
  • Good morning, posters and moles.
  • 76° in Johns Creek this morning. Party cloudy. Calm. VFR, but use caution.
  • Dark Magic going. Delicious.
  • QB getting a new island today. Dither going on.
  • 55 got a permaban too. Hate it for him.
  • This crap is not even close to being settled.
  • Proxy servers.
  • Poor Jed.
  • Over.
  • Like
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I had an extensive and vivid dream that I went to @maverick1 's house. In my dream, I'm not really sure how I knew where to go, it just started out there. The house was enormous and sat on top of a steep hill. The gravel driveway had been washed out and had many ruts in it, so I parked at the bottom near the street and hiked up. I met Mav & his family. It was kinda surprising to meet Mav's family( wife & 2 teenage kids), because he never talks about them on here.

Now, with Mavs house being on such a high hill, it was very windy up there. Clouds, sticks, leaves, all kinds of things blowing past. It was enough that it gave an optical illusion that the house was in motion and moving very fast. Maverick was a very hospitable host and quickly offered his guests dramamine (although I guess it could have been roofies).

We chit chatted about Mavs eyeball business. He explained that he doesn't sell glasses. He just does exams and writes prescriptions. Something about there not being enough profit margin in glasses.

The visit had to end because Mav had to go to a banquet to accept an award and I had to get back home to have family pictures made.

I had a dream last night that I went to a Duke game in Cameron Indoor Stadium.

I was of course wearing a Kentucky shirt. I remember feeling superior and looking down my nose at all the Duke fans who were primarily Asians from New Jersey or kids that looked like they starred in the Big Bang Theory. Cameron was a major disappointment and terribly over rated - a glorified high school gym basically.

Unimpressed, I left early.
Good morning D folk. Sorry I missed the gathering at Mav's mansion, maybe next dream I will be invited. I had a bit of a scare this morning because my pet rock was missing. It doesn't have legs and I can't throw anything very far, so my search was narrowed down quite a bit.

But all is well now because when I put my shoes my big toe found it. That of course leads to the how and why my pet pet rock ended up in my shoe? A run away attempt, something else?
Taking the bait when someone decides to jerk your chain is your choice. The hard thing just may be knowing where you want to go with it, may just depend on your mood that day. I get in the mood, I may play. If I'm not sure of the person picking at me intentions, if it is good natured or actually intended to just start crap with me, I just let the remarks pass.

Anyway, it is what it is and mostly what we decide to make of it. Some folks entertainment is stress for another. Just depends on moods a lot if times. I think of this forum as a big bench that I sit on at times and wait to see who comes by to visit. That means I have to make a choice to start a conversation or respond to one. That of course depends on how they come across or respond to me. Sitting on that bench also means that I meet all kinds and it is my choice alone on how to deal with them.
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I've got a few posters on the boards (HOB, Rafters, and Paddock) that really enjoy everything I post like I'm some celebrity. Can't tell if it's actual adoration or some nicely placed frequent sarcasm and they really want to kill me. All these years of posting and they just now notice? Either way... I don't mind it haha

Not a celebrity, just a good poster. Don't let it go to that enormous melon of yours.
I've got a few posters on the boards (HOB, Rafters, and Paddock) that really enjoy everything I post like I'm some celebrity. Can't tell if it's actual adoration or some nicely placed frequent sarcasm and they really want to kill me. All these years of posting and they just now notice? Either way... I don't mind it haha

1 Adoration?

2 They really want to kill me?

Oh, it's definitely the latter.

Riding on the city of New Orleans
Illinois Central, Monday morning rail
Fifteen cars and fifteen restless riders
Three conductors and twenty-five sacks of mail

All along the southbound odyssey
The train pulled out at Kankakee
And rolls along past houses, farms and fields
Passin' trains that have no names
And freight yards full of old black men
And the graveyards of the rusted automobiles

Good morning, America
How are you?
Say don't you know me? I'm your native son
I'm the train they call the city of New Orleans
And I'll be gone five hundred miles when the day is done

Dealin' card games with the old men in the club car
Penny a point ain't no one keepin' score
Pass the paper bag that holds the bottle
Feel the wheels rumblin' 'neath the floor

And the sons of Pullman Porters
And the sons of engineers
Ride their father's magic carpet made of steel
Mothers with their babes asleep
Are rockin' to the gentle beat
And the rhythm of the rail is all they feel

Good morning, America
How are you?
Say don't you know me? I'm your native son
I'm the train they call the city of New Orleans
I'll be gone five hundred miles when the day is done

Nighttime on the city of New Orleans
Changing cars in Memphis, Tennessee
Half way home, we'll be there by morning
Through the Mississippi darkness
Rolling down to the sea

But all the towns and people seem
To fade into a bad dream
And the steel rails still ain't heard the news
The conductor sings his songs again
The passengers will please refrain
This train has got the disappearing railroad blues

Good morning, America
How are you?
Say don't you know me? I'm your native son
I'm the train they call the city of New Orleans
I'll be gone five hundred miles when the day is done

Read more: Willie Nelson - City Of New Orleans Lyrics | MetroLyrics
There are posters who act like buttholes at times (most of us I suppose). Then there are those posters who are buttholes - to their core. Thankfully they are a very small minority. You can spot them fairly quickly. It is just who they are and they will never change. It is not that they won't change - they can't change. You would not spend a minute of your time with them in the real world if given the choice.

Someone asked earlier how long a leash we are on here. Believe me, it is looooong from what I have seen. I have observed guys posting absolutely horrible comments (in my view) for many months on end and wondered how in the world they get away with it.

But the chickens do come home to roost eventually I guess.