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I've never actually seen Willy mad but I'm sensing he's getting a little PO'd right now.
Not even close to getting mad.

I'm more determined than ever to show you non-believers that I can and I will make a beautiful water feature in my flower garden.

Your doubts just cast light on your own lack of self confidence and personal abilities.

I am an artist. The world is my canvas.

I am an American. Red, white and blue ingenuity runs through my veins.

I can and I will succeed at anything I choose.

Today, I choose to build a mother touching goldfish pond.

Amen, hallelujah, touch.

(read in the voice of Samuel L. Jackson)

Somebody write this shit down.
Y'all don't understand. When you grow up on the filthy streets of Dayton, KY, addled with methheads and stray dogs and teenage mamas pushing their babies in strollers, all you dream about is one day living somewhere out in suburbia with a mini-pond. Willy's been yearning this for years. Let the poor bastard have his pond. You don't know where he came from. Let him leave the world he grew up in behind once in for all.

Wonder what Rob did other than swim team at Hunting Creek? (Nathan)

My first summer in highschool, I put up hay, topped, cut and hung tobacco. I hated every second and threatened to run away from home if I had to do it again. It seemed like it was at least 120 degrees everyday.

So I got certified to lifeguard. Did that all during highschool. Then halfway through the summer of my sr year, got caught porking a resident of the apartments in the pump room. Fired. Thought I would float until going off to college in a month, Dad said nope, got me a job doing construction with wildcat73's uncle. I roofed in 180 degree weather.

I'm a hard worker, but touch that hard as manual shit in the heat. Call me soft, I don't give two shits, hate it.
-My first "real job" was at Ohlmann's Pic Pac on Gagel as a cashier. I used to love some fried chicken and potato wedges for lunch during the 10 minute break. I don't remember the "back"/stockroom being that exciting. Sorry, BBdK. I still block out shelves when I shop at groceries/Target/etc. I can't stand to leave a hole there. I guess that would also be considered a "pull girl". I've never heard that term though. They let me come back and work holidays and breaks too, which was nice.

-I worked at RC Cola on Strawberry Lane one summer. Somehow John Franklin got me the gig as his aunt was in "Marketing". No idea how my position was marketing related, but I sat in a shack out back and waited for the drivers to come in and counted the drinks on their trucks to make sure they didn't give anything away/steal. There was the "damaged" pile and I drank a TON of Big Red in bottles that summer. Good stuff. That group of drivers were awesome. They were all like my big brother/father figure and had my back on any and everything and wanted to beat up any boy that broke my heart.

-Then I started staying in Lex in the summers. My mom hated it, but I loved it. Waited tables at Rafferty's, hung out at the pool and drank A LOT. And took a class or two. Those were the days.

-Willy, I'm sure your pond will be lovely. But my neighbor has one (as I'm sure you have seen) and that thing is a pain. She's constantly doing some sort of maintenance on it. And "learn" moving water nothing. It definitely produces some mosquitoes.
Izzo wants players to be able to go to a 6 foul limit. Ha. Of course he does.

Not a popular take but I really don't like the bastard. Have a belief that he's the one coach who popularized the blueprint for muckball and the theory of I don't have the horses to compete let's make it a mud wrestling contest & foul on every possession.
-Sloot. My brother did the exact same job. He said it was his favorite job that gave him a paycheck. He sat in the shack and read books (no gyero) and bullshitted with the truck drivers. This was probably in 98 or 99'

-Summer jobs
  • Kroger cashier on Dixie for 13 months.
  • Some weird title insurance company on National Turnpike
  • Summer college student program at Lou Water Company- worked at he plant in Prospect and cleaned out reservoirs with a fire hose and other laborer tasks.
  • Next summer- water company again. This time on the concrete crew from Allmond Avenue. Filled in holes and made sidewalks all over Louisville. Also installed new meters in commercial vaults.
  • Then back at insurance processing company doing data entry.
One of my favorite summer memories was blaring "Danger Zone" while the Blue Angels flew over the boat at the Pensacola air show. Having just come back from the desert, that was a powerful experience. Chomp.
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Well I took part of the afternoon off from my real job today and worked in the yard. As rewarding as it was, I am damned glad I don't do that shit 40-50 hours per week. Knocked out about 25 wheelbarrows full of mulch today. Probably 40 more to go. My desk will be a welcome sight come Monday morning.
Read where his agent sent him to workout a few days last week to get ready for the combine. Glad he was able to put the goddam nachos down for a day or two and get a few jumpers up before the biggest job interview of his life.
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Rough week.

