Big Z ineligible?

I agree. Those who rail against don't like his political views so they try to trash him when they get the chance.
I don't care for his political beliefs but that has nothing to do with my doubting him a good deal and not listening to his show much any more. He is an arrogant SOB who has obviously stolen info from other sources in the past and just puts things out there, quite often, that just have no real validity. Not difficult to understand why many don't care for the guy, no matter political differences. That is just one small aspect, not the whole story.
I don't care for his political beliefs but that has nothing to do with my doubting him a good deal and not listening to his show much any more. He is an arrogant SOB who has obviously stolen info from other sources in the past and just puts things out there, quite often, that just have no real validity. Not difficult to understand why many don't care for the guy, no matter political differences. That is just one small aspect, not the whole story.
I think his mom is a sweet lady though.
Don't most media members get their news from other sources? Why does it matter where Matt gets his info?
Just because Pilgrim, Tucker, Pratt or Santa Clause broke some news, does it mean Matt shouldn't talk about it on his show?
I thought they all did that and if the news is about UK, why would he not talk about it? What's the protocol here?
Heck, Howard Stern reads right out of the paper and will do a whole segment on something he reads.
There are thousands of radio shows across the country, do they all get 100% of their own scoop 100% of the time?
I'm not in the media, so I don't know how this works. Does Pilgrim have his own show? If so, what time? What station? What do I do if Pilgrim reports something Matt Jones broke? Do I have to hate Pilgrim at that point?
I appreciate the fact that we have a show that talks about UK sports, why are we complaining about it?
The complaints seem very petty.
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Don't most media members get their news from other sources? Why does it matter where Matt gets his info?
Just because Pilgrim, Tucker, Pratt or Santa Clause broke some news, does it mean Matt shouldn't talk about it on his show?
I thought they all did that and if the news is about UK, why would he not talk about it? What's the protocol here?
Heck, Howard Stern reads right out of the paper and will do a whole segment on something he reads.
There are thousands of radio shows across the country, do they all get 100% of their own scoop 100% of the time?
I'm not in the media, so I don't know how this works. Does Pilgrim have his own show? If so, what time? What station?
I appreciate the fact that we have a show that talks about UK sports, why are we complaining about it?
The complaints seem very petty.
Does he give proper credit to where he gets his breaking news? No, and there's your answer. But, you go right ahead and keep defending him.
Does he give proper credit to where he gets his breaking news? No, and there's your answer. But, you go right ahead and keep defending him.
Man, I just think that's petty. Why does it matter where he got his info from? Why do we care that he doesn’t give credit to wherever he got the info from? Do you really care that much?
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I've got two questions. 1. Is Z here yet and eligible? 2. Why do any of you care enough about a guy that has built a following by starting a UK website and radio show to bitch about him all of the time? He was a lawyer for a big firm, could have made plenty doing that, but followed his passion and has now made a living doing what he wanted to do. Maybe that is what pisses you all off because you don't get to get on the radio and say whatever bullshit you want to say (the same as he does). From what I can see, it is 100% jealousy that drives people to complain about him. If you don't like him, don't listen to him. There are way too many bs posts on this site that say "I don't listen to Matt Jones, but I heard him say xxxx and it pisses me off." You obviously listen. If you don't and just heard that he said something, you don't know what he really said and have no right to be pissed. I've been telling my kids since the late 50s to get over themselves, and I'll tell all of you that bitch about Matt Jones the same. Get over yourself. Don't listen or compete against him. Either way, quit bitching.
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Latest from Pilgrim last is my last day on platform.

"Called about it today. Said he still wasn't here, but still no concern. Plan is still this week.

Sounds like there's a grace period for add/drop window with classes, but all of this stuff is new territory for me. Hoping for a "he's on the plane!" text before long. I felt ridiculous enough as is trying to figure out how to dial long-distance to Serbia during his recruitment."
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Man, I just think that's petty. Why does it matter where he got his info from? Why do we care that he doesn’t give credit to wherever he got the info from? Do you really care that much?

If he gets the info from rivals, he credits Rowland or Travis. Seen him do it several times. Now I doubt they do it in all instances, but it's not egregious enough for me to sit around like a nerd and worry about it.
Latest from Pilgrim last is my last day on platform.

"Called about it today. Said he still wasn't here, but still no concern. Plan is still this week.

Sounds like there's a grace period for add/drop window with classes, but all of this stuff is new territory for me. Hoping for a "he's on the plane!" text before long. I felt ridiculous enough as is trying to figure out how to dial long-distance to Serbia during his recruitment."

Ryan Lemond said he had a pretty good source that Z was on campus. He said that on the show yesterday. I guess we will see.
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If he gets the info from rivals, he credits Rowland or Travis. Seen him do it several times. Now I doubt they do it in all instances, but it's not egregious enough for me to sit around like a nerd and worry about it.
i think he got banned from rivals for stealing HOB info
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Cal knew this kid wouldn't likely play for Kentucky, but he knows that we have a big man problem that requires him to do something. So, Cal takes on the kid to get fans excited, distracts from the fact that he didn't land someone to fill the need, and to shift the blame to the NCAA when the fans learn what he already knew about the player's playing status.
now that's a conspiracy theory
I remember something about that. Matt responded in a thread about himself, but did it under another account not associated with @MattJonesKSR

Whatever account it was, it had a premium membership, so I think Rowland just banned the account.
from what i was told his account(s) were banned for stealing info
he has always stolen info that others have worked hard to get
Latest from Pilgrim last is my last day on platform.

