Big Z ineligible?

Why do we care? Do you work for Jack Pilgrim, or Jeff Goodman? Why do you care?
I don't care if Matt gets his info from Sadam Hussein, if it’s about UK, I want to know what it is and IDGAS where the info came from.
Weird hill to die on. Just say you don't like Matt becasue he has a punchable face and get over it.
Why do I care if people steal? Because I have morals? Why is stealing OK to you? Do you steal too? Weird hill to die on indeed. I wouldn’t defend my momma if she were a thief yet you defend a radio host that you don’t know because you’re a groupie.
Man, I just think that's petty. Why does it matter where he got his info from? Why do we care that he doesn’t give credit to wherever he got the info from? Do you really care that much?
For me it's because he never gave anything definitive. It's always "I heard this, it may or may not be true but it would make sense to me if blah, blah, blah..." And hell, anybody can say "I heard" if you don't have to say where the info came from. I quit listening 2 years ago, but I had the misfortune of losing the transmission in my vehicle and have been catching a ride to work with a co-worker. He listens to that drivel on podcast. I heard a food bracket, a request for someone enrolled at UK to see if Z was on a student directory, and a "I believe there is validity that he might not play this year". That's a lot of words to not say anything.
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Outraged? Not me, rarely. I just said I don't like the guy, never have, and I've met him in person (I happen to know Drew and his family). He's a royal asshat, very arrogant and thinks that people fawn over his presence as much as they would some well-known celebrity.

His early years on KSR website ruined it for me. Those posts were some of the most absurd, sophomoric write ups I've ever seen - many making zero sense (because that was their "schtick" back then). No idea what his show is about now, or how "mature" it's become, because I just don't care enough to listen to his annoying, self-centered voice.

I also don't listen to Stern, and I agree, Steven A is one annoying MF. If I see his face on a bar TV, I can't stand him, even if I can't hear what he's saying.
Thank you. This really isn’t hard. Again, you’re free to like Matt and disagree with the people who don’t. But to act like you can’t even comprehend why people wouldn’t like him…just stop it
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Man, I just think that's petty. Why does it matter where he got his info from? Why do we care that he doesn’t give credit to wherever he got the info from? Do you really care that much?
You and I just disagree with what we think about Matt Jones. I answered your one point and you just say it's petty. I think it's just my opinion vs your opinion. Nothing wrong with different people having different thoughts so no need to keep "arguing" and starting to turn to negative remarks. We are both entitled to our thoughts, though they may differ. I respect your thoughts and hope you would do the same.
Why do I care if people steal? Because I have morals? Why is stealing OK to you? Do you steal too? Weird hill to die on indeed. I wouldn’t defend my momma if she were a thief yet you defend a radio host that you don’t know because you’re a groupie.
That’s not stealing. Wow man, you have no argument, so you are seriously stretching the truth.

The ONLY way it could remotely be considered stealing, would be if Matt literally stated that he is the one that heard it directly from the horses mouth, but that's not what he does, he simply reports what’s already put out there.

What garbage take.
For me it's because he never gave anything definitive. It's always "I heard this, it may or may not be true but it would make sense to me if blah, blah, blah..." And hell, anybody can say "I heard" if you don't have to say where the info came from. I quit listening 2 years ago, but I had the misfortune of losing the transmission in my vehicle and have been catching a ride to work with a co-worker. He listens to that drivel on podcast. I heard a food bracket, a request for someone enrolled at UK to see if Z was on a student directory, and a "I believe there is validity that he might not play this year". That's a lot of words to not say anything.
Yeah, I get that, but I don't see him doing anything everyone else isn’t doing.

Heck, Tom Leach does the same thing. He reports what he hears, it's no different than what Matt does.

It’s August, there's literally no sports to talk about on a UK sports radio show, so they have to come up with something to talk about. It can't be easy.
For the life of me don't understand why everyone gets so bent out of shape about Jones. All this stuff about him stealing reads like a sequal to Big Fish. I've been back on the board for about 5 years and it is the same nonsense over and over again.

