Big Z ineligible?

I thought Bradshaw said he’d be back by August 9th. Hope we’re not dealing with another Jarod Vanderbilt situation with him.

From Pilgrim today:

Quick afternoon note: Couldn’t be more confident Aaron Bradshaw will play for Kentucky this season. Dude is itching to get his boot off and play with his guys. An absolute joy to be around. A lot of excitement about Bradshaw around the program.
Apparently Pilgrim is at the fantasy camp this weekend and trying to get info.

I'm in my final week of KSR+ trial which I didn't renew. I will funnel anything I read on there as I have 6 days left.

From JP today:

Initially heard more concern about pro history than anything academic. But overall confidence he’ll be here and play. Still operating with that mindset until I hear otherwise.

Aaron Bradshaw is still in a boot, but moving around well and shooting during breaks. Crushing it as a coach, took diligent notes during the evaluation period and warmups before the draft. Drawing up plays, coaching up his guys, really involved. Just seems like an awesome kid. Gets it as a player here.

Pilgrim today:
I’d expect this locker to be occupied next week.

From Pilgrim today:

Quick afternoon note: Couldn’t be more confident Aaron Bradshaw will play for Kentucky this season. Dude is itching to get his boot off and play with his guys. An absolute joy to be around. A lot of excitement about Bradshaw around the program.
We hear this every year. Believe it when I see it. Sharpe situation forever lost my trust in anything associated with Cal.
We hear this every year. Believe it when I see it. Sharpe situation forever lost my trust in anything associated with Cal.
How long are people going to keep complaining about the Sharpe situation? Cal was played. He won't make that mistake again. Sharpe's advisor may not ever be trusted by anyone associated with college basketball again. Why can't we just focus on the talented players on this year's team?
What is wrong about it? If you don’t think Jones cares about his income first then I don’t know what to tell you. I think he’s a UK fan but business comes first in everything.
I don't hate Matt. I like his banter with the rest of the KSR crew most times. It's fun. But yes, Matt cares about his money. No doubt.

I also don't think he just throws information out willy-nilly. Now, I don't care for the last minute "oh btw" on a Friday before they travel, but it is what it is.

He's a UK fan, I have no doubt about that. Otherwise he wouldn't have started a media company about UK sports. He's not Jeff Goodman.
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I don't hate Matt. I like his banter with the rest of the KSR crew most times. It's fun. But yes, Matt cares about his money. No doubt.

I also don't think he just throws information out willy-nilly. Now, I don't care for the last minute "oh btw" on a Friday before they travel, but it is what it is.

He's a UK fan, I have no doubt about that. Otherwise he wouldn't have started a media company about UK sports. He's not Jeff Goodman.
No I don’t think he’s close to a Jeff Goodman. I think it was more about the fandom early on when he was really invested in the blog. Overtime it became a legitimate business and that’s where his focus shifted obviously. Can’t fault him for that. I don’t mind the show when it’s in season and there is lots to talk about. It’s fun to listen to.
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How long are people going to keep complaining about the Sharpe situation? Cal was played. He won't make that mistake again. Sharpe's advisor may not ever be trusted by anyone associated with college basketball again. Why can't we just focus on the talented players on this year's team?
Sharpe deserves to never be forgotten. That was a huge mistake, misplayed by Cal the entire way. Sharpe shouldn’t even be considered part of our program.
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No I don’t think he’s close to a Jeff Goodman. I think it was more about the fandom early on when he was really invested in the blog. Overtime it became a legitimate business and that’s where his focus shifted obviously. Can’t fault him for that. I don’t mind the show when it’s in season and there is lots to talk about. It’s fun to listen to.
I still think he cares about the fan base though. He was one of the first that really started to go after Cal when things started to suck. And like it or not, I think some of that pressure has helped a bit.

Between the KSBar, On3 Sale, OVW, his book, Matt is obviously a solid businessman.
How long are people going to keep complaining about the Sharpe situation? Cal was played. He won't make that mistake again. Sharpe's advisor may not ever be trusted by anyone associated with college basketball again. Why can't we just focus on the talented players on this year's team?
the poster you are responding to is just a troll
i wish the mods would ban this account of his like they have the other accounts he has made
I still think he cares about the fan base though. He was one of the first that really started to go after Cal when things started to suck. And like it or not, I think some of that pressure has helped a bit.

Between the KSBar, On3 Sale, OVW, his book, Matt is obviously a solid businessman.
Yeah I think he still cares what happens.
you have done nothing but troll from day 1 of you making this new account
it is sad that a grownup feels some kind of pleasure in constantly trolling
i guess some like you never mature
I called the worm out and he/she whined like. a bitch.
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I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Cal knew this kid wouldn't likely play for Kentucky, but he knows that we have a big man problem that requires him to do something. So, Cal takes on the kid to get fans excited, distracts from the fact that he didn't land someone to fill the need, and to shift the blame to the NCAA when the fans learn what he already knew about the player's playing status.
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you have done nothing but troll from day 1 of you making this new account
it is sad that a grownup feels some kind of pleasure in constantly trolling
i guess some like you never mature
She is truly pathetic “begok”😂😂
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I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Cal knew this kid wouldn't likely play for Kentucky, but he knows that we have a big man problem. So, Cal takes on the kid to get fans excited, distract from the fact that he didn't land someone to fill the need, and to shift the blame to the NCAA when the fans learn what he already knew about the player's playing status.
I bet You know whot shot Kennedy as well😂
Nah. You've created at least 100 posts that are infinitely dumber. I wouldn't be able to take that pedestal away from you. The honor is all yours.

