Big Z ineligible?

Go back and look at the posts on here saying I was making it up, just trying to stir things up, hating on Cal, etc

I was right then and am right now. And yet the same nonsensical conversation is started every time I say anything, usually by folks that didn’t even listen to the initial comment. So no, I don’t mind making fun of the people who do it
Glad you at least logged into the correct account to respond. You are so genuine! Lol

Go back and read this thread. See how much of it is “difference in opinion” and how much is just personal attack

I am glad you listen to the show. However calling Ryan a “sychopant” the week the man’s house catches on fire and his friend passes away suggests that you aren’t a fan at all. You are a person who likes to listen to complain and when there are negative posts about me, your name is always on them, chiming in to complain. I have no problem mocking such folks.

Everyone on this board (and in life) can post and think whatever they like. But when (as often is they case) they are wrong, I have no problem noting it
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Hey Matt, I have had this question for quite a while and honestly just don't understand why you do it.

On your show, when you are making fun of someone that you think is uninformed or uneducated on a matter, why do you do an over-the-top stereotypical southern accent?

Isn't that just perpetuating the idea that people with these accents are just dumb know-nothings? Why is that your go-to schtick for insinuating someone is dumb and mocking them? Wouldn't you have an issue with someone like Goodman, or some other commentator doing that?
Because he's a yankee.
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He's referring to the people that get mad, no matter what he says, both pro and con. "Maayyutt, why did you say we was gonna be gewd this year, we suck. Got my hopes up." "Mayuutt, why are you so negative," when we won 9 games one season.

Some people aren't going to like anything you do or say no matter what, and I think Matt's eastern ky voice is in reference to those. I don’t agree with Matt on a lot of stuff, especially politics, but I can also put that aside and see when people are just being ridiculous towards him. Kinda like the people that never listen to the show, but still love to get on here and tell us why they don't like the show anymore, paraphrasing 3rd and 4th hand regurgitated false info that they read on here as for their reasons why.
I dont give 2 shits about Matt Jones, I got on here to find information on the Z situation. Why dont some of you guys take your huge egos and small johnsons to another thread and argue it out about Jones and leave this one to those of us trying to get some real information
I dont give 2 shits about Matt Jones, I got on here to find information on the Z situation. Why dont some of you guys take your huge egos and small johnsons to another thread and argue it out about Jones and leave this one to those of us trying to get some real information
