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Started out in the public pools, drew Woodland park...shew, that place. The whole city lifeguard crew was kind of like a fraternity. Pretty awesome for a 16 y/o Bob partying with college peeps.
#Pumproom club.

Moved up to the country clubs the next 5 years. Almost felt guilty taking those paychecks.

If there was one thing I wish I'd gotten into when I was younger, would have become photographer guy...just missed the boat on that one.
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Tobacco work was by far the worst thing I did, job wise.
Missed out on what?
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Worked for the local school system during the summers 8th grade thru my frosh year in college.

Cut & watered grass, trimmed weeds, painted, moved some heavy stuff for the old cleaning ladies, various odd jobs. Mostly played basketball in the gym.

Worked for Chem Dry carpet cleaning and some invisible dog fence company during the summers later in college.
-Never had a *summer* job in high school. The summer before my FR year, I became the sportswriter for our weekly local paper, and that was a year-round gig. Did that until I left for college. I was never gonna be good enough to play HS sports, so I figured I might as well get paid to go to all the games and write about them. Was a great experience.

-We kill weedeaters like Isiah Thomas kills basketball franchises. Been through four of them in 16 years of marriage. Probably b/c we usually go with cheap ones. But it's pretty tempting to just throw a little cash at the neighbor kids to come do it. Love to mow, just hate the other stuff.

-Every single "Mad Max" commercial gives me a headache.

-Brian Anderson on Turner(the one who filled in for Marv Albert during the regionals) is a really solid play-by-play guy.
Working in tobacco made me want to finish college. The best college job I had was a pool inspector for Lexington Fayette County Health Department. I visited basically every country club and apartment pool one summer. It was a great gig. Made $18/hour and only had to work 20 hours per week. If the head life guard was hot then it really didn't matter what condition the pool was in. Funny the only problem was at Idle Hour. What a bunch of coonts. I shut them down because they were assholes and their baby pool had so much chlorine in it that I'm surprised it did not cause burns.
I was nearly killed in a head on jet ski collision during a family vacay between my 1st and 2nd year of college. 12 year old kid "rented" a ski and was wide open in a straight line down the coast. I hit a wave trying to do a 180, and the boy flew right over the top of my handle bars and into the crown of my head.

That was while I was attending Lindsey Wilson and pretty much did me in for competitive basketball - nerve damage to shoulder during the heroic rescue. I was a shooter, and it messed up my shot for about a year.

Anyhow, a lawsuit followed. When I transferred to UK, I didn't have to work in the summers. I stayed in the LEX, took 9 hours of classes, and partied/grilled out 3-4 times a week. The summer of '98 may have been the greatest time of my life.
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Because I was the size of a full grown man by the time I was 10, dad loaned me out to anyone he thought could potentially help him on the farm. Usually I'd make 10-20 bucks a day throwing hay, all things tobacco, general farm duties (help with crops, fencing, etc). By the time I was 12 he'd let me borrow the chain saw and old Datsun to head over to the woods to bust some wood up to sell. I had a few customers for a few years who'd pay me 50 bucks for a truck load. Usually I'd find a bee hive somewhere in the woods to rob and I'd make good money selling real honey.

At 17 I found the absolute greatest high school gig possible in KY; dock hand on Lake Cumberland. Would routinely make 100 bucks a day pumping gas and getting ice for folks while walking around with a quarter chub. In college I was the primary houseboat and pontoon instructor which was even easier and more lucrative on the turnaround days.
Summer jobs >>>> whatever it is you do now

Perfect example: my summer job was working the grill at the local swim club. Occasionally I would also drink beer while doing this job- which was grilling meat, staring off into space, and drinking a cold beer. Every couple of weeks I would get a paycheck for doing this.

Now I work in an office/courtroom all week in the hopes that maybe I'll have enough time/money come the weekend to maybe get outside and grill meat, stare off into space, and drink a cold beer. But now I spend money to do this.

Hmmm...That is pretty infuriating. There is a prompt that asks you to hit 1 if you need emergency water mitigation and 2 if you need a boardup or site stabilization. Regardless, he should have relayed the message on Saturday to someone in structure or called me. Can you at least tell me which Saturday you called? There are only 3 on call water people in the rotation and I know it wasn't me.

It was Saturday Apr 25
-first pay check was Brantley Security working at Churchill and Fairgrounds. Did that at 16 for a summer. Then worked at the shop for dad in the odd times. Actually was answering the phone and cleaning the warehouse before 16. After a summer with Brantley I worked 3 years with the fam in the field. Took a internship for just over a year then back to the biz.

