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-pulled up to the house a moment ago. just in time to bust a gal and her husband letting their mini schnauzer drop a load on my front lawn. Asked her if she needed a bag. She said had forgotten one so i fetched a kroger bag from the back seat of my truck. Her husband collected the scat and we bid one another adieu. People are inconsiderate ****s.
Well played, better than I would have handled it. #NeverPooper

As much as she has annoyed me, Ashley Judd has been good in Berlin Station. Props

Been on a huge Curb bender. Halfway through season 4. That show is gold. Larry kills me.

New York strip seasoned and cooked to perfection tonight. Damn I’m good.
To be fair, when the dog was a puppy he took a massive shit in our yard and then we took him for a walk without bags figuring he had already got the evil out.

Of course he proceeded to take a second massive shit in front of the neighbor's yard and dude was like "Hey man, you gonna clean that up?" And rightfully so. So I had to trek back to the house, schlep out and clean it up but it was already embarrassing.
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I think a lot of it is attitude. If somebody is apologetic I’m likely to be cool about it. Regardless, you’re taking that shit with you. Whether it’s in a bag or on your face.
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These assholes with outdoor cats are the worst. Come in my yard, antagonize my doggy, shit up my mulch, do lord knows what else...sick of it.
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When I’m caught without a bag, I make a big ass arrow out of sticks on the sidewalk to point out the pile (old Comanche trail marking technique) as an IOU to the social contract and for handy wayfinding.

A couple minutes later, if people see me jogging up with a bag (already on my hand) to pick up dog shit next to the big arrow they’re like “Goddamn, I want you to run for city council.” And I say, “I know.”

Cats are a contrarian pet, IMO. When it comes to cats: Get Real, IMCO.
Hate Funkhouser and Susie. Come to think of it, pretty much dislike every main character besides Larry and Leon. Richard Lewis sucks. Danson sucks. Jeff is okay. Larry carries everyone.
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-pulled up to the house a moment ago. just in time to bust a gal and her husband letting their mini schnauzer drop a load on my front lawn. Asked her if she needed a bag. She said had forgotten one so i fetched a kroger bag from the back seat of my truck. Her husband collected the scat and we bid one another adieu. People are inconsiderate ****s.
Should've given them the Chuck Rhoades treatment and convinced them to pick up the dog shit with their bare hands....

So this whole Russian collusion thing seems to have flipped the script... the Clintons about to go down like Rick and Tomma?!?!
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I'll go you one better. My neighbor puts out food for stray and feral cats so there's now a pack of the little mongoloids running loose around the neighborhood.

One of the little bastards sleeps in my side lot, so now I've basically got a cat I don't want, too.

I'm thisclose to buying a pellet gun and doing a little sniping.
-pulled up to the house a moment ago. just in time to bust a gal and her husband letting their mini schnauzer drop a load on my front lawn. Asked her if she needed a bag. She said had forgotten one so i fetched a kroger bag from the back seat of my truck. Her husband collected the scat and we bid one another adieu. People are inconsiderate ****s.
I would’ve grabbed my kid’s lacrosse stick and launched that steaming pile 50mph at their heads.
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I am within walking distance of same. Bit north of there up the avenue.

Will pay extry attention to said arrows next time.

That is hilarious. I used to live less than a block from 915 back in my single days. Come up Memorial and take a right on N. Ft. Thomas, 2nd house. Bottom level of a 2-family.

GYERO could've run 915.
I'll tell you who doesn't fail to deliver, a little company called Bryant Heating & Air. Buckeye Marge called me as I was leaving work last night, she was cold and the furnace wouldn't kick on.

I get on the horn with a dashing young man in Lexington and after a few more phone calls a top notch service tech is at my house at 8:00 pm. He was there until after 9:00 and got the job done.

And I wasn't charged overtime!

If any of your wives can't survive a 67 degree house, I suggest calling Bryant.
I'll tell you who doesn't fail to deliver, a little company called Bryant Heating & Air. Buckeye Marge called me as I was leaving work last night, she was cold and the furnace wouldn't kick on.

I get on the horn with a dashing young man in Lexington and after a few more phone calls a top notch service tech is at my house at 8:00 pm. He was there until after 9:00 and got the job done.

And I wasn't charged overtime!

If any of your wives can't survive a 67 degree house, I suggest calling Bryant.

Did you make the service man Lasagna?

Honestly, WTF is up with that commercial.
Since the idea behind the Morehead exhibition game was to raise money for charity, the more seats the better. Alas, BBN failed to deliver. Sad.


We have a telethon every week. BJW has poured his heart and soul into this program.

And all Mitch has done is give us crap home schedules with exotic destination games thrown in, threatened to cancel BBM campout, disgraced the K, brought canadian booty music sangers into the fold, raised ticket prices, introduced Hunts fn pizza to Rupp???, got ride of Dew????, etc etc etc. One of these days man BJ is gonna snap if we don't get another title soon.

We have a telethon every week. BJW has poured his heart and soul into this program.

And all Mitch has done is give us crap home schedules with exotic destination games thrown in, threatened to cancel BBM campout, disgraced the K, brought canadian booty music sangers into the fold, raised ticket prices, introduced Hunts fn pizza to Rupp???, got ride of Dew????, etc etc etc. One of these days man BJ is gonna snap if we don't get another title soon.

Poor Madison County trash. smh
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