Big Z ineligible?

This is the latest from Pilgrim this a.m.:

"I’m told academic transcript is good to go for Big Z, only hang-up is a foreign language exam that needs to be taken care of before enrolling. They’re working against the clock with Kentucky’s add/drop date for classes, but the plan is for him to be here with all necessary documentation this week. The hope is Tuesday, but that’s been a bit of a moving target.

Ivisic speaks English well, just a matter of getting the certification to prove it for college in the U.S. If there’s any level of concern — and it’s not much — it’s time, not ability. Just have to move quickly.

I wouldn’t sweat it personally. Should get confirmation either way in the next 48 hours."

30 mins ago:

"Further confirmation today he’s expected on campus this week. A lot of excitement about his arrival."
Thanks for posting. Love actual facts and not the constant childish back and forth from some on here.
I honestly don't care who likes him or not, it's those that have to go out of their way to let everyone know they don't like him in every thread he's mentioned in. We know, most have told us 100 times this year.
Of course. I agree. I’d say that’s a two way street though. Like the Cal defenders, there are MJ defenders who rush to his aid at even mild/warranted criticism.
Of course. I agree. I’d say that’s a two way street though. Like the Cal defenders, there are MJ defenders who rush to his aid at even mild/warranted criticism.

I usually only do that when people spread 2nd and 3rd hand info that's wrong. People that don't even listen to the show, saying Matt said this or that, when it didn't happen. I try to be transparent.
We sure do have a lot of "posters" who state a ton of negative info but not any actual proof, just opinion. Lol, i know before I read 8-10 of these guys post what it will contain. Day in, day out, just like clock work.
Someone said it on twitter is proof… apparently.
Someone said it on twitter is proof… apparently.
Not just about this topic. MANY topics are absolutely trashed. Well it's looking like even this topic was trashed and bashed a little over zealously without any true facts to support it as for sure. That's the problem, many situations are only a possibility but ran with as definite. Pay attention, they are not hard to miss. Not calling any ONE poster out, they know who they are.
This is the latest from Pilgrim this a.m.:

"I’m told academic transcript is good to go for Big Z, only hang-up is a foreign language exam that needs to be taken care of before enrolling. They’re working against the clock with Kentucky’s add/drop date for classes, but the plan is for him to be here with all necessary documentation this week. The hope is Tuesday, but that’s been a bit of a moving target.

Ivisic speaks English well, just a matter of getting the certification to prove it for college in the U.S. If there’s any level of concern — and it’s not much — it’s time, not ability. Just have to move quickly.

I wouldn’t sweat it personally. Should get confirmation either way in the next 48 hours."

30 mins ago:

"Further confirmation today he’s expected on campus this week. A lot of excitement about his arrival."

So once again, Matt Jones jumps the gun on a story with rumor and innuendo, and it ends up working out perfectly fine and he just got the fan base riled up for nothing.

When is enough going to be enough with those clowns.

It's literally all they do. They get info from second and 3rd hand sources and just lob a super vague statement at the end of their radio show to get attention.

Jack Pilgrim is the only one over there with any real connections
So once again, Matt Jones jumps the gun on a story with rumor and innuendo, and it ends up working out perfectly fine and he just got the fan base riled up for nothing.

When is enough going to be enough with those clowns.

It's literally all they do. They get info from second and 3rd hand sources and just lob a super vague statement at the end of their radio show to get attention.

Jack Pilgrim is the only one over there with any real connections
Gotta get listeners to tune in again tomorrow. Glad it sounds like it will work out. I’ll be interested to see if big Z gets a ranking now from 24/7 like the KU poster asked. The other players got one. Maybe after it’s official and he’s on campus.
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So once again, Matt Jones jumps the gun on a story with rumor and innuendo, and it ends up working out perfectly fine and he just got the fan base riled up for nothing.

When is enough going to be enough with those clowns.

It's literally all they do. They get info from second and 3rd hand sources and just lob a super vague statement at the end of their radio show to get attention.

Jack Pilgrim is the only one over there with any real connections
I honestly wonder sometimes if Cal puts something out there that he knows is false for the sole purpose of putting egg on Matt's face.
I just don't get it. MJ simply reports what he hears and if he’s wrong, he says he's wrong. He’s just a regular guy doing a show for our benefit.
I don't get the outrage. Seems extremely petty.
jeff you are not that dumb, even though you having/feeling the need to constantly argue makes you look that way
he is not doing a show for our benefit, he is doing it for his benefit (no intelligent person would argue that)
BBN would be fine without MJ
MJ would not be fine without BBN

there was a time i never missed his show
now he has become a complete joke
I just don't get it. MJ simply reports what he hears and if he’s wrong, he says he's wrong. He’s just a regular guy doing a show for our benefit.
I don't get the outrage. Seems extremely petty.
I agree. Those who rail against don't like his political views so they try to trash him when they get the chance.
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So once again, Matt Jones jumps the gun on a story with rumor and innuendo, and it ends up working out perfectly fine and he just got the fan base riled up for nothing.

