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UNC wins the 2021 National Championship, and Dadgum Roy and the boys go visit newly inaugurated Bernie Sanders in the LGBT Rainbow colored house at 1600 Pennsylvania, while a Mooslim doctor from Syria on an H1-B Visa performs a medicaid financed abortion in the background live on CNN.

It could happen. Go Heels!
Well the Redlegs bats are sure coming alive! Started 1-8 and are 9-6 since with a 4-0 lead on STL!

Win this series and split @NYM with Scooter and Alex Wood coming back and things could click.

Poor PTI might have to double down on negativity!
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Also did I read the 120-130 proof bourbon is too much?

I’m a pretty big fan of most higher proof myself, and as long as you keep it to 3-4 once you step back down to a 90-100 proof it’s just not the same.
Win tonight and My Redlegs are tied for second worst record in the National League, as opposed to holding that position on their own. Woohoo!

Herby: there’s a group of 5-6 guys, 200lb, 6’ safeties that can run... it’s just a question of which one you scouted and like best.

Panel: *no shit, really?*
Word on the street is Nicholasville is getting a chick fil a, but to be honest I don’t believe it. We just don’t deserve one, and I have no idea who would work there. Not a lot of CFA quality high schoolers in this town if you get my drift. Could definitely see one in Brannon, but not Nicholasville proper. Versailles is the most CFA place in the damn state but that weird ass town won’t let hardly anything in. SAE, if you can talk to them into it holla. Would love to bring the CFA to my third favorite town in woodford county.
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I don’t represent CFA. I think the one time I submitted a site to them it was the bank at Bardstown Road/Douglas Loop, which was sort of trolling the neighborhood because people would have been protesting in the streets.

I do have a relevant listing at the moment: the Arby’s on S Limestone across from B&E. Arby’s is shutting it down in August. We’ll see what happens.
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Maybe young people realize what most of their elders are too blind to see: that all of the last few presidents have all been awful, the next president will be awful, and that in today’s world only awful people get elected so they really have no interest in going to a dickhead’s house and taking pictures with him.
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Political take: If the last election cycle produced Donald Trump as the GOP’s answer to combat “leftist policies” who/what is going to come along to replace “MAGA policies” for the Dems? Scary to think about. /political take.

Big workout day for Derby hopefuls. Hearing great things about Omaha Beach’s workout. Also, War of Will had an eye catching move. Really like WoW as a good value play. He’s been considered a top tier contender all winter and spring. People are forgetting about him after that Louisiana Derby flop, but he took a bad step out of the gate and grabbed a hock. He was done after the first step. Bad luck happens. Can’t overlook this one’s talent! Could possibly get him for 25-1 or better by post time.

Yard work today for ol’dad. My yard is the worst in GYERO and I’m ashamed. Going to murder some dandelions, mulch a few young trees, trim up the rose bushes, and treat what’s green. We won’t be brilliant, but we’ll pass inspection. April still flexing nuts all over this weather sphere! Best month in a long time!
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Well, considering what happened in Charlottesville and the President's disgraceful response to it, I don't blame the Virginia bball team one bit. They don't want to meet a blatant racist, whether he's President or not.
Well, considering what happened in Charlottesville and the President's disgraceful response to it, I don't blame the Virginia bball team one bit. They don't want to meet a blatant racist, whether he's President or not.
I don’t think Trump is a racist (seriously), but he has DEFINITELY figured out how to appeal to racists.
The fact that your political take is “RACIST/NON-RACIST” and not that pretty much every industry we have is an unchecked oligopoly (regional monopoly), only 10% of pharmaceutical companies even have R&D anymore although they use that to justify making billions off the sick, that telecommunications giants have unchecked access and surveillance over us, and that it’s all because of lined pockets of politicians with UNLIMITED term limits on BOTH sides just shows how much we’ve all lost.
Not all Trump supporters are racist (obviously), but all racists are Trump supporters.
What kind of didlo stuff is this?

However......I do remember seeing Luis Farrakhan at a MAGA rally. You?

Oh, David Duke supports Tulsi Gabbard. Biden referred to Obama as "articulate" and "clean." High praise if you ask me.

Countless other examples but it won't do any good to list them.

*Firm believer water bottle filling stations waste more water than normal fountains.

*Finished up Letterkenny. Great freaking show.

*10 showings on the house and zero offers. My driveway seems to be scaring a lot of people off.
Not all racists are white Vern. People seem to forget that.

Anyways, new Chuy’s in Hamburg last night. Nice addition to the hood. Then hit my favorite dive bar O’neill’s for 80’s band. Was an absolute blast. Quite the cult of personalities there. Amazingly everyone got along and enjoyed the music, too bad real life can’t be so civil.

Yard work today for boat dad. Dinner and movie tonight, golf tomorrow. Nice little weekend here.
At the end of the day most of the Trump policies are very moderate whether you hate him or not.

- Vern hasn't heard the entire Charlottesville quote. No surprise. Also no surprise that a team from a very liberal school isn't going to the WH.

This is Trump's closing quote after saying the infamous "there are fine people on both sides..." - “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”
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