0-2 with two walks, two runs scored and two "touch it I'm not out here to walk" ABs. Guess the book is out on ol' MaxPowerrr- can't give the guy anything to hit. Gotta work on my plate discipline. Pretty sure I swung at one off a bounce in my last AB out of frustration.
Summer jobs, once you got older were always a blast. Growing up, not so much. My papaw got out of the coal industry when I was a baby but he then decided to invest in a lot of property. My early summer jobs, consisted of working in hay at his lake house farm on Norris Lake and mowing all of his grass in Wallins, Cranks, and Coldiron in Harlan County.

A man particular of his lawn, he did the actual mowing of his main house, but I had the miserable job of weedeating even more than hay. If it was typical weedeating around trees, the house, etc, it would be fine. Unfortunately, Papaw's house was at the very top of Ivy Hill and his backyard, was nothing but a mountain side that damn near reached all the way down to downtown Harlan. I hated it then, but looking back, I think that is what made me be a man who loves yard work.
Watching Sixteen Candles night now. Good effing movie. Hard to believe I was almost my son's age when it came out.

No more yankee my wankee, the Donger need food!

What's your name? Dong

What's your first name? Long

What's your middle name? Duck.
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Oh Sexy American Girlfriend!

Classic. That movie sums up the 80's.

Watched the Wedding Ringer last night, had no expectations, wasn't too bad.

Little bit of yard work then off to the brew crew.
So, did the visit happen? I'm assuming no since we didn't hear any word today.

Haven't heard anything more...that source is about as close to the situation as it can get so I assume he's here and staying low key. If he didn't show it would be a total surprise to the staff.
For the St. X guys in here, you have a guy in Justin Thomas on the PGA Tour, who is going to win a bunch of events. Kid is a stud and likely major winner in due time.
-First summer job was in my dad's office scanning paper patient charts into computer systems. Hated being in an office in khakis and longsleeves during the best part of the year.

-Coached the swim team at LCC for 5 summers after that. Best job ever. Worked 2.5 hours a day for 6 weeks with awesome coworkers and made more than all my friends did the entire summer, and private swim lessons were $$$$$. Great scenery too.

-Worked in a lab in addition to that just cleaning lab equipment. Boring but guess it looked good for a medical resume. 10 antisocial coworkers who listened to the same 3 CDs on repeat all day every day (I brought an iPod with headphones and ignored it all). One day the most normal guy got up in the middle of the day, grabbed Abba's greatest hits out of the CD player, said "if I hear this touching cd one more time I'm blowing my brains out" and snapped it in half, throwing it in the garbage. That was the most interesting thing that ever happened there.

-By far the best summer gig I ever saw was the girls who managed to get "nanny" jobs for the families at LCC. Got paid several hundred a week to take kids to the pool for swim practice and play time afterward, putting the responsibility for the kids on the coaches and lifeguards. They would collude to get their friends nanny jobs with other families, so the girls would essentially drive kids to the pool, not have to worry about them, get tans while hanging out with their friends and getting free food off the families' account... Then when the kids were worn out they'd leave and take them home where the kids undoubtedly just slept after using up all their energy at the pool. Helped the scenery at the pool, no complaints from me.
Haven't heard anything more...that source is about as close to the situation as it can get so I assume he's here and staying low key. If he didn't show it would be a total surprise to the staff.

Doesn't sound like he made the trip to Lex this weekend, unfortunately.

- Last week in Gulf Shores was very much needed. Great breezes, mid-80s, seafood, sitting on the balcony, etc...

- Hangout started while we were down there. Would've eaten that up a while back but outdoor music festivals just aren't my thing.

- Vacationing with friends >>>>> vacationing without friends.

- I've been too conservative with using my vacation time. No more.
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