When is enough going to be enough with those clowns.

It's literally all they do. They get info from second and 3rd hand sources and just lob a super vague statement at the end of their radio show to get attention.

Jack Pilgrim is the only one over there with any real connections

I am guessing Jones gets info from Pilgrim, wouldn't make sense any other way.
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I'll be the first to admit Cal has helped far, far more Kentuckians and others around the world with far, far more urgently needed money to pay for desperately needed assistance than I ever have.

And I respect him for it. He's used his position as Kentucky coach to do more good than anyone else in that position has, and I've followed the program back to Rupp.
Agree, my post was in jest of the Cal/Jones relationship. Cal has done a lot of good for many in need. Someone should point out to him that the UK basketball program could use a bit of help too
jeff you are not that dumb, even though you having/feeling the need to constantly argue makes you look that way
he is not doing a show for our benefit, he is doing it for his benefit (no intelligent person would argue that)
BBN would be fine without MJ
MJ would not be fine without BBN

there was a time i never missed his show
now he has become a complete joke
It is for our benefit and that’s how it all started, he’s a fan, just like we are.

Also, you're just as argumentative as I am, so take your own advice.

Makes no sense.
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I agree. Those who rail against don't like his political views so they try to trash him when they get the chance.
That’s what it boils down to. Nothing else makes sense. It’s a damn radio show that they don't have to listen to, but if the guy says one thing that isn't accurate, they blast him… but Cal, that guy can continue to drag our program under water, then hide while he cashes his paychecks, well that's okay.
I agree. Those who rail against don't like his political views so they try to trash him when they get the chance.
I don’t agree with his political views but I could care less because he at least is a rational human. Most critics don’t like the abundance of nonsense that is talked about on the show, although I know it’s hard to fill 2 hours everyday during the off-season with little news. I also think he’s a little soft, blocking anyone he has a minor disagreement with online. Much like Kyle Tucker. Other than that I don’t have a problem with the guy.
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It is for our benefit and that’s how it all started, he’s a fan, just like we are.

Also, you're just as argumentative as I am, so take your own advice.

It’s funny, you clown ass Cal fans buy all of Cal's lies, you make excuses for his failures and you buy all his fake sales pitches every summer, yet you're fine with Cal, but if something MJ says turns out to not be correct, you guys crush him.

Makes no sense.
no he started it for his benefit
yes he is a fan but if was not making a very good profit he never would have kept it going

bolded shows how immature you are
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I don’t agree with his political views but I could care less because he at least is a rational human. Most critics don’t like the abundance of nonsense that is talked about on the show, although I know it’s hard to fill 2 hours everyday during the off-season with little news. I also think he’s a little soft, blocking anyone he has a minor disagreement with online. Much like Kyle Tucker. Other than that I don’t have a problem with the guy.
Filling two hours with fresh content is tough. Especially now. Anyone that's never done it can't knock them. I had to lead a 2-hour seminar once. And couldn't repeat material. That was not fun.
I get to listen to his stuff here day in, day out. I usually ignore it, but when the season starts, "Matt Jones" or "KSR" says posts are probably 25% of everything. Kinda hard to not see his crap.
It’s just a really weird thing to get outraged about. It’s a 2 hour show that's usually pretty informative and fun to listen to.
Howard Stern and especially Steven A are much more controversial, but nobody even mentions their names on here.
no he started it for his benefit
yes he is a fan but if was not making a very good profit he never would have kept it going

bolded shows how immature you are
It's literally not making much of a profit at all.

Also, up until recently, he couldn’t even pay his co hosts more than peanuts.

The guy is a fan that was smart enough to parlay his fandom into a business, a restaurant and ESPN appearances. I don't get why he's your enemy.

Besides that, unless you're retired, you have a job too and I bet you profit off it, so should we trash you too?

Go start your own show if Matt's popularity pisses you off that much.

It is weird that you excuse all Calipari's bull crap, but that darn Matt Jones, he’s the real issue in your world. Hilarious.
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Filling two hours with fresh content is tough. Especially now. Anyone that's never done it can't knock them. I had to lead a 2-hour seminar once. And couldn't repeat material. That was not fun.
Exactly, there's literally nothing to talk about and dudes are on here trashing the guy.
I like the show because I am all about getting ANY UK scoop I can get.
Heck, without MJ, we don't get Katina Powell's famous interview and not only that, look at all the high end guest he gets on his show.
Shoot, he gets some pretty damn good media members to host his show when he's out.
I don't get the hate, seems like it's jealousy based.
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