99% of people who are ridiculously successful walk a very fine line to get to where they are. They step over lines, make mistakes, sometimes do it on purpose. Get over it already.
Thank you. This really isn’t hard. Again, you’re free to like Matt and disagree with the people who don’t. But to act like you can’t even comprehend why people wouldn’t like him…just stop it
Uhhh, the reasons others were giving, like: "he talks politics too much" (not true at all) "he only does it for the money" and "he never gives credit to the people he gets his scoop from", are so petty, too petty to be true, so I'm calling a spade a spade. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
You and I just disagree with what we think about Matt Jones. I answered your one point and you just say it's petty. I think it's just my opinion vs your opinion. Nothing wrong with different people having different thoughts so no need to keep "arguing" and starting to turn to negative remarks. We are both entitled to our thoughts, though they may differ. I respect your thoughts and hope you would do the same.
My fault, I didn't intend to be argumentative.
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There are all sorts of answers less dire than "he ain't playing til Jan."

To name one, who is to say he's not already taking classes remotely? Beginning with COVID, there's a whole range of ways to attend classes that don't involve walking across the Lexington campus into a classroom. Especially if he had a good reason to linger in Serbia for a short time, that could easily be happening.

If a major Kentucky basketball player was on the cusp of not being eligible, I believe that would be a much louder buzz than what we have heard the past two days -- which is mostly reassuring that he would play.
If classes already started and the last day to enroll was Monday, he wouldn’t be able to take online classes if he’s not enrolled as is speculated.
That’s not stealing. Wow man, you have no argument, so you are seriously stretching the truth.

The ONLY way it could remotely be considered stealing, would be if Matt literally stated that he is the one that heard it directly from the horses mouth, but that's not what he does, he simply reports what’s already put out there.

What garbage take.
Taking another man’s work, presenting it as your own, and profiting off of it isn’t stealing? That’s only not stealing to KSR groupies who are desperate to defend Matt Jones.

The dude defending stealing is whining about stretching the truth. What a joke the entire KSR cult is.

Ask guys like Jeff Drummond who grind and do this for a living if it’s stealing.
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Taking another man’s work, presenting it as your own, and profiting off of it isn’t stealing? That’s only not stealing to KSR groupies who are desperate to defend Matt Jones.

The dude defending stealing is whining about stretching the truth. What a joke the entire LSR cult is.

Ask guys like Jeff Drummond who grind and do this for a living if it’s stealing.
So, let's say Jack Pilgrim tweets out that John Doe has committed to UK and Matt Jones reports it on his radio show without saying who his source was… that's stealing in your world???

So, when you get on and you read about a high speed chase that ended in a rolled car, are you stealing that information when you tell your friends over beers at the bar that night?

Once a news story is out, theft is off the table bruh, because it's been made public.

So, given that, can you tell me what news MJ broke that he stole? Obviously you can, because you are claiming MJ steals scoop from others. For sone reason that pisses you off, but whatever.

If MJ jumped the gun on someone and reported scoop, or news before the original source reported it, then yeah, that’s stealing. Did MJ actually do that?
Matt Jones followers love justifying stealing. Other media outlets do it too so it’s OK… apparently.
Epic fail on your part. I don’t listen to his show and not an MJ follower. I will listen on occasion. During football season to post game following a big victory but that’s about it. So if other media outlets don’t give credit to all their breaking info why should MJ be held to a different standard. Your hypocrisy is showing.
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Epic fail on your part. I don’t listen to his show and not an MJ follower. I will listen on occasion. During football season to post game following a big victory but that’s about it. So if other media outlets don’t give credit to all their breaking info why should MJ be held to a different standard. Your hypocrisy is showing.
I’m not sure why this needs to be explained to you but no one should steal. The whole other media outlets do it was an excuse by a Matt Jones groupie to justify him stealing. Again, it’s sad how big of a joke the cult is. They probably teach their kids that stealing is OK if others are doing it.
Taking another man’s work, presenting it as your own, and profiting off of it isn’t stealing? That’s only not stealing to KSR groupies who are desperate to defend Matt Jones.

