Good article on Cal not coaching the players

It was a whole different game in 78. No three point line and any shot at fifteen + foot was basically a gift to the defense considering it counted the same as a layup. It's still a gift for the defense if you take a bunch of them today. I watched the 87 boys state tournament on YouTube a while back and it was comical how many wide open 15-17 feet shots the defense would allow. I think the championship game had one shot taken that would qualify for a three pointer today..

It was really a shot that they dared you to take since it was a lot less efficient as far as scoring was concerned. That sort of makes my point about it's not a shot you want to rely on. They pretty much didn't even guard it back in the day.
IIRC Bird seemed to feast on those mid range shots....but then again he could shoot and make them.
I think the article makes some valid points. To me ND backing off wheeler and Cal not making an adjustment makes Cal look like an elementary level coach. Plus, ND repeatedly pulling Oscar away from basket and giving them easy inside shots is horrendous. Maybe Cal needs glasses, not sure. If I functioned this poorly in my career after 20+ years I know I would be out of a job.
Agree, I do not know how Cal has gotten so damn lucky all these years. It is BS he is in the Hall of Fame, he definitely doesn't deserve it.

Geez, you are terrible. Maybe pick a new team until they get rid of Cal, it would do us all a really big solid.
Just remember: you set your standard. You can’t complain about politicians, presidents, cops, referees, whatever since you’ve never done the job. Good luck
I can and will post about whatever since we live in the USA and it is OUR constitutional right.
He doesn't care enough to change what really needs to be changed and I don't think he cares one bit about the all time wins record and other long time accomplishments. His goals are much different than ours are.
He is stubborn like a lot of coaches. He had stuff he was pretty successful with back in the day and has a hard time moving away from it. People have lots of film and everything is put out on stats now. The coaches that evolve move toward aspects of the game that are more effective, while Cal sticks with stuff that people have figured out how to stop..

Our football coach knew he needed a better offense and went out and got a guy to give him that. Cal needs to do the same..
If Cal would play some zone He could keep Oscar close to the basket!

The article and this discussion so far have been exclusively about offense. I think it’s a borderline fireable offense to refuse to only play man to man defense no matter your personnel. Duke couldn’t hit an outside shot against us and ND had numerous point blank layups from defensive breakdowns on hard cuts to the basket. What helps with both of those issues? A damn zone but somehow it’s okay for him to refuse to teach any different defenses beside man to man????
At least don't ask the players not capable of playing 30 feet from the basket belly to belly man to do so. Lost two dang national titles and an elite eight because we were two slow to play the defense that he insisted we do..
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If the losing continues, there will be more and more articles like this from various media outlets, including national ones. If Cal can't right the ship (I've not seen evidence he will), his seat is going to get hot...real hot.

And when that happens, his disdain for media, complaining fans, etc., will grow. Might be ugly, folks. Of course, I'm cynical by nature.
BB ,,, I think your cynicism is completely justified in this case ! Being cynical doesn't make you wrong !
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