Good article on Cal not coaching the players

Should any team be taking 25-30 threes a game though?

Is that just what basketball is now?
No, the article was making stupid points. We’re we’re shooting 10.5% from three. Coaches, all of them, were emphasizing to push the ball inside. Players kept jacking threes due to skill deficiencies. 19 total.

The article ignored one of the key tactical factors in the game. It’s pretty clear it’s designed togather clicks from the haters in our fanbase. I dare say it will be successful.

"As for the rest of the team, the players continue to use poor shot selection that is somewhat created by Calipari’s offensive strategy and is somewhat created by the desperation of the players being put in the position of coaching themselves."
Nothing says just rolls the ball out there any better than this quote.
We never really know for sure what goes on behind the scenes. But, if you read the other thread on Cal's post game radio show comments it unfortunately backs up what the article is stating.
What a joke of an article if you can call it that. Yeah defenses do sag off a number of our players who can’t hit an open shot. So the opinion suggests to run a motion offense. Ok and? Defenders still will sag off those guys. It don’t matter none if you can’t shoot the ball.

Hell the low post game against ND was the only thing keeping it from being a rout. If it weren’t for Oscar we’d be left with all these brick layers clanking even more shots.
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What a joke of an article if you can call it that. Yeah defenses do sag off a number of our players who can’t hit an open shot. So the opinion suggests to run a motion offense. Ok and? Defenders still will sag off those guys. It don’t matter none if you can’t shoot the ball.

Hell the low post game against ND was the only thing keeping it from being a rout. If it weren’t for Oscar we’d be left with all these brick layers clanking even more shots.
The D sagged off one player. Stop acting like it’s more than that.
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If the losing continues, there will be more and more articles like this from various media outlets, including national ones. If Cal can't right the ship (I've not seen evidence he will), his seat is going to get hot...real hot.

And when that happens, his disdain for media, complaining fans, etc., will grow. Might be ugly, folks. Of course, I'm cynical by nature.
Do you think being cynical is in your DNA or a product of your environment? Because I’m just like you . I’ve always even one those “show me” guys.
Do you think being cynical is in your DNA or a product of your environment? Because I’m just like you . I’ve always even one those “show me” guys.
Yeah, I used not to be cynical when it came to UK basketball. But I can't help but be so now. I think Cal's days have passed him by. I won't think otherwise until he proves me wrong. I certainly hope he proves me wrong real soon.
You cannot take anything Cal says at face value - esp. if it references Bball strategy, coaching, analysis. You will just frustrate yourself to no end. He speaks in random, broken thoughts, generalities (like " we are going to run some stuff/try some new stuff") and even incoherent ramblings.

So... all you can really do is "hear" with your eyes... what you see is reality no matter what is said.

With that - there were, imo, way too many consistent. long running themes from the ND game that just exposed short-comings again. There are times when superior talent can mask those weaknesses - and a couple more made shots in that game people would be unhappy but not near as vocal. The issue is there are so many basic, Bball fundamentals based issues that get exposed by better coaching. No one planned on shooting 10% from 3 - but when a coach has the level of tunnel vision Cal does - adjustments and Plan B do not even come to mind - or way too late with 4 mins left in the game. "We were up 2 with 90 seconds to go - I thought we were going to win" - Are you kidding? Are you going to try to run the Dean Smith 4 corners for 90 seconds - with a shot clock? You think with 90 seconds left and a 2 point lead the game is in the bag? See - this kind of talk is what makes people crazy - especially if he really believes that.

Last rant - the damn old, tired, everyone knows it is coming baseline inbounds under our basket is nothing short of embarrassing - for UK and should be for Cal. Either you are lazy - or you do not trust your players to execute a middle school inbounds play - or you are do not see that as an opportunity to run a play (aka "stuff") as ND did and scored on more than once. It says a lot that you trust your struggling half-court offense (62 points?!?) more than trying to run and execute a play at D1 elite level Bball. That is a massive level of "set in your ways" and clearly it is limiting and ineffective.
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Modern offense depends on crisp passing and hard cuts to force the defense to move. You do this right and they will get out of position leaving a shooter open. Not trying to be an ass, but we don’t have players to execute this..Brooks for example-dude simply can’t pass or dribble the freaking ball and he’s cuts as hard and fast as a 2nd grader. We don’t have a very good team and Cal knows it. He’s trying to hide the weaknesses, but he’s exposing them and himself in the process.
Those dudes roast the Cal, Davion, and the team during that particular segment, but I can’t say that I disagree.
It’s because we’re Uk. When we suck everyone dogpiles. When Duke sucks, excuses are made by the media. Screw them. Not saying they’re wrong, but good grief. You never anyone diss the protected programs like KU and Duke.
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Those dudes roast the Cal, Davion, and the team during that particular segment, but I can’t say that I disagree.
I definitely don't like the shots they took at Davion, I think that's a bit classless in their positions and on a public broadcast.

I get saying he's not at the level required to win at UK, but they took it a lot further than that. They skated on a line that was almost personal.
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I definitely don't like the shots they took at Davion, I think that's a bit classless in their positions and on a public broadcast.

I get saying he's not at the level required to win at UK, but they took it a lot further than that. They skated on a line that was almost personal.
Jerry Tipton school of journalism concerning Mintz. It’s tacky.
Wish we could bring back Ricky P. No way last season would've happened, and imagine what he could do with this team.
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I have a lot of trouble with us relying on the 3 point shot to the exclusion of having some of our guys shooting 12’ jump shots which seem available.
I’m not a huge Brooks fan but he seems to have improved his mid-range jump shot. Hopkins has a good mid-range shot too.
Throwing the ball to Oscar is a plan worth continuing but I think we should encourage more makable shots for guys who can hit those shorter jump shots.
That would open up our 3 point shooters and allow this guys to be more effective.
We are living and dying by the 3. It’s great when we are hitting them. But we need a well rounded offense or we will keep losing.
So just continue with what we are it.
I think the article makes some valid points. To me ND backing off wheeler and Cal not making an adjustment makes Cal look like an elementary level coach. Plus, ND repeatedly pulling Oscar away from basket and giving them easy inside shots is horrendous. Maybe Cal needs glasses, not sure. If I functioned this poorly in my career after 20+ years I know I would be out of a job.
Well, he has never been accused of coaching before.
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It's old school, but I think this team could be utilized very well by running two bigs in the post. Cal won't do it, however,...because that's not how the NBA plays and his first priority is allowing players to demonstrate skills that will translate into the NBA.
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It's old school, but I think this team could be utilized very well by running two bigs in the post. Cal won't do it, however,...because that's not how the NBA plays and his first priority is allowing players to demonstrate skills that will translate into the NBA.

Do you mean Oscar and Ware together or something? One of them along with one of Brooks/Toppin/Hopkins is always on the floor, that seems like two bigs to me.
Around the 35 to 38 minute mark, they talk about how Sharpe would be the best player from day one if he joins the team in January.
Yeah, I watched that as well, they straightened right up and got serious when they were talking about Sharpe. They’re guaranteeing he’s that good basically.