SIAP: Jasper Johnson Reportedly A Cat

Why do you post this sh*t? Very mean spirited and pointless.
But him wanting to call Barnhart the night he hired Pope and harrass him isn't mean spiriited and dare I say NASTY?

Please. My post was light-hearted childs play and I'm not interested in fighiting with you or anybody. Just a simple post. Enjoy the rest of your life.

Pitino says he regrets what he told the team right before the Laettener shot

The grass always looks greener from the other side. Refs were blowing whistles on everyone who looked at Laettner that game. And if he wasn’t going to miss a turnaround with two seconds left and a man in his face there’s no way on Earth he would have missed a foul shot from the same spot with all the time in the world.

It took me near thirty years to realize it. And maybe it’ll take him longer. But Pitino did everything right in that game. Everything.

In fact, while K coached that game too and beat him, he had more NBA talent on his roster. He also had the refs on his side, pretty clearly.

In that game, largely recognized to have been the best college game ever played, there’s a real strong case to be made that Rick Pitino turned in the best single-game coaching performance in history. Time to stop beating himself up over it.
It was a tough spot and no real error in my mind. In hindsight would have been better to put someone ont he inbounds but if so you'd have one less back to try and break up the pass. And once throw was made and caught you did have to be very careful not to foul. Sounds easier than it was in practice to defend perfectly.

I'd love to have won it but soon after I could sense that in a lot of ways that team was more revered and immortalized (not just by UK fans) in defeat and the way they fought than they may have in victory.
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I honestly don’t know if Dion comprehends it at this point. He fancies himself as intelligent. While we both seem to agree governments around the world are pushing propaganda, he ran here this morning to repeat the exact narrative the Biden admin and media sought to create.

We’re literally talking about governments pushing propaganda, he agrees they do it, but can’t comprehend he’s an unwitting tool to amplify their message.
Dion fails to realize the propaganda he pushes was pushed into him long ago by his Marxist professors at his expensive Liberal Arts college, who have infiltrated the institutions of higher education at an alarming rate.

This guy detailed the system Dion fell victim too all to well.
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Does UL really deserve a top 25 ranking?

First…yes I’m proud of the SEC and elated to be part of it. That said, there are some obvious drawbacks to this affiliation…and we’re not alone in this boat.

The main issue is the schedule. The league is never down. Some years will see other teams at the top but the top will always be good. This means that we will never get an easy trip through the schedule like ACC and Big 12 teams will. It will always be a grind. It was tough before and the addition of Oklahoma and Texas don’t help. Getting to another 10 win season for us will be challenging to say the least.

But, relating back to this thread, it will be just as hard for us to be highly ranked and have a realistic shot at the playoffs. It’s gonna be tough for a 3 or 4 loss team to crack the top twelve and with our year-in-year-out schedule that is probably what we can expect. As stated, it’s hard to beat Bama, Georgia, LSU, Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee and others on a regular basis if you’re not a legacy powerhouse…which we are not.

So, I’m torn. I want us to be in the best conference in the country and I want us to contend for a playoff spot. Right now, I think it’s hard for both of these things to happen. I guess my point is, while we rightfully mock the ACC and Big 12, would we not fare better on the national stage and have a MUCH better chance at making the 12 team playoff if we were in one of those conferences?

These are the things that keep me awake at night.

It is certainly going to be interesting the first time that an 11-1 or 12-1 Big 12 or ACC team is vying with a 9-3 SEC or Big Ten team for one of those last at large spots. You and I both know that’s going to happen - probably this year. Which way does the committee go in that case?
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Boogie almost didn't come to UK until he got some news right as he was walking to meet Cal

Interesting story. I’m glad Cuz came to UK. He is one of my favorite Cow recruits. Cuz, Bledsoe, Wall was a great start and they had so much personality. Patterson to be part of something like that after the hell he went through before Cal.
Yeah , that hell we went through was very much like the last 5 years we just endured.

I’m a Little Disappointed Hamdan’s Fast Paste Offense Hasn’t Been Mentioned.

I liked the tempo, but was more impressed with the after snap crispness in the execution. The biggest example of that was the sprintout touchdown throw to Dingle. We linedup quick (no hurry) and snapped it early, but he key to that play was how everyone seemed alive and took off on the snap to make it work. Brock took the snap and sprinted (not jogged) to the right and Dingle sprinted off the line into the out route and it was wide open. Usually this play has a small window but it was wide open due to the cripsness (new favorite word so get used to it) of the execution. And this was evident most of the night on offense.


Oh its just the right wing councilwoman in Aurora making this up donch know....


All named and you’ve never heard of any of them. Many were interns
My issue was the statement made that it was 200 of Trumps staffers when in fact it was 200 staffers of a FORMER Republican president (Bush) and 2 former presidential hopefuls (Romney and McCain) that Trump has lit in to in the press so they definitely would have an axe to grind. Honestly I could see Bush staffers hating Trump to considering he has blasted Bush's wars during his presidency.

Boogie almost didn't come to UK until he got some news right as he was walking to meet Cal

Boogie was talking with Kevin Garnett, he was speaking about how he had issues with his father being absent and that he swore he would always be there for his kids. He had a child and it was living with him so he was going to stay close to home. His mom had him get a DNA test and the results came back as he was just getting to UK's campus, found out it wasn't his and he then said he had a clear mind to do what's best for him and told Cal on his visit "I'm coming to Kentucky".

Glad he didn't get trapped, and that we got to have big cuz be a part of our history. I love boogie
Interesting story. I’m glad Cuz came to UK. He is one of my favorite Cow recruits. Cuz, Bledsoe, Wall was a great start and they had so much personality. Patterson to be part of something like that after the hell he went through before Cal.

CI Wrestling Thread #56

Here’s the aew logic here - this all happened in 10 minutes…

Here’s a promo on Purazzo on breaking her recent slide - 2 minute ