Big Z ineligible?

I also know who signed a top recruit who never intended to play a single game for UK so that he could claim another one-and-done player to the NBA.
I'm glad we have someone on here that knows exactly what happened.
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And this is what Matt Jones does. Drops "seeds", that may or may not be based on anything, to spike traffic to his ad-laden shows and website.

And then our fans fall for it hook, line, sinker. It's likely there's nothing to worry about and nothing to this "story". If the kid is already enrolled in classes, the only thing that could derail that is if they find fraudulent activity related to his transcripts, which is highly unlikely.
Some of you don’t understand the art of driving listeners to your show. That’s exactly what Jones is doing. Say something controversial without being definitive that will generate anxiety & intrigue and then you have ‘em hooked.

They’ll tune in to listen for any morsel of information surrounding the subject. Jones is slowly learning how to perfect this because he has a captive audience and knows how to maximize that potential.. Big Z will be on the court for UK this year. Mark it down.
I posted nearly the same thing before reading through page 2 and beyond. Indeed, Matt's cryptic crap is obvious to anyone that's been around the block.
Seems to me you are giving our coach credit for being a mind reader. I blame his handler for most of that fiasco, what did it really cost UK to believe he might play? Besides a lot of fans going ballistic, that is.
Cal made a lot of excuses to hide what was really happening. He even advised us fans that we should get to Rupp before the games so we could watch him warm up.

Cal knew what was going on and I think he knew from the very beginning. Cal knows the NBA draft entry rules, so I'm not buying the thought that he didn’t know SS was eligible

And since when does Cal ever engourage a first round draft pick to come back to UK? SS was always a lottery pick projection, yet Cal was telling us he was going to come back to UK for the next season. That was 100% a lie.
I don't get the Matt Jones hate. The guy seems pretty straight forward to me.

Jesus Christ himself could host a 2 hour show and some of you guys would critisize him for breathing.

It’s literally impossible for a guy to host a show and please everyone. I think some of you are jealous he has a show and you don't.
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I don't get the Matt Jones hate. The guys seems pretty straight forward to me.

Jesus Christ himself could host a 2 hour dhow and dome of you guys would critisize him for breathing.

It’s literally impossible for a guy to host a show and please everyone. I think some of you are jealous he has a show and you don't.
Okay Matt, Comparing yourself to Jesus is a little much.
He wasn't brought here to be a cherry on the top. He is a last second gamble to fill a gaping hole in our lineup.
LOL. So you are saying that whoever brought him here thought he might actually help the team. Not his "handlers", but possibly Cal?
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Seems to me you are giving our coach credit for being a mind reader. I blame his handler for most of that fiasco, what did it really cost UK to believe he might play? Besides a lot of fans going ballistic, that is.
That you, Ellen? Please explain the following:

(1) you believe that Cal wasn't fully responsible for the Shady Sharpe fiasco. People all over the state knew what the hell was going on.

(2) you do not understand that by Sharpe not playing he HURT that team in the tournament.
If I really wanted to help you, I would tie a bone around your neck before throwing you into a pen of Pitbulls to aid you in ending your miserable existence. However, if I did that, I would be accused of animal cruelty.
He has to be an opposing fan.
That you, Ellen? Please explain the following:

(1) you believe that Cal wasn't fully responsible for the Shady Sharpe fiasco. People all over the state knew what the hell was going on.

(2) you do not understand that by Sharpe not playing he HURT that team in the tournament.
I have never even met Ellen, I assume that is Cal's wife?

So you don't think his "handlers" had anything at all to do with him not playing, it was all Cal?

There were several thousand players (at least) that didn't play for UK in the tournament. LOL
I don't get the Matt Jones hate. The guys seems pretty straight forward to me.

Jesus Christ himself could host a 2 hour dhow and dome of you guys would critisize him for breathing.

It’s literally impossible for a guy to host a show and please everyone. I think some of you are jealous he has a show and you don't.
It's really sad that people never miss a chance to critcize him
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He wasn't brought here to be a cherry on the top. He is a last second gamble to fill a gaping hole in our lineup.
Gaping hole? Your definition of gaping hole must be different than mine. Assuming you’re talking about Ivisic of course. Because having 3 bigs out of 13 scholarships isn’t a gaping hole.

And to be clear I’m taking about Ugo, Bradshaw, and Mitchell.
Gaping hole? Your definition of gaping hole must be different than mine. Assuming you’re talking about Ivisic of course. Because having 3 bigs out of 13 scholarships isn’t a gaping hole.

And to be clear I’m taking about Ugo, Bradshaw, and Mitchell.
Mitchell isn’t really considered a big. Ugo and Bradshaw were our only bigs. Ugo is injured and who knows when he will return, Bradshaw still in a boot and while expected to return early fall it’s still wait and see and then hope he stays healthy.
I don't get the Matt Jones hate. The guys seems pretty straight forward to me.

Jesus Christ himself could host a 2 hour dhow and dome of you guys would critisize him for breathing.

