I don’t think I could work as an announcer because I couldn’t get on the air and say the same things for every single game every year for an entire career. Some things they say really annoy me:
“Buzz saw.” No one says buzz saw for any reason other than sports; online does say sometimes circular saws are called buzz saws, but no. It’s a stupid expression; all power saws buzz. Can they not think of anything other than “buzz saw,” or “gauntlet,” to describe a tough schedule?
“He can really score in bunches when he gets going.” Every player that gets going scores in bunches. Is there some other way to get going without scoring in bunches? I mean, besides of course, “lighting it up?” This one just a redundant statement of redundancy.
These are two of my announcer speak pet peeves. What are some of yours?
By the way, I don’t get musicians singing the same 1 to 3 words 25 times in a single song either. Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, Bennie and the jets.