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Better yet, buy yourself a jugs machine and stand rite in front of it.

Not really trying to improve on taking ground balls. You ever figure out how to use a ladder?

Was this your strategy to buy one and contiously fall up the steps like a jackass?
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Broke down yesterday and agreed to let the lass hire some lady to clean the house. Best money I've spent in a long, long time. Came home to a house that smelled like a fall day (apples and pumpkin spice or something), spotless bathrooms and kitchen. Ceiling fans and furniture dusted, hardwood floors cleaned and shined. Beds all made like a pro. All of the trash cans taken out and she hand washed some dishes.

I'd like to think that I can do all that myself but at this point why not just pay someone else to do it. I still want to mow the yard because I'm anal about the stripes but I don't give one shit how the bathroom is cleaned.
Regarding that Duke video - yeah it is dorky and whatnot but........that was a much livelier atmosphere than some other schools where recruits look bored sitting there.
^You’re a pumpkin based F#ck.

Am I the only one who skips over CastleRubricks posts? I know Wyvern is a long time poster, just don't feel that style. Sorry, homie.

It's all the more sweet and meaty that you're just an honest person -

Why wouldn't anyone like that?

Unless you tell me that
a) you DO love you some Tennessee Vol's
b) You don't love either of my hit singles "8 Wins, Damnit" or "Mississippi State Harbors Woman Beaters"

otherwise -- I'm comfy just being who i am
not here to track 'likes'


PS: You'd like/love me if we hung out or otherwise plotted things
14514.jpg This is as “zeroed in” of recruiting year as we’ had for awhile. Pretty cut-and-dried who Cal wants. Jerry Meyer talks with Ben Roberts above. Love hearing how athletic Johnson is.

- I know that ‘13 class came in more hyped but talentwise, this freshman class isn’t too far behind with Vanderbilt. More defensive potential. Going to be ugly but we can get there by March.
At this point last year, UK football was 4-3, coming off a Miss St. win. We were favored in one of our last five games (Austin Peay).

This year we are 5-2, coming off a loss to Miss St. and we should be favored in 3 of our last 5.

We are a lot less optimistic at this point than we were last year, despite being in a much more favorable position. I get why people are frustrated, but things may not be as bad as they seem, especially if we pull out a win against UT. So easy to lose perspective when games are a week apart.

(We're still the definition of mediocre)
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-rugby cats beat bgsu on the road 54-5. Finish the year undefeated. Sec championships nov 4/5. Ncaas nov 18.

-i dont actually fox hunt. My neighbor/friend/vet does, however. Iroquois hunt club near boones creek. Horses, hounds, red jackets and such. No foxes...coyotes are their quarry.
I would say whether we are favored in any more games depends on how big of an egg we lay Saturday. Medium egg probably but if we lay a jumbo egg I wouldn't count on being favored against anyone
Cal reads GYERO. He knows what's good for the state:

“I hate it for the people, but let me tell you: it’s important that Louisville — the school and the athletics department — does well because we all in this state need the city of Louisville to do well. For this state to make it, Louisville has to be strong as a city. Now anytime we play Louisville, I want us to beat their brains in. But I also recognize that the bigger picture is, for this state to make it and to do well, the city of Louisville has to do well, which means the University of Louisville has to do well. And the growth of that city, you can tie it right to the university. So, I just say that, it’s unfortunate what happened. The short-term stuff looks bleak, but I don’t believe that’s even bleak and I think they’ll be fine.”
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If we get Zion Williamson, Bol Bol, Keldon Johnson and Quentin Grimes , that's an All-Name team for the ages. Quentin is the weak link here, but I'll allow it since a quintain is necessary for jousting and jousting is badass.

"Keldon Johnson" is a solid young black dude name. That's the kind of guy who runs the student government in college and then later learns how to be a powerful lobbyist or something, imo.
-i dont actually fox hunt. My neighbor/friend/vet does, however. Iroquois hunt club near boones creek. Horses, hounds, red jackets and such. No foxes...coyotes are their quarry.

Can you still hunt foxes or dont some areas have some type of protective guideline now? Have long wanted to ride along just to watch those dogs in action.

Torn on getting a new brittany pup. Current dog is well into retirement since I got married, and would like to work with a pup. Have a bit of a fear that if we brought a pup into the house, our dog wouldnt really care for that move too much since its his domain. Also my wife wants an actual human child at some point too.

Just notified that we are hosting Thanksgiving this year, which I am completely fine doing. Quickly after being told that, I was notified that "my mother is bringing _____" and "Grandma will make her _____" and so on and so forth. False. If i'm hosting at my house, the menu is mine. I'm not going to have their mediocre food tainting my house. Certainly dont want their meh leftovers in my sub-zero for weeks.
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If we get Zion Williamson, Bol Bol, Keldon Johnson and Quentin Grimes , that's an All-Name team for the ages. Quentin is the weak link here, but I'll allow it since a quintain is necessary for jousting and jousting is badass.

"Keldon Johnson" is a solid young black dude name. That's the kind of guy who runs the student government in college and then later learns how to be a powerful lobbyist or something, imo.

