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Kids love "Uptown Funk" but every time they start singing it I'm waiting for them to be all "uptown touch(GYERO) it up, uptown touch(GYERO) it up" and then dad's in trouble.

Cutting it close there, Kidz Bop.
Pretty sure my oldest will be singing a sanitized version of Uptown Funk at his school's spring musical extravaganza. You're playing with fire, arts department.
-I have no beef with Bud Heavy, I had a little run with it in college as my beer of choice. If I go anything above Light then I'm picking something more crafty.

-That patio at Ethereal(not a fan of the name) has huge potential and a new food truck turned restaurant going right next door.

-I always forget about Ellos but man they have some ridiculously good tacos. Best in lex for sure.

-I have baby 101 class tonight.

-F*ck these smilies suck. Wanted the stoned faced indifferent guy for that last take.

-Pocket chainsaw seems very dangerous. I pocket dial all the time, start that little guy up while he's in there and you could be in some serious shit.
My parents are divorced, and have been for 28 years or so.

I have Alex & Ansley from my Dad, & 2 step-brothers on my mom's side from my StepDad's (who I'm closer with than my Dad) previous marriage, same as the last 25 years.

This is only about the 87th time this has been brought up.
Its tough to beat an icey cold Bud. Having a cooler full of those bottles, lounging poolside is about as good as its gonna get. Add in the occasional game of Jump Ball (easily one of the top 5 to every play the game) and you've got yourself a day right there.

Now there are obviously better beers out there- but nostalgia plays deep into my happiness. Thats what old Clark Sr. drank and thats still what my grandmother drinks in the summer- so there's hardly a brew i appreciate more.
Put me down for a "no" on the pocket chainsaw.

No problem with the Ethereal name. Anth doesn't like it cause he had no idea how to spell it. Wish we would have stopped by that other place, but none of us had any desire to crash the biker fest. Even if they were like 50.

Color me unimpressed with the town branch. Not much too it. I've seen bigger creeks.
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I've known you for 10 years, lived with you, talked to you daily, slept in your grandmothers home numerous times and I had no idea you had a brother named Ansley. Let me guess, he's tall and handsome with a great head of hair.
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It's my sister you dolt. Her name is Ansley Baldwin, she's 18, and just graduated High School. Her pictures are all over that same house you slept in so many times.

Clearly, you are just too wrapped up in yourself, as all my true friends know I have a sister, including your wife.
Dude, this has been a running joke for years and honestly I never knew you had more brothers than Alex. This is on you. Knew you had a step sis, but the name Ansley threw me off, didn't know what gender that was.

Guarantee if I asked Casey or Jaime 2 hours ago how many siblings you have, they'd have no idea. TS.
She's my half-sis, blood, a Baldwin...just like Alex.

Jacob & Jordan (35 & 30), are my STEP brothers, on my mom's side...who I grew up in the same home with from age 7-18, who I also consider my "brothers". They stay at home on the farm with their families...

You've also never met or heard anything about my stepfather, who raised me. Or my Mom. I can assure you they both exist as well. Maybe you should learn more about your friends. :(
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4 siblings across 2 families.

Nobody other than Killa has ever met anyone from my mom's side that I can recall, b/c they don't come to UK Games or Golf...they country folk -- it's really as simple as that.

-Wedges just arrived. Always a great day when you get some new sticks. :)
i probably have the smallest family of all-time. my moms side is all either dead or she doesnt/barely speaks to them. my dads side isn't that big. we never really have big family get togethers.

i can probably name -- at most -- about 14 people in my entire extended family.
Immediate family ftw. Anything past Aunts, Uncles, and their churrin can get pumped imo. And only about half of them qualify.

I've got nothing for these weirdos who hit me on FB with a request + message.


K. *decline*
I have gravy 2-3 times per year.

Christmas morning when my grandmother makes it, and Winchell's b/c it comes with the CBH (the GOAT).

Never been a huge fan, which may surprise many. It's fine, but not something I'll usually order.

Slab Evans sausage crazy is pretty off the trellis tho. Definitely hit that up the once-per-few-years I end up in one of those dumps for whatever reason.
fill up a koi pond with gravy furreal tho

False. Can you imagine all of the ants, grizzly bears and Baldwins* that would constantly be in your yard? No thanks.

*I'm talking about the KY Baldwins, not the Hollywood ones. It might be cool to watch the shenanigans of the Hollywood Baldwins as they swim around in gravy and cuss each other out and punch paparazzi and steal Soviet subs and bomb Canada and stuff.
False. Can you imagine all of the ants, grizzly bears and Baldwins* that would constantly be in your yard? No thanks.

*I'm talking about the KY Baldwins, not the Hollywood ones. It might be cool to watch the shenanigans of the Hollywood Baldwins as they swim around in gravy and cuss each other out and punch paparazzi and steal Soviet subs and bomb Canada and stuff.
Learn moving gravy features.
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LOL, SN is playing "It's so Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday" over a Clippers getting punked/blocked/dunked-on/losing montage.

So funny how the shit Clipper organization has become so hated amongst mostly everyone.
If this is RIP BBdK Monday, you guys are doing a terrible job, almost hurts my feelings a bit. I deserve a better effort than this. Maybe Rob can come save you guys. :oops:
False. You are getting ripped so hard, I'm gonna start calling you BBdB (BB dos Buttholes) because you are getting torn a new butthole so now you have two of them. Enjoy your two (dos) buttholes.
Chris Paul imo is just a really hate-able dude. Cuz talks about it sometimes. Weird that everyone loved Lob City a few years backs. Didn't realize it had moved past all that.

Chris Paul, Austin Rivers and JJ... no thanks.
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