"Called about it today. Said he still wasn't here, but still no concern. Plan is still this week.

Sounds like there's a grace period for add/drop window with classes, but all of this stuff is new territory for me. Hoping for a "he's on the plane!" text before long. I felt ridiculous enough as is trying to figure out how to dial long-distance to Serbia during his recruitment."
I just don't understand what the hold up has been. According to MJ it was the English Proficiency Exam. From his couple of interviews, seems like he has serviceable English. Issue the waiver and let's go.
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I've got two questions. 1. Is Z here yet and eligible? 2. Why do any of you care enough about a guy that has built a following by starting a UK website and radio show to bitch about him all of the time? He was a lawyer for a big firm, could have made plenty doing that, but followed his passion and has now made a living doing what he wanted to do. Maybe that is what pisses you all off because you don't get to get on the radio and say whatever bullshit you want to say (the same as he does). From what I can see, it is 100% jealousy that drives people to complain about him. If you don't like him, don't listen to him. There are way too many bs posts on this site that say "I don't listen to Matt Jones, but I heard him say xxxx and it pisses me off." You obviously listen. If you don't and just heard that he said something, you don't know what he really said and have no right to be pissed. I've been telling my kids since the late 50s to get over themselves, and I'll tell all of you that bitch about Matt Jones the same. Get over yourself. Don't listen or compete against him. Either way, quit bitching.
Ok Matt.
from what i was told his account(s) were banned for stealing info
he has always stolen info that others have worked hard to get

I mean, alright. I'm definitely not gonna argue about it. To each their own.

But like I said, if it felt egregious enough, I could see where people would be turned off by it. All media outlets want to be 1st to report everything. Always been that way, always will. As long as the dude is crediting sources, which I have no reason to believe he's not, then I'm good with it.
Can’t Kentucky just enroll him in a couple of easy online classes, until he passes the English exam, then at the bi-term put him in some more classes
It’s just a really weird thing to get outraged about. It’s a 2 hour show that's usually pretty informative and fun to listen to.
Howard Stern and especially Steven A are much more controversial, but nobody even mentions their names on here.
Outraged? Not me, rarely. I just said I don't like the guy, never have, and I've met him in person (I happen to know Drew and his family). He's a royal asshat, very arrogant and thinks that people fawn over his presence as much as they would some well-known celebrity.

His early years on KSR website ruined it for me. Those posts were some of the most absurd, sophomoric write ups I've ever seen - many making zero sense (because that was their "schtick" back then). No idea what his show is about now, or how "mature" it's become, because I just don't care enough to listen to his annoying, self-centered voice.

I also don't listen to Stern, and I agree, Steven A is one annoying MF. If I see his face on a bar TV, I can't stand him, even if I can't hear what he's saying.
If he gets the info from rivals, he credits Rowland or Travis. Seen him do it several times. Now I doubt they do it in all instances, but it's not egregious enough for me to sit around like a nerd and worry about it.
Yeah, it's just weird. Seems like they're trying to create reasons to hate the guy.
I hate how MJ talks over people, but other than that, he has a sweet gig and has a good show. He obviously worked hard to get to this point, so why do we hate him? It just screams jealousy.
Matt Jones followers love justifying stealing. Other media outlets do it too so it’s OK… apparently.
Why do we care? Do you work for Jack Pilgrim, or Jeff Goodman? Why do you care?
I don't care if Matt gets his info from Sadam Hussein, if it’s about UK, I want to know what it is and IDGAS where the info came from.
Weird hill to die on. Just say you don't like Matt becasue he has a punchable face and get over it.
Outraged? Not me, rarely. I just said I don't like the guy, never have, and I've met him in person (I happen to know Drew and his family). He's a royal asshat, very arrogant and thinks that people fawn over his presence as much as they would some well-known celebrity.

His early years on KSR website ruined it for me. Those posts were some of the most absurd, sophomoric write ups I've ever seen - many making zero sense (because that was their "schtick" back then). No idea what his show is about now, or how "mature" it's become, because I just don't care enough to listen to his annoying, self-centered voice.

I also don't listen to Stern, and I agree, Steven A is one annoying MF. If I see his face on a bar TV, I can't stand him, even if I can't hear what he's saying.
Great post. I appreciate your response and to me, that is a very reasonable and believable reason(s) to hate the guy. I totally get it.
The dudes getting outraged because MJ doesn’t credit his sources, are really reaching.
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You’re right Matt. It’s impossible for someone to have 2 burner accounts.
So, you totally believe we are Matt Jones?
Matt is literally on the air right now, but you think he's on here texting you?
Use common sense, if you have any.
The issue is he probably has to find a place, or do the exam online, with some kind of certification group. Then they have to grade the exam and get paperwork to UK.
I think it is UK's exam. They might outsource to an education vendor, I don't know. The exam's only purpose is to say, "Yes, he understands English well enough to comprehend course material." Capiluto could issue a waiver.

The hold up appears to be squarely on UK at the moment.
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