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* I am going to buy JRupp a beer one day as we sit at a Cincy establishment and throw peanuts and punches at wcc.

* Dark green and old gold is a good combo (when Baylor does it right).

I like USC and UCLA's unis, too.

* Dr. Hotbody let her hair grow out and looks like shit. Body is still pretty good, though.

* The Loveland Kroger is full of mutants. I travel the extra 10 minutes to go to the Harper's Point Kroger unless I am in a hurry.

It is odd how 2 of the same store can be located that close to each other and attract a completely different set of clientele.

Chad, think Bellevue Kroger and Newport Kroger.

* I guess my invite to join abh was lost in the mail. Sigh.

Adrian, you can come up and gaze into my pond with me. I'll even fill it with gravy for you, if you want.
The old simple Sonic's Green and Yellow. Shame they went from those to the crap Thunder colors.
Re-enactments are the worst. All I can focus on is how bad the actors are, how little they look like the actual people, etc.
My wife was a robbery/rape victim in a reenactment for local news/Crimestoppers a few years ago.

They caught the guy a few years later, probably because people like you were too focused on my wife's acting chops.
- Newport Kroger Marketplace (not just a regular grocery, but a marketplace) never disappoints. I love grocery shopping there. Runs the gamut from college babes to your 20-somethings to hot older women...all in yoga pants. It's great.

- Willy, if you can weasel away from the 'burbs, you're welcome to join us.
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That's dope, Max. How do you sign up for that?
The cops and reporter putting it together knew me so they asked her.

I can forward your info next time something terrible happens around here and they put together a reenactment for the news if you'd like.
I can only imagine the pervy requests BBdK's poor wife gets on a daily basis. smh
Just anal whenever we're drunk. Bitch lied when she promised me that if I put a ring on it, but I will never surrender.

I keep all that other stuff to myself, GYERO, & Brooks (for the extry good stuff) -- she thinks I'm a good boy.
Just anal whenever we're drunk. Bitch lied when she promised me that if I put a ring on it, but I will never surrender.

Bitches lie, even when they love you.

About a month ago, I was promised a BJ if we left a party we were at early. We left in a hurry. She passed out before we even got home. I'm still waiting for my mouth hug.

GYERO Law, could that be considered a breach of contract? She acknowledges that the verbal agreement took place, she just chooses not to act on it.
The green light parking lot security looking for heroin overdoses really add to the atmosphere of our local Marketplaces up here.
You bringing your lady friends or nah?

Nope. She's in Portland this weekend and unless ABH rekindled his relationship or fell in love with a new girl in the last 48 hours (very possible), he's single. Bro night, bro.
You're out of luck, Willy. In the landmark case of U.S. v. Bitches, 471 U.S. 176 (1985), the Supreme Court (Rehnquist, J., writing for the Court) held, as a matter of law, that "Bitches be crazy.... As such, nothing they say can be trusted and it should be assumed that they straight perpetrating at all times. A ho is a ho is a ho."
Nope. She's in Portland this weekend and unless ABH rekindled his relationship or fell in love with a new girl in the last 48 hours (very possible), he's single. Bro night, bro.

Good. Then I might be in. I've got a middle school grad party at 6:00. - yeah, you read that right.

After that, I may just have to head on down to the magical world of OTR.
What are acceptable ingredients for chicken salad? I'm down with celery and walnuts, but not a fan of grapes.
See you after golf, Chad. Try to behave this time...jesus. And don't even try to lie with your "I'm not doing shots" routine...just be responsible about it like Jerry & I will be.

Maybe next time, Willy.
What are acceptable ingredients for chicken salad? I'm down with celery and walnuts, but not a fan of grapes.

I have been making chicken salad with leftover smoked chicken lately.

Chicken, light mayo, green grapes, raisins, chopped walnuts, onion, seasoned salt & black pepper.

Obviously, you could substitute celery for grapes.

I do a fine chop on the onion in the food processor and hit most of the chicken pretty good in there, too. I mix in the unprocessed chicken to keep it a little chunky.

The smoked flavor mixed with the sweetness of the grapes and raisins is what makes it happen, though. The different textures are nice, too.
I could never really get into the taste of celery (even with shit drenched on it) or cucumbers.
Celery offers a delicious flavor. It's a staple of Cajun cuisine. Trust me, I know people who live in New Orleans.
What? Grapes are what take it from good to great.

Disagree completely.

I can handle grapes, my mom went full Waldorf, but prefer without.

I know Willy mentioned smoked chicken salad last week. Buddy of mine makes it at his little bar restaurant, called 'Chicken Crack' (lol), and it's exactly that. Best ish I've ever had by a mile -- I've tried to duplicate with limited success...still good tho.
Joey Rupption, how's the new babe?
He's great! Thanks for asking.

He is 7.5 weeks old, so at this point I am still more of a baby butler for my wife than anything. But, he has been pretty low maintenance as far as infants go.

Every night before dinner, I have a little dance party with him to a Stevie Wonder Pandora Channel and we review high contrast flash cards. That's the extent of my fathering at this point (I also pay bills and keep the dog from licking the baby's face).

I've got two baby gear rec's for you and Anth (congrats! btw):

1. Sprout Baby + App
2. Boken Diaper Bag

(Also, his name is very standard. I gave my wife a rule about having to have met a person "in real life" with the a name in order for it to be considered.)
Interesting article on how to make "Poor Man's Pappy"

Anyone ever made their own blend of any kind? Seems like a fun way to experiment...Buck's has their own custom blend at the bar that's made specifically for them, and it's delicious.

Weller 12 and RVW 12 are the same thing, same exact batch design and same exact aging time. RVW 12 gets first pick on barrels the way I understand it and they take the ones they deem to be the best.

Weller 12 is hard as hell to find though, especially in Kentucky. Not as hard as the RVW products of course. My biz partner (Bob, also in the bourbon industry) brought a case back from Texas because he couldn't find any here, he paid $36 per bottle for it.
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