jordan and LeBron. Everyone thought LeBron would be or wanted him to be just like
Jordan. Their games are totally different. LeBron is one of the game's all time best passers thrown in this hyper athletic freak of nature who can literally play or guard all 5 positions.

It's hard to knock LeBron as a person. He's been under a giant microscope since he was 16 and the worst thing he has done was "The Decision", which raised millions for his foundation to help kids.

His teammates love playing with him and he's never sniffed trouble. He's like a giant kid so naturally he seems to spend most of his free time with his own kids.

- Most people nickname their kid "Trip" because he is the III. Anth and Jaime.. You're going to hear all kids of waspy cracker names in Lexington.

- Been melancholy towards UK athletics since the Final Four. Just don't feel the fire right now. Hoping the stadium updates, annual summer viewing of UK football vids poolside while buzzed, and a Murray signing will stoke a flame here soon.

- Jack Fry's for our anniversary dinner this past weekend. Pre dinner cocktails at 8Up. Cool rooftop bar. Reminds me of something you'd see in Chicago or Charleston.
So today I was taking care of a 4 year old boy, and before the surgery we asked what things he likes for comfort. Mom states that when he's upset, she lets him breastfeed. After likely seeing the disgusted-but-trying-to-hide-it-and-failing looks on many of our faces, she followed that up with "no no no I don't actually produce milk anymore, it's dry." Ok, because that's so much better. And sure enough after surgery, the nurses could barely keep him from grabbing them all and going to town, but once his mom was in she let him have at it, which settled him down immensely.

That kid's gonna cope well later in life!
Team Anthony on the names. Grandson's g-ball team has 50% names that rhyme with Aden. Hayden Traydon Aiden... Drives me nuts.

George, Bill, Jack ftw.
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So in playing my
So today I was taking care of a 4 year old boy, and before the surgery we asked what things he likes for comfort. Mom states that when he's upset, she lets him breastfeed. After likely seeing the disgusted-but-trying-to-hide-it-and-failing looks on many of our faces, she followed that up with "no no no I don't actually produce milk anymore, it's dry." Ok, because that's so much better. And sure enough after surgery, the nurses could barely keep him from grabbing them all and going to town, but once his mom was in she let him have at it, which settled him down immensely.

That kid's gonna cope well later in life!
Yeah well that kid is gonna be Lord Arryn of the Vale so missed opportunity for you to make a powerful friend there, pal.
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FBI files, and the 20 other similar shows on ID are okay in a pinch, but I generally don't enjoy any type of show like that with "re-enactment" type stuff mixed in...

Snapped would be the one exception, although I don't watch that anymore, either.

-I seriously can't believe you homos still watch that Bachelor garbage. That shtick is over/old, time to grow up -- that show and people who watch it are pathetic.
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Top 40 high school players of 1982.

Probably remember 30 of these dudes.

Roger Harden.

Todd Virgie.

Ken Walker.

The lass and I enjoy it, we get a good laugh out of it. Not much else on a Monday.
Re-enactments are the worst. All I can focus on is how bad the actors are, how little they look like the actual people, etc.
- Pretty ridiculous that Calipari's salary is higher than all but 3 NBA coaches, and $3M higher than all but two of the rest.

- Have always wanted to check out The Shield.

- Doesn't it seem like overseas basketball jobs are just infinite for players? Seems every marginal baller in the US can go somewhere overseas and pick up a 6-figure contract.

- Pool day tomorrow; B-Dubbs with dad and our buddy tomorrow night; and Saturday night in OTR with my best friend ABH. Pretty good weekend shaping up.
Joey Rupption is the best small batch poster in GYERO.

Said this for some time now. Was way out in front of it.

Saw where Jon Lester flied out last night to continue his hitless streak. He's now 0-59. ZERO for 59. I know he's a pitcher but how do you not catch a gork or a dying quail just one or two times in that many at bats. He's only had one legitimate fly-out. The rest are all K's and really pathetic accidental contact.

This FIFA stuff is basically unveiling how big business is done around the globe, no? Favors, corruption and handouts?
[eyeroll] That pussy is so scared to get thumped in golf he won't even invite me up anymore.

Not trying to start anything, but he's told me in the past that you're pretty rude and aggressive toward him via text message. Said he's not sure if you're friend or foe anymore. TIFWIW
Interesting article on how to make "Poor Man's Pappy"

Anyone ever made their own blend of any kind? Seems like a fun way to experiment...Buck's has their own custom blend at the bar that's made specifically for them, and it's delicious.

-We were never friends, but we still have a 100% success rate of having an absolute blast together -- we're an unstoppable combo for a random day of gambol/drinking/shenanigans...I don't get it. :cry:
You're welcome to roll up if you want. I could pick you guys up after golf or something.
- So, I guess "GDFR" is the early favorite for Summer Jam '15? Meh.

- MLB games are running 9-minutes shorter this season. Hmm. Haven't noticed.

- Underrated summer "feeling"- late July when you first seriously consider that the upcoming football season is right around the corner.

- Time for ASK GYERO:

Favorite athletic jersey color scheme?

I've always like Blue/White (UK) and Blue/Gold (New Cath, Golden State). Also in my Top 5:

Blue/Red (Clippers, Kansas)
Navy/Old Gold (Notre Dame)
Purple/Gold (LSU)

HM: Orange/Blue (pre-'00s Syracuse)
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