
You will get yourself banned if that happens to you. The proxy server is your safety net. You already have a couple of other user names all set and ready to go. The boss mods can even track those things, but it would probably cost too much to do that. What you are doing is Internet Terrorism. Think about that.
I am the don the big bad Don!!! Donfather, fill me in on the fallout of you and the ungrateful and unpopular one. I refuse to mention special Ed by name because he will try and get me banned from the league again. I already know I'm a shitty poster so I don't need the mods telling me as well lol
I am the don the big bad Don!!! Donfather, fill me in on the fallout of you and the ungrateful and unpopular one. I refuse to mention special Ed by name because he will try and get me banned from the league again. I already know I'm a shitty poster so I don't need the mods telling me as well lol
Son, I'm uneasy about alking about it any more. I know nothing.
I forgot to mention this morning when we were talking about classic shows, that Star Trek is also on my list. Campy but classic.

"Beam me up Scotty." or something like that. It seems that I may have attracted a
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Is this humor? Is this wit?

Is this a waste of freakin time? You bet it is. Measure twice cut once.

The complete and unhostile takeover of shitty posters is too much, man.

You turds deserve this new brand of D-League. Enjoy.

Viking out.


Hot takes of moles, grubs, and train pics is just a gigantic waste of my time.

If there is an exodus of Former D-Leaguers (ones who talk about doing drugs, pussy, softball, corn-filled orcas) will those who enjoy posting pics of banal horseshit vow to stay here and NOT VISIT (better yet - not post in) said new thread?

That would be a great divorce settlement, right? You get the house, we get the kids.

I mean, plainly - you will get RUN if you do.