It’s literally impossible for a guy to host a show and please everyone. I think some of you are jealous he has a show and you don't.
Yeah I don't get the hate either. He can be cranky at times (who isn't) but overall he seems to just want to have good content and discussions.
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Article I read today seemed to suggest that Z could be here two years. Pointed out several things he is going to have to get better at. Blocking shots without fouling, screening and discipline was some of the things mentioned. It said that his ability to shoot the three is the thing that intrigues the pro's right now but he has a lot of things to get better at before he is a finished product.
I have never even met Ellen, I assume that is Cal's wife?

So you don't think his "handlers" had anything at all to do with him not playing, it was all Cal?

There were several thousand players (at least) that didn't play for UK in the tournament. LOL
Every time I try to process one of your thoughts, it's like a car crash is happening in my brain.
Every time I try to process one of your thoughts, it's like a car crash is happening in my brain.

You should see a doctor about that.

Or maybe a psychiatrist.
He wasn't brought here to be a cherry on the top. He is a last second gamble to fill a gaping hole in our lineup.
If he gets to play for us he doesn't sound like a gamble at all to me.
And this is what Matt Jones does. Drops "seeds", that may or may not be based on anything, to spike traffic to his ad-laden shows and website.

And then our fans fall for it hook, line, sinker. It's likely there's nothing to worry about and nothing to this "story". If the kid is already enrolled in classes, the only thing that could derail that is if they find fraudulent activity related to his transcripts, which is highly unlikely.
To be fair, this is the current modus operandi for most "news and podcasts"... Teasers... Hints... headlines that don't really match the content.

I play guitar and watch a lot of stuff on youtube. Heck even those folks have resorted to "screaming headlines" to get you to watch a pretty normal, somewhat boring, video. One guy I watch, who has over 3 million subscribers, regularly apologizes for the headlines he has to put up to get attention, by watchers, and Youtube algorithms.
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If you really wanted to help me you would go post on the board of the team that you are really a fan of.

I have never even met Ellen, I assume that is Cal's wife?

So you don't think his "handlers" had anything at all to do with him not playing, it was all Cal?

There were several thousand players (at least) that didn't play for UK in the tournament. LOL
Weird, you went at LMDCat by saying he isn't a UK fan, but then, just a few posts later, you said you assume Ellen is Cal's wife. Are you a UK fan? Feels like you're not.
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What is wrong about it? If you don’t think Jones cares about his income first then I don’t know what to tell you. I think he’s a UK fan but business comes first in everything.
Yes, which it is clear now why he was so vocal about legalizing sports gambling.
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Tbf, he's capitalizing on something people have wanted in this state for a very long time.
Yes he is. But I have heard that his show, which has a pretty big platform, was extremely vocal about it and now according to Twitter, he has signed a deal with DraftKings. So if you believe he pushed the envelope with the benefit of you or me in mind, then I don't know what to tell you.
Sorry guys, I believe Z will play!!! It’s been brought to my attention that I should never be negative. Everything that has happened the past 5 years gives me great confidence that we will have a full compliment of players with no injuries and no transfers!!!

Go CATS!!!!!!
I just have to laugh at the people who say “I don’t understand why people don’t like Matt”. Like, you don’t have to agree with them. You’re free to like Matt. But you honestly don’t see why there might be a group of folks who don’t like him?
I just have to laugh at the people who say “I don’t understand why people don’t like Matt”. Like, you don’t have to agree with them. You’re free to like Matt. But you honestly don’t see why there might be a group of folks who don’t like him?

I honestly don't care who likes him or not, it's those that have to go out of their way to let everyone know they don't like him in every thread he's mentioned in. We know, most have told us 100 times this year.
Yes he is. But I have heard that his show, which has a pretty big platform, was extremely vocal about it and now according to Twitter, he has signed a deal with DraftKings. So if you believe he pushed the envelope with the benefit of you or me in mind, then I don't know what to tell you.
Oh of course, it wasn't a purely a philanthropic push. I don't think anyone would argue that. But he did use some of his leverage to help get some steam rolling on it.
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I know it’s probably me just being paranoid, but it does seem like other schools have no problem getting their international players eligible, while we seem to always have trouble with it.

And considering we rarely bring in international players (Canada doesn’t count), and programs like Gonzaga and Arizona seem to bring in multiple guys every year, it seems suspicious.
Yes exactly tell the ncaa to just **** off at this point it’s clear they have an agenda against kentucky…
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We sure do have a lot of "posters" who state a ton of negative info but not any actual proof, just opinion. Lol, i know before I read 8-10 of these guys post what it will contain. Day in, day out, just like clock work.
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This is the latest from Pilgrim this a.m.:

"I’m told academic transcript is good to go for Big Z, only hang-up is a foreign language exam that needs to be taken care of before enrolling. They’re working against the clock with Kentucky’s add/drop date for classes, but the plan is for him to be here with all necessary documentation this week. The hope is Tuesday, but that’s been a bit of a moving target.

Ivisic speaks English well, just a matter of getting the certification to prove it for college in the U.S. If there’s any level of concern — and it’s not much — it’s time, not ability. Just have to move quickly.

I wouldn’t sweat it personally. Should get confirmation either way in the next 48 hours."

30 mins ago:

"Further confirmation today he’s expected on campus this week. A lot of excitement about his arrival."