Had a job since I was 16 with no gaps. Those summers were sold though $10/hr working 60 hours. Great money for a college kid.
Food World, what a place. "Free" lunches if you head back to the deli to shave yourself off some deli meat and cheese. "Free" frozen dinners, hotpockets, etc...during your 10 minute break. "Free" drinks from the end caps before the registers. Use a box crusher, shoot cans of tuna into your buddies feet/ankles with the floor waxer, throw the gum scraper like a javelin, use the loudspeaker to say inappropriate things, dent coke cans so you can say they're damaged and take them home, etc... You really, really, really had to try to get fired from that job. Just your run of the mill laziness wouldn't cut it.
My dad was kind of a hard ass and basically lined up gigs for me when I rolled into town after finals. They were non negotiable as long as I was under his roof for the summer.

Summer jobs:

Freshmen - Construction building a house off River Road. Summer of 98. Hot as all get out. Worked 7:30-4:30 and then would go out Wed-Sat. The GC basically hazed my ass bc he knew this was just a summer gig for a college punk. One Thursday I showed up still drunk after 3 hrs of sleep after crushing .50 Coors Light Night at Phoenix Hill. Onery mother toucher tried to kill me.

The best was the 4:30 on a Friday Bud Heavy & crispie with the crew.

Caddied at Valhalla on the weekends for extra cash. Loved that gig and have plenty of interesting stories involving heavy gambling, burning on the course and so forth.

Sophomore - Moving for A. Arnold & Sons. Beyond brutal. Moving a piano up flights of stairs. Co-workers always getting in fights with each other over who was moving what, who stole whose crispies & where to eat lunch & crap.

Junior - Moving company again.
Looped three summers at Valhalla in HS. Pretty great experience, saw a lot for a kid and made great scratch. Very colorful group of coworkers from kids to degenerate Middle Ages to grizzled veterans. Occasional guests getting buzzed and buying the caddies copious amounts of beer was pretty cool at that age.

Free golf on Mondays, kinda falls into the category of $5 student lowers at UK....enjoy it before you get to the real world and it costs you a fortune.

Haha, I worked there in 1998. Place was definitely stiff. Bunch of Wellingtons. Missed my old job at Spring Lake.

Summer between first and second year of med school was OTS (Officer Training School). That was not so much fun. Montgomery, AL in the summer FTL.

At least I did get paid for the summer as a second LT. Way more than lifeguarding.
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  • Umpire at Lyndon Recreation (older bitches playing softball were the WORST)
  • Stockboy at Winn-Dixie (yes, BBdK, MUCH fun to be had in the back, esp. with the slutty young OC/Goshen/Prospect checkout chicks)
  • Usher at IceHawks
  • Washer/dryer line at GE
* Worked at Claiborne Farms in the summer when I was high school. Always loved how UK football players did 10% the work that us high school kids did and got 5 times the money. Mike Pfeiffer was cool, though. Also cool - seeing a lady scoop up a fresh pile of Secretariat poo and put in a plastic bag so that she could get it bronzed. (ts)

* For some reason I didn't realize that Locke-Mattox was unpaid til I saw that documentary..

* Recording every Mad Men episode on that AMC marathon. Interesting to see how Don developed over the years. He wasn't nearly as cool/stoic in the first few shows as he ended up being. They were also a little over-the-top on the sexism. I'm sure it existed, but I doubt guys were walking up to new female co-workers and saying "HEY NICE TITS! LET'S GO HAVE SEX NOW!"

* Always frustrates me to watch those goobers who take half court shots on GameDay. There's a 50% chance I could hit one in 13 seconds and a 90% chance I'd at least hit the rim.

* Stirrups should be required in MLB.

* Wendy's Ultimate Grilled Chicken. Substitute Ghost Pepper Sauce for Honey Mustard. Profit.

* I worshipped George Brett and hated Mike Schmidt when I was a young whippersnapper. Now I like them both.

My non-Reds love reached its peak with Tim Raines. Dude could play.

* Gonna build a little pond in my garden this weekend if the weather permits it. Just a little 5'x2.5' kidney shaped number with a little waterfall.

* You guys better show wcc a good time this weekend. And more importantly takes notes so we can get a good report on his lass.

* Boat, what dates are you going to be in Destin in June?
LOL, one of my favorite Larry bits.

MILK AND COFFEE??? Who would have thought? OH MY GOD! Milk and Coffee, what a drink!! I've got to go there, sit down, and have one! #laughingsmiley

Welp, that doesn't work. Is there no way to just LINK YouTube without embedding it? Seems to automatically embed, even when using the regular Link Button?
I mean, this goob that drove the Amtrak train just looks like a weirdo. Like a little creepo perv.
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* Gonna build a little pond in my garden this weekend if the weather permits it. Just a little 5'x2.5' kidney shaped number with a little waterfall.

Just don't. Nobody's going to really enjoy it but you, and based upon the reported scale of this marvel even that's going to be fleeting.

Seriously. Just don't even bother. You'll be glad you didn't.
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I like liking like a weirdo.

Still not fully convinced Chad is coming. Always seems to be something. Believe it when I see it.
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