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Apples to apples means that the $300 a night hotels in NYC are the same price as the $300 a night hotels in Nashville.
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But if you take square footage into consideration Nashville hotels are a steal compared to NYC. Add in the the opportunity to go to honey tonks with all the overweight, white middle americans and bachelorette party's singing along to Miley Cyrus moving their hips like yeah as they go by on their peddlers it can't be beat.
Eric Bledsoe is completely incapable of playing well against Rozier. A little embarrassing.

I really thought the cure for Cincinnati’s woes would be going on the road to face the best team in the National League, but they ended up losing the series 1-2. Surprised, obvi.
Draft was essentially one giant nonstop party all weekend. Shew

Hotels simply haven’t caught up with popularity of the city...yet. Over 20 hotels under construction right now. Airbnb is booming, but will eventually burst, but I’ll keep riding it out!

If anyone needs a 3BR house close to downtown hit me up for the catpaw friends discount.
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Talked to a real estate investor from Nashville, said there are 110 new people moving to Nashville every day. That whole place is a shit show.
The population of New Orleans continues to decrease.

Turns out all Nashville needs is higher taxes, more corruption, government bureaucracy, violent crime, high murder rates, rampant homelessness, higher cost of living, poor health statistics, and suspect jobs numbers.

Get your act together, Nashorleans.
I enjoy mundane census stats, the actual number from the last yearly census estimate was 83 per day and the growth in Nashville has been showing signs of slowing.

Louisville on the otherhand adds about 12 a day and growth is showing signs of stopping.
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I just googled population increases per day after Robs random post. Apparently where I live in Columbus we’re adding 118 per day and apparently have the hottest housing market in the US (WTF?), not sure how accurate that is. But not to be topped India adds 52,000 people per day, so a bigger shit show than most I’m sure.

I used to go to Nashville all the time as one of my best friends from HS went to Vandy, but haven’t been in at least 10 years, all this talk makes me want to go check it out and see how much it’s changed. Bet it would be awesome to be young and live there and have new areas to check out all the time.
The Nashville MSA population is 2,000,000. 110 people per day is 40,150 people per year, equating a 2% growth rate.

Crazy, Rob. Post more odd metrics for otherwise mundane stats if you’ve got them. Thanks.

I said the city of Nashville, not MSA dumbf@ck. Nashville has a population of about 690k, so redo your math and get back to me.
Leave real estate to the experts bub.

- "Avengers: Endgame" shew wee - that was overwhelming. But it was a love letter to you if you've seen the previous 823 Marvel movies. I can't believe they pulled it off. Meanwhile, DC has managed to f*** up Batman and Superman. GREAT EFFORT

- Rankings of crossing guards at my youngest kid's school:

(1) No one
(2) 80-year-old volunteer guy
(3) 70-year-old woman with perpetually wet hair (possible witch?)
(754) Rabid pitbull
(755) Lexington police officers

The effed-up state of UK football traffic makes a whole lot of sense now.

- BIG TIME YOUTH SOCCER politics are hilarious. I would imagine it's the same with any youth sport deal where adults take things way too seriously (i.e., all of them).

- Career-wise, I'm at a point where I hate most people I have to deal with on a daily basis, but I'm not terribly interested in hiding it anymore. Kinda liberating?

- Being able to powerbomb your child is incredibly satisfying.

- Never been anywhere in Texas besides Austin, but I picture that place as being an oasis in an otherwise sandblasted hellhole of strip malls and megachurches.
-Derby Week. Haven't been around in a few years, looking forward to it -- not even sure why I'm at work today...gonna be a sleepy early week.

-Seeing Anth become a hardcore Marvel geek seemingly out of nowhere is kinda weird, imo.

-Staying at the Grand Hyatt NYC (the 2nd nicest hotel class in their portfolio after the Park Hyatts) in a few weeks for the PGA. May 16-19 $285 per night.

Downtown Nashville, that same weekend:
  • Omni - $469
  • Hilton Garden Inn - $371
  • Renaissance - $632
  • Thompson - $526
  • Sheraton - $356
  • Courtyard Marriot (lol) - $432
  • Holiday Touching Inn - $342
  • Westin - $767 :joy: (Westin Grand Central NYC is $211)
  • Hilton $515 (Hilton Times Square & Fashion District are $292 & $311)

So're wrong as usual UKO -- and like I said it's not even really close. And you clearly don't even understand what apples to apples means, you dipshit contrarian loser.

-Multiple suite (and backside) offers for Thurby ([sick]), anyone gonna be out there?

-Juzang :smiley:. If for whatever reason you're against adding another shooter, regardless of class/age, Look at it this way ----> we're essentially trading Baker for him. [thumb2]

-2 Man Invitational was a success. Field was absolutely stacked, Champ Flight didn't have a single team that wasn't + Handicap.

-Watching Handmaid's Tale with the wife. 5 eps in, I get what's going on at this point, but still have so many questions about the background of how we got here, etc. Doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense, and it bugs me. Show is definitely slow moving, assuming it picks up a bit? Can't remember who on here was on that show, SAE maybe?

-Ripped through the first 3 seasons of The Wire the last few weeks, had actually never seen those, picked it up during S4 way back in the day. Such a great show. Kinda funny seeing just how old the show really is, w/ regards to the technology, etc.

-Despite their struggles, still don't see anyone beating the Warriors.

-Cards in 1st, Reds in last. How it should be.

Does the mantra still hold true...

NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY, does Derby like Anth.

I did Derby Week a few times in college, and most every year throughout my 20s before I knew Anth. There wasn't much going on during Derby back then, was basically a ghost town -- but once I met him we learned about all the racing, parties, restaurant and bar scene that goes along with Derby Week. It was pretty eye opening.
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Played a round with the wife yesterday, the lessons seem to be working. Kinda cool to see her assimilating into the country club, making friends with the other ladies. Good times.

Been on a Malone’s bender using my gift card coupons before they expire. Prime NY strip FTW. Ruby’s next week. #Steak life.

Working this weekend, glad for all my
Louisville friends, but derby is just silly to me.
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