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Comprehensive, all-encompassing political take:

The system be broke and most representatives suck and are only there to enrich themselves. This is true on both sides of the aisle.

^Much of this problem can be remedied with 2 simple solutions:

1. Term limits (as suggested above).

2. Make Congress live by the laws they pass on the rest of us.

Boom. Done. Fixed.
1. Term limits (as suggested above).

2. Make Congress live by the laws they pass on the rest of us.

Boom. Done. Fixed.
On the one hand you're absolutely right. On the other hand, the people who would do those two things are the people getting fat off of NOT doing those two things. So now what do you do?

P.S. #3 is to get the big money out of politics and overturn Citizens United.
The only political take anyone needs is that tape of Cindy being an entitled kooz about her 9 day bachelorette party being interfered with by an annual event.

The triumph of narcissism in America post-social media is astounding. Everybody needs to shut the f*** up, get to work on their career and their family, and quit to trying to have the wokest/hottest take, imo.

In slightly related news, f*** gender reveal parties.
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Trip to Lowe’ glad it’s typically a once a year deal for Porsche dad.

Looking forward to my heirloom tomatoes though.
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He is going to be a guy they bring in late in the half and late in the game to batter the defenses. Might not ever be the starter, unless injuries happen, but can be a great role player. IMO.

- My only concern with him going to Pittsburgh is that they really don't put up with BS. With his social media acumen, and outspokenness, I hope he can accept being a role player....for now
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On the one hand you're absolutely right. On the other hand, the people who would do those two things are the people getting fat off of NOT doing those two things. So now what do you do?

P.S. #3 is to get the big money out of politics and overturn Citizens United.

Agree - the solution is simple but not easy. Would probably require Constitutional Amendment. Which won't happen, unfortunately.

But those 2 simple, straightforward steps would solve SO much. Hell, you could write it all up in less than an hour.

/That's all I got.

1. As I age, yard work gets better and better. Pop on a podcast, head outside, ignore the missus and get some much needed peace and lack of interruption. Then have a beer. Pretty solid.

With that said, I have never met a woman who has ever completed a conversation with her spouse, allowed a man to go start another task, and then *NOT* started incomprehensibly yelling from the other room about some insignificant detail regarding the just completed conversation. It is like some sort of super-irritating superpower.

2. GOT predictions. Beric, Tormund, Jorah, maybe Brienne, and the cute little girl with the porridge die. Theon somehow screws up protecting Bran but something happens so the army of the dead bypasses Winterfell (or doesn't fully sack it) and heads south, leading to Cersei having to actually confront the situation.

3. I have literally no expectations about UK basketball coming up. We could be relatively awful. Calipari could somehow pull it all together to put together a monster squad. Just impossible to predict.

I do wish that somehow the NCAA would get its act together to work with NBA as a feeder league rather than feasting on the tournament money and letting a bureaucratic twats act like the pigs in Animal Farm.

If not, it could massively suck.
Don’t hate Trayveon Williams and poor man’s less abusive Joe Mixon coming to camp for the Bengals.

Still pretty sure they don’t really have a cohesive plan.
If you're reading this, everyone who disagrees with you is a racist, donuts are actually good for you, Benny Snell is a Bengal, and the Cats are hanging banner #9 next year.

Nashville is perhaps the most central locus of NFL idiots / meatheads within distance to either (a) drive within 12-18 hours, or (b) fly nonstop. Remarkable though. Don't underestimate how much of that crowd were bachelorette parties.

Wanted to [thumb2] PTI's original post about Utah a while back, but he included too much garbage. Point is, Utah is vastly underrated as a destination. Might be the Mormons. But the scenery in that state is incredible, and not to be missed. SLC --> back roads southeast --> Moab --> Canyonlands / Arches / Monument Valley - Amazing. From there, loved going to 4 Corners, but that's more of a geographic oddity than anything.

Zion / Bryce are also incredible, and almost a separate trip originating from Vegas, unless you have a ton of time.
Does anyone really watch the draft in its entirety? I can't get through the second round of the NBA draft let alone 3 days of that shit.
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Used to work with a guy who thought he was Mel Kiper, made his own draft board and everything. It was when I lived in Illinois, and I had to remind him several times I wasnt really a Bengals fan so I couldnt discuss team needs with him just felt compelled to give him an answer when he asked who my favorite team was.
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I love the draft but only watch round 1, check up on round 2-3, and typically check team by team picks when it’s over.

I love that Nashville was a great spot and had a great turn out. I wanted to go, but logic got the best of me.
I love the NFL draft but also stopped watching so o could put in some pavers in my backyard and rewatch game of thrones
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Kind of disappointed that Herman Cain didn't call Gloria Allred's bluff to have his mistress describe his dick to the senate, tbh.

If I am Herman, I'm just going to show up that day smoking a cigar, a tumbler full of scotch, and wear a cowboy hat and a t-shirt that says "Don't blackmail a black male."
Congrats on your Chuy’s. Hamburg really needed another big box store chain restaurant.

No, but Chuy's is good, and their other place is in a stupid location. And it's 5 minutes from home.

Go run off the edge of Mt. St Helens or something.
Yes, it is.

Inventory helps NYC obviously, but the Hyatt, Omni, Hilton, Westin, Thompson, & Loews are $400+ per night in Nashville on a regular basis. Those same hotels in mid-city locations in NYC are cheaper, almost always.

A weekend done right in Nashville is expensive AF, and unlike NYC, there is no way around it if you want to stay downtown. And when you factor n the overall experience of Nashville vs NYC, lol, it’s not even close.

Touching clown.

Incorrect by a long shot. You missed the apples to apples part of my post. And I have many more years of experience on this subject.

Touching idiot.
For fun I checked Travelocity the weekend I’ll be in NYC (June 22). The Roosevelt was $253/night. Lots of other options cheaper and much more expensive.

The same weekend in Nashville, the *cheapest* I found downtown was $275, with the average around $325-350.
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