
He said he had a lot of people on ignore but lied.

Vanman is LEK. We will see the narcissism start to show up soon and then the other issues later.

I'm pretty sure he had me on ignore. It's just that he couldn't resist sneaking a peek from time to time - which kind of defeats the purpose of using the ignore feature.
Could have just as easily stopped right there.

Has it not sunk in yet that when you post in the D-League you are the D-League? That stink is on you forever. You can't wash it off. You're not just standing outside smugly looking in. You are standing firmly in the middle of the.crap.You're on the team. So don't be so hard on yourself.

Welcome Brother Dig.
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Some thoughts from a long time lurker

LEK - seem like a smart guy. Gotta let things go
Don - It's the Internet. Calm down. Trains are dumb, BTW
KaiserS. - You've been great always. Come back
55 - you used to be cool. Funny pics. Calm down
Star chief - you are cool.
Funky - love your photoshops on here and rafters . Don't engage folks if you don't agree
Willy - keep on smoking. Come back to the d
Allabout - stop sucking
Walltoboogierondo - give it up. Everyone knows who you are. Give it up
Jason - keep shooting. Enjoy the baby. You seem cool
Ukfred - stop it. You're terrible
U,grad93 - your good
Mav - you're funny. Don't change
Ymmot- you're low down dirty and a snitch and you say awful things. Go away
Mash - not sure what happened. You used to be cool with everyone. You a-ight
Kooky - you're job suck but you're cool
Zencatfan - no.
Jed - thanks for a thankless job. Stay clear of tornados
Fcc. - awful. Be better

Sorry if I missed anyone. I like reading your stuff and gyero. Made a new account so you wouldn't be mad

Be better
Ronnie Milsap can see it.

I need to remember my first banned account on here. Would be sweet.
"By signing up to post on Rivals' message boards, you agree that if Rivals blacklists you, you will cease and desist from posting on the message boards. If you are blacklisted, and subsequently sign up under new account(s) for the sole purpose of disrupting the message boards in any manner, you will be liable for damages to Rivals in the amount of fair compensation for time spent by Rivals staff and/or publishers in addition to any lost profits or revenues caused by your disruption and costs of collection of these damages, including attorneys fees. Due to difficulty in Rivals assessing these damages and costs, you agree that the minimum damage from violation of this provision will be $10,000 (without limitation on Rivals' ability to prove actual damages in excess of this amount)."

Regardless of what has happened in the past, I would hate to see someone get in trouble for simply not knowing the rules. Bygones and whatnot.
You got that s$!t right. Pretty sad seeing pictures of a mountain of buffalow heads. I'm not usually one to jump on the animal cruelty bandwagon but that had me all kinds of pissed off.
  • Like
Reactions: ukfred
  • Oatmeal & banana wheels at 0930
  • Arrived to work late and starving a death
  • Ate this salad for my meal at 18:00
    • Romaine hearts
    • grilled chicken tenders
    • Avacado slices
    • sliced Strawberries
    • Red onion rings
    • apple chunks
    • sesame seeds
    • raisins
    • tomato chucks
    • sliced almonds
    • sliced banana peppers
    • sliced grapes
    • pecan halves
    • Lite Italian dressing
  • Best salad I have ever eaten. From our world famous breakroom.
I suspect that a good number of D-League posters took their ball and went home. New NOB thread. Kinda quiet here. Take a look and see if you think that is going on or I am reading it wrong.
I am not on here every day and have limited time when I do. This thread was very enjoyable....lots of good humor, some wierd viewpoints, some very quick witted people. Something has changed in the last couple of weeks. What was good for some real laughs to help the day along has evolved into a pissing contest. I think I'll go to NOB and see how that goes.
I am not on here every day and have limited time when I do. This thread was very enjoyable....lots of good humor, some wierd viewpoints, some very quick witted people. Something has changed in the last couple of weeks. What was good for some real laughs to help the day along has evolved into a pissing contest. I think I'll go to NOB and see how that goes.
You can always come back here if you get unhappy over there. Godspeed.
I am not on here every day and have limited time when I do. This thread was very enjoyable....lots of good humor, some wierd viewpoints, some very quick witted people. Something has changed in the last couple of weeks. What was good for some real laughs to help the day along has evolved into a pissing contest. I think I'll go to NOB and see how that goes.

The big mystery now is whether or not you would be welcome there. I surmise they might be pissed if the D-Leagers they wanted away from followed them over there. I could be mistaken about what I am seeing. I may lurk there but I wouldn't presume to post, not knowing where I stand.
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