You were 100% correct on take regarding MJ.

Example of "business first" is KSR+. Jones said he would post on there and tell some things, never happened. Baiting people to sign up. Handful of posts. I don't know if the MJ that posts on gyero is the real one but if so he posts on here way more than his own board.
Anyone who isn’t upset about that doesn’t really care about UK IMO. At least what’s fair and best for the program. He got paid and he bolted like a coward after lying and coming early.

Anyone who isn’t upset about that doesn’t really care about UK IMO. At least what’s fair and best for the program. He got paid and he bolted like a coward after lying and coming early.
Sharpe did nothing he wasn’t planning on doing the whole time. Cal knew what the arrangement was. I don’t care for sharp, but not pissed about his role at UK (although I don’t consider him a part of the program) I am pissed more at cal for being complicit in the facade. Don’t think anything is up with big Z in that regard as LMD referred to but will see how this plays out (assuming there was anything to Jones hint last Friday.)
How long are people going to keep complaining about the Sharpe situation? Cal was played. He won't make that mistake again. Sharpe's advisor may not ever be trusted by anyone associated with college basketball again. Why can't we just focus on the talented players on this year's team?
Silly take. You make a lot of those, it seems.

There's no way any 18 year old played Calipari. Cal's been at this for 30+ years, working with every kind of circle of influence that you can imagine - from the sleaze balls that surrounded Skal, to invasive family members like Tyreke Evans' brothers - Cal has seen it all.

He knew there was a small likelihood Sharpe would play. He probably thought that by getting him on campus around the other players, it would be enough to lure Sharpe in for 10-12 games at the end of the season before going pro.

It backfired. Cal's misplay was lying to the fans about Sharpe's desire to return after it was clear that he wasn't going to play that first Spring semester he was here. Cal knew better. He straight up lied to us and some ignorant fans and/or trolls like you keep sounding the propaganda bell for Calipari.
Those saying play him and tell the NCAA to eff off need to remember who our AD is. Barnhart doesn't operate like that and would never allow it. I don't disagree with telling the NCAA to pound sand but no shot that happens.
Lol that’s some crazy stuff
It is about as crazy as giving a has-been coach a lifetime contract and we know that no one would be that dumb because the UK program doesn't do crazy things like that. However, if they did something that crazy, UK certainly wouldn't double down on crazy by rewarding the person who did it with a contract extension. NEVER!!! Lol
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Silly take. You make a lot of those, it seems.

There's no way any 18 year old played Calipari. Cal's been at this for 30+ years, working with every kind of circle of influence that you can imagine - from the sleaze balls that surrounded Skal, to invasive family members like Tyreke Evans' brothers - Cal has seen it all.

He knew there was a small likelihood Sharpe would play. He probably thought that by getting him on campus around the other players, it would be enough to lure Sharpe in for 10-12 games at the end of the season before going pro.

It backfired. Cal's misplay was lying to the fans about Sharpe's desire to return after it was clear that he wasn't going to play that first Spring semester he was here. Cal knew better. He straight up lied to us and some ignorant fans and/or trolls like you keep sounding the propaganda bell for Calipari.
So glad you were so intimately involved so you could give us the real scoop.
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Those saying play him and tell the NCAA to eff off need to remember who our AD is. Barnhart doesn't operate like that and would never allow it. I don't disagree with telling the NCAA to pound sand but no shot that happens.
Seems to me that very few fans know who our AD is. A huge clue was when he did absolutely no improvements for our football facilities his first decade on the job, with predictable results.

But a lot of our fans seem to think the TWO two win seasons AND the five years in a row with no bowl games were just ducky.
Sharpe did nothing he wasn’t planning on doing the whole time. Cal knew what the arrangement was. I don’t care for sharp, but not pissed about his role at UK (although I don’t consider him a part of the program) I am pissed more at cal for being complicit in the facade. Don’t think anything is up with big Z in that regard as LMD referred to but will see how this plays out (assuming there was anything to Jones hint last Friday.)
I stated that I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Cal knew about the kid's inability to play status. Hell, it wouldn't be any worse than what he did with Sharpe.
I also know who signed a top recruit who never intended to play a single game for UK so that he could claim another one-and-done player to the NBA.
Seems to me you are giving our coach credit for being a mind reader. I blame his handler for most of that fiasco, what did it really cost UK to believe he might play? Besides a lot of fans going ballistic, that is.
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I stated that I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Cal knew about the kid's inability to play status. Hell, it wouldn't be any worse than what he did with Sharpe.
He is the cherry on the top, what do you think of the other talent we have lined up for this season?
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