The dude defending stealing is whining about stretching the truth. What a joke the entire KSR cult is.

Ask guys like Jeff Drummond who grind and do this for a living if it’s stealing.
I just read 4 stories from a major news outlet. In each story they clearly documented exactly where they were getting their information from anf giving exact quotes from sources and clearly defining who said what. Not sure where these people are coming up with the idea that all news reporting just steals stuff and doesn't give credit and then say why should Jones give any sources for his information since all other media does the same thing. That is clearly not the case at all.
I just read 4 stories from a major news outlet. In each story they clearly documented exactly where they were getting their information from anf giving exact quotes from sources and clearly defining who said what. Not sure where these people are coming up with the idea that all news reporting just steals stuff and doesn't give credit and then say why should Jones give any sources for his information since all other media does the same thing. That is clearly not the case at all.
They needed to make up something to defend the indefensible.
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Taking another man’s work, presenting it as your own, and profiting off of it isn’t stealing? That’s only not stealing to KSR groupies who are desperate to defend Matt Jones.

The dude defending stealing is whining about stretching the truth. What a joke the entire KSR cult is.

Ask guys like Jeff Drummond who grind and do this for a living if it’s stealing.


You're part of the I hate everything Matt Jones cult. How are you any better? You're a grown man on an internet message board crying about someone stealing dialogue. Literally.

You're part of the I hate everything Matt Jones cult. How are you any better? You're a grown man on an internet message board crying about someone stealing dialogue. Literally.
Nope, more excuses for lies. Matt Jones is very talented and entertaining, doesn’t make stealing OK. No matter how hard you groupies try, you will never make stealing OK. You’re a grown with a boy crush on a radio host to the point where you defend him stealing others info, not dialogue, information that they worked for. You guys remain a joke.
Nope, more excuses for lies. Matt Jones is very talented and entertaining. No matter how hard you groupies try, you will never make stealing OK. You’re a grown with a boy crush on a radio host to the point where you defend him stealing others info, not dialogue, information that they worked for. You guys remain a joke.

You're a grown man crying on the internet about people stealing dialogue. Just stfu and own it.
Says the dude who worships another dude and defends stealing.

Where did I worship anything? Matt Jones got brought up in another thread, and of course, like always, some of you lost your ever loving minds again. Same shit, different day.
I will say this. A young man with a passion for UK sports has built what is most likely a multi million dollar business. Good for him. If he was truly "stealing" as you guys portray it I'm sure he would have been sued and had to pay some of his profit back. I don't get why anyone wants to take someone that has been successful down other than jealousy. I don't know Matt Jones. I've never met him He might be a dick. But he has been successful as a business man and that it what we are supposed to appreciate according to most people's politics in Kentucky. The people that say he doesn't cite his sources are full of shit. There are at least ten people on this blog that throw out shit and claim to have inside information and never cite there source. If you own an outlet to display information, once you have that information it is free game. The people that complain about lack of recognition of where the information came from or either the originator of the information, or haters.
I simply cant believe Cal would anounce him as on the team if he didnt know he would be eligble, not after the problems he has had with getting guys that didn't play. The fan base will melt down if he cant play. He doesn't need that heat
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Says the dude who worships another dude and defends stealing.
The Office Batman GIF
It’s just a really weird thing to get outraged about. It’s a 2 hour show that's usually pretty informative and fun to listen to.
Howard Stern and especially Steven A are much more controversial, but nobody even mentions their names on here.
Stern hasn’t been relevant since the 90’s maybe early 2000’s and he’s lost his damn mind. He’s exactly the person he gained fame for hating now.