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Justin Thomas is a stud. That swing, man.

They did a 10 minute feature on his swing/power with a physics/science angle on the lead-in to CBS' coverage yesterday, just incredible the amount of power that little dude generates.

Rory tho, yikes. o_O
***^Old rolleyes emoticon***
-Really solid weekend.

-Caught Pitch Perfect 2 at Movie Tavern(excellent way to watch a movie). Meh, first one was much better.
-Saturday in to work for a bit, intended to go for a ride but opted for a rain aided nap on the couch with Clyde. Then Brewery hoping around Lex with WCC, Bob, Hoves, Foltzie and the neighbor. That scene for Lex is just awesome. The 4 main local breweries all have really sweet setups and good beer.
-Yesterday drug myself out of bed early and got on the bike before the storms. Grilled up some ribs and watched TV the rest of the day waiting for the Mad Men finale.

-Great seeing WCC and his new love.

-Peter Sagan is just a bad man. TS. Can't wait for TDF.
-Thomas is cocky as hell. I like it. He had a 365 yd drive yesterday, dude weighs 140lbs soaking wet. Nuts. That Rodgers kid from Standford has some nice game. Said it before, the young crop of Americans is crazy talented. Euro's have the best player by a wide margin but man we have the next 20+.
* dude. mad max: fury road, tho. wow.

that was 2 straight hours of diesel, fire, and blood rushing thru my veins. I was white knuckle-gripping my seat the whole time. Pretty sure something was exploding for 120 straight minutes. cot damn. now THAT is an action movie. I think I broke a sweat 5 minutes into it and nearly had a heart attack.

(this is a STRONG recommendation, btw)

* movie theaters are so much nicer than they used to be. stadium seating, 3D, awesome sound, a full bar, fancier concessions, reclining, rocking seats with tons of room...

* dan wetzel...

really, anything that makes roger goodell look like a horses anus is cool in my book.

* friend of mine was discussing mardi gras, and telling me about the good ole days.

him = "dude, you should have seen the french quarter before aids."
ha. that's a pretty awesome reference point for wild partying. "before aids," and "after aids."

come to think of it, we've about got this thing maybe we're leaning back in the "before aids" direction, which would be awesome.

* did anyone read this weekend?? i did. at my pool.
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Wow, can't imagine Pitch Perfect 2 (I googled what Pitch Perfect was) not being very good. Upset city. :rolleyes:

-Awesome weekend. Walked 54 holes of golf, A lesson, visit w/ the Kirks & newborn for Preakness, Nice steak dinner (Stoney River, b/c we were out that way. Surprisingly very good), and some grilling/Bloodline yesterday evening.

Accidentally fell asleep at 8:30 waiting for Mad Men...was completely spent. Still funny to this day how a round of summer golf can take more out of you (me, at least) than just about anything.

Only regret is no reading.

<------ have no idea what/who Mad Max is.
lots of great young talent on the tour these days, and some of you bozos still think tiger has 5-6 majors left in him. amazing.
* Brined/Smoked a couple of fryers yesterday. Incredible. Set up a canopy to escape the rain that never came.

* You all will be happy to know that I dug the hole and set the pond mold in place yesterday. It is like it was designed specifically for the corner of the garden I put it in.

And it is almost perfectly level.

You all will be happier to know that my back and should hurt so bad today I could barely get out of bed.

A 50 gallon pond should not require the removal of 6 wheelbarrows full of dirt and rock. The math doesn't work.

* Sloot will like this…

Was playing in the backyard with my 4-yr old Friday night when she asked, "What is that?"

It was a tiny baby robin that had fallen out of its nest somewhere. It wasn't moving at all. When we approached it, it lifted its head back and opened its beak wide.

I dug up some worms and hand fed it 6 of the little bastards.

I picked it up and moved it to the front yard, where there are always a couple of robins who I suspect are its parents. Mommy immediately found it and brought it another worm. Very heart warming.

Little toucher was hopping around the yard all evening.
WTF? at this biker gang gun battle story... seemingly happened in a strip mall at some knock-off Hoots (Twin Peaks, lol). Waco may be the weirdest place in America.

Cancun this week, finally. The bride of the wedding we are going to coordinated tee times for the husbands one morning this week... beginning at 7AM. Sorry. A sunrise tee time on a generic resort course isnt exactly my ideal way to spend vacation. Unlimited cheap tequila isnt really the best precursor to an early wake up call.

Best part of this clip isnt the guy groping the poor gal next to him, its the old man in the throwback Brewers cap next to him, enjoying his ice cream out of the mini helmet. By far the best way to eat a cold snack at the ball park.

Have maybe watched a handful of episodes of Mad Men. Enjoyed it but for some reason never made it must-watch TV. Probably go back and netflix it. did the same with Breaking Bad and a couple other shows. Much easier for me to binge when i can.
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last nights of the few where i actually HOPE the guy did it. so, let's get this straight...

