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We host Thanksgiving now, and I do enjoy it for many reasons. However, hand washing every piece of china, glassware, and silverware used is a bitch. I was up well into the wee hours of the morning doing so last year. Solitude, cold beers and a decent playlist helped.

My Kroger proudly serves Boars Head and has an extensive cheese selection, Max. Don't worry.
Gargantuan 700,000 square foot Mega Amazing Super Kroger in Versailles >>>>>> All other Krogers

And it's not even close.
Postel and whoever else drafted that letter went HARD on Jurich. Lot of allegations that have previously only been made by select "outsiders." At first it seems like "Okay, how is that really all that big a deal?" But this will further divide the splintered fan base. Think they end up losing a lot of "Team Jurich" fans for good. This is all extremely damaging. Remember, they've already lost a five million dollar donation specifically for firing Jurich.

This is the danger of allowing cults of personality, whether it's coaching, business, government... When the personality fails or leaves, everything can implode.
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The best part about Kroger is their ability to co-opt local hispter food joints (Eli’s BBQ) into their food venues and make them serve the same great food while having all of their hipster pastiche (and false sense of importance) stripped from them as they serve their vittles next to the banana tables. IMO.
Nice touch to not obscure Jurich's address on the letter, Matt.

Also, Jurich living in a hideous ass MEGAMcMansion fits him to a T. Bet he has couple man caves with faux pilars scattered throughout that monstrosity
-sposed to be an IGA going in the old Kroger bldg on romany. Euclid is nice...but a hassle.

Seriously. Huge pain in the ass. Trying to play chicken going up the entry ramp and then trying to park a full sized truck on the roof of that grocery store is cringeworthy. No thanks. Make the order online at, pull up to the front door of Versailles Kroger, they load it for you, you drive home. Don't even get out the truck anymore. Here's a $5 bill for wasting an hour for me grocery shopping, sport. Get yourself something nice.
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Ramsey starts off saying that Postel's letter was too mean and Tom as a person deserves better.
They're getting zero calls from Louisville fans. Nothing but Kentucky fans mocking them. Wonder if they quit before the show is over. Maybe head over to B-dubs for a beer with any Louisville fans who want to toast to better days... [cheers]
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The only changes GYEROLAW would have made to that letter would have been to toss in a few personal insults here and there. For example:

"Your deliberate dereliction of duties, unprofessional conduct, bullying, and just generally being an asshole/dick and breach of your fiduciary obligations cannot be considered isolated events."

"Pursuant to Section 6.7 of your Employment Contract, all unearned and unvested compensation, benefits, and other bullshit incentives provided in your Employment Contract shall be forfeited. Blow us."
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The only changes GYEROLAW would have made to that letter would have been to toss in a few personal insults here and there. For example:

"Your deliberate dereliction of duties, unprofessional conduct, bullying, and just generally being an asshole/dick and breach of your fiduciary obligations cannot be considered isolated events."

"Pursuant to Section 6.7 of your Employment Contract, all unearned and unvested compensation, benefits, and other bullshit incentives provided in your Employment Contract shall be forfeited. Blow us."
Also, whores.
The only changes GYEROLAW would have made to that letter would have been to toss in a few personal insults here and there. For example:

"Your deliberate dereliction of duties, unprofessional conduct, bullying, and just generally being an asshole/dick and breach of your fiduciary obligations cannot be considered isolated events."

"Pursuant to Section 6.7 of your Employment Contract, all unearned and unvested compensation, benefits, and other bullshit incentives provided in your Employment Contract shall be forfeited. Blow us."
As I was reading it, I was thinking, I would have loved to have been assigned the draft of that letter, and props to whoever did draft it. Thorough scolding. The administration has grown a pair.

Summary of Response of Jurich's attorneys: Now you've gone and done it! How dare you state these (totally true) untrue, (easily proven) unproven, (statements of fact) allegations. I not only deny the allegations, I deny the allegator!, the implications emanating from the allegations!

You don't lay down for the Turtleneck, so the Turtleneck is coming to lay you out! Get ready to be shaken down even worse than I have the last 20 years!
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