Add in Immanuel Quickley and Tyler Herro and absolutely.
Can you still hunt foxes or dont some areas have some type of protective guideline now? Have long wanted to ride along just to watch those dogs in action.

Torn on getting a new brittany pup. Current dog is well into retirement since I got married, and would like to work with a pup. Have a bit of a fear that if we brought a pup into the house, our dog wouldnt really care for that move too much since its his domain. Also my wife wants an actual human child at some point too.

Just notified that we are hosting Thanksgiving this year, which I am completely fine doing. Quickly after being told that, I was notified that "my mother is bringing _____" and "Grandma will make her _____" and so on and so forth. False. If i'm hosting at my house, the menu is mine. I'm not going to have their mediocre food tainting my house. Certainly dont want their meh leftovers in my sub-zero for weeks.
No offense moran but take it from me you’re doing it wrong.

Host- you don’t have to drive anywhere
People bring food- you don’t have to cook as much
Add gravy- all leftovers are good enough for free food

You’re really over thinking things here. Take my advice and have a #smug Thanksgiving
Hey Max if I enjoyed the normal Thanksgiving garbage maybe its a different story. Outside of dressing/stuffing, the rest of it is boring and bland. If i'm to host, i'm going to at least enjoy the food.
They aren't my mother and grandmother... I enjoy both a great deal- and am glad to have everyone in *my* house for the day. And i'll enjoy cooking food that I actually like more than a meh turkey, cranberry bullshit, and dry mashed potatoes.
-i dont think folks still pursue foxes...if they do they definitely cant kill em.

-doubt i will get another *real* bird least til the kids are raised. Work and family dont leave enough time to properly care(exercise) for one. Buster the pound beagle will have to suffice. He's a good boy. If you are gonna have kids I would suggest a retreiver...much more laid back and can be trained to find birds as well.

-hosting tgiving as well. I will take care of the meat(easy, doc) and a side or two. Others can bring the rest. Mil's oyster stuffing is the bee's knees.
-I vote for human child over puppy, Clark. I think Harps would adapt to a puppy though. They often say puppies make old dogs act young again.

-I understand what you are saying on the menu and cooking it yourself, but it may take some stress out of it all of they bring some food. Just cook your own dishes to go along with it.

-I saw two foxes yesterday when pulling into to work. And then you all have been posting about foxes a lot since then. Do foxes read GYERO? I took a picture, but I’m not internet savvy enough to post it.
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- No hunting for liberal ol’ pwhipped me. I couldn’t do it.

- Chilly out- good th

- That ‘13 class was arguably our most ballyhooed but man, a bust as far as NBA talent:

Harrisons- good not great college guards
Randle- beast
Young- flawed college scorer
Johnson- 25 years too late

- Meanwhile, that ‘14 class came in relatively quiet- Towns Top 10, Booker and Ulis Top 25-30- Lyles was our top recruit just outside the Top 5. And just busted shit up. Hoping this class has a little of that class in’m, but having a hard time seeing it.
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Stopped by McD's this morning, ordered a sausage, egg, cheese biscuit. Swapped out the egg for a McMuffin egg for the first time. Applied the grape jelly that was provided without asking. I was highly delighted.

lol you jellied your cheese? That's gross.
One time for a NYC Thanksgiving with friends, my wife said she would bring the cranberry sauce because she had some already. That seemed odd, but whatever.

We show up and she whips out the “cranberry sauce” which was actually cranberry apple butter. Marcus Welby sign up to bring the turkey and show up with a monitor lizard on leash. WTF?

LSS: Canucks make for real Thanksgiving idiots. They celebrate it on Indigenous Peoples’ Day for Chrissakes. They don’t “get it.”
The '14 class was probably Cals most skilled but least athletic class. Guys that dont really jump out at you being athletic freaks, and probably didn't grab a lot of the scouting service guys attention at AAU events.
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<---generally wont kill a spider/bug. Disease spreaders(mosquitos/flies) are the exception. Oh and the hornets I found in my attic earlier this year.

-point being: i dont kill anything I can't eat. Harvesting/cleaning/cooking ones own food is a transcendent experience.
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I like to hunt, and I like to eat, so I only kill things I plan to eat. Works pretty well.

If you want perspective, raise an animal for food. We had some laying hens a while back. Fresh eggs are great and the hens are pretty easy to take care of. But we killed a couple "hens" that turned out to be roosters and you'd be surprised how much gore comes out of a chicken. Makes you look at that package of wings or breasts in the grocery a little differently.

We hosted T-giving dinner a couple times a few years back. I, too, thought it would be cool to put my epicurean spin on the menu. It was not. Bad idea, lesson learned.
If you want perspective, raise an animal for food. We had some laying hens a while back. Fresh eggs are great and the hens are pretty easy to take care of. But we killed a couple "hens" that turned out to be roosters and you'd be surprised how much gore comes out of a chicken. Makes you look at that package of wings or breasts in the grocery a little differently.
No thanks.
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