- the gal wanted to uproot her family and move specifically to live next to a theme park (busch gardens, disney, 6 flags)
- her lifelong "dream" was living in a "skyscraper" (which they achieved by living on floor 9 of a condo building in norfolk)
- the dude met his accomplice while playing world of warcraft (of some other dbag multi-player/online game)
- both of their "careers," when they were actually employed, were serving gigs at generic american chain restaurants


Weekend Shorts:

- Lexington was fun. Thanks to everyone for coming out. Would have to say Blue Stallion was my favorite of the breweries, but they all were really cool. Also loved Belle's- my kind of place.

- F the Clippers. Glad they're out.

- American Pharoah- what a horse. Any of you Horseplayers confident we finally have a TC winner?

- I didn't like the offer to Vick so doesn't bother me at all that he's going to Kansas.

- I don't have much for action movies so I want no part of Mad Max. Seeing Pitch Perfect 2 Wednesday, though!

- That biker gang brawl in Texas is crazy. Right in the middle of a restaurant.
twin peaks just looks awful. one of those knockoff hoots joints where the chicks on the posters are dope, but the actual staff is disgusting.
Only safe bet w/ Hooters outside of your coastal locations is Dupont in Louisville, place is stacked.

The Aruba Hooters is nothing but Columbian/Venezualan 10s, TS. Absolutely incredible.
I'd love to see Tiger win one or two more majors. At this point, it will be to protect himself against the charge McIlroy will make on him in the history books.
You think Rory can get to 14 or more? Man, I don't know. Ton of really talented kids out there that see the game completely different. Not scared of the moment. Rory is amazing but we've also seen him struggle for extended periods.
Had a blast on Saturday, think Blue stallion was my favorite too. Love the shuffleboard game. Wcc's girl is :cool:

The brewery scene was interesting. Felt like a tourist in my own town. I get they only sell their craft beer, but if they had a full bar I'd probably frequent more. Just saying.

Carried around and spread 30 bags of mulch yesterday. I hate yardwork.

would absolutely bet against rory -- or anyone else -- chasing down tiger. i mean, 2 people in the history of the universe have 14 majors. so, it's not exactly a tough call.
Yeah, the nice ones are crazy expensive...I've looked at them in the past.

-Shout out to CatholicBack -----> currently has 30-50% off most Mexico resorts...and just put out an additional 25% off Promo Code 'MEMORIAL' through Monday.

<-------- just booked 5 nights All Inclusive at Royal Playa del Carmen 4th of July Weekend for $1400, that's crazy for that place. o_O
Reading season, bub.

-How dope was that Paul Pierce shot tho? Still pissed that didn't count, although I suppose it was the right call.

-I hate 'Uptown Funk'. In fact, I hate this whole new genre of 'happy' music. I'm all about some feel good summer vibe songs, but this recent trend is a bit over the top, imo.

-Agency Manager and his crew are out in KC this week, continuing their annual roadie to a new baseball park. Mention it every year, but that seems like a no-brainer for a group of baseball buddies.

-Ever since Clark mentioned Budweiser the other day, I've been tearing them up. Most nostalgic beer of all for that's what my Grandfather used to give me every now and then during a UK game when nobody else was home -- and later in my teens what I'd sneak/steal on my own, as he had about 300 at any given time out in the beer fridge. Every taste (taste) reminds me of those favorite generic domesto, by far -- although I hardly ever drink it for some reason.
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-I hate 'Uptown Funk'. In fact, I hate this whole new genre of 'happy' music. I'm all about some feel good summer vibe songs, but this recent trend is a bit over the top, imo.

I cringe while franticly changing the channel.
I can't decide if @TTIZZTHEJUAN is the best Twitter troll of all time or if he is actually insane.
I cringe while franticly changing the channel.

All I picture are little kids running around at some lame birthday party or something.

At my brother's wedding last summer, it was a drunken adult dance party until 'Happy' came on during the band's break -- at which point about 30 5-10 year olds completely took over the dance floor bouncing around like little animals. :mad:
~ Triple Crown? Doubtful. Pharoah is a great racehorse (poetry in motion) but I'm not sure he can get that mile and a half. The last 1/4 truly is a test of the champions. I look for Frosted or the A-rab horse to spoil it yet again this year.

~ Let's say you hit your elbow on a counter. Am I the only person that gets pissed AT the counter? Like that stationary sumbitch did it on purpose? I swear, maybe I've got anger issues, but I want to destroy things that end up startling me like that. Stub a toe on a chair - pick it up and throw it as far as possible. Bump my shoulder into a doorframe - punch it right in its face! I guess I'm weird.

~ And ^that's^ why I think a pocket-chainsaw might be a great million dollar idea for someone. A little, battery powered tool the size of your hand to get stuff out of your way - like, I dunno - the corner of your desk that has caused your outer thigh to have a permanent buise since Thanksgiving. A tiny chainsaw could take care of that real quick.

~ Good for the Clippers. A bunch of entitled teenagers. They thought they belonged in that conference final. False. We have some nice parting gifts for you. Now, go make some more terrible commercials.

(Is it "parting gifts" or "party gifts"? I always thought it was "parting" because the contestant just lost and they were "parting" from the show without winning anything.)
I love Budweiser, always have. Plus, it's what Larry Bird drinks so we have that in common along with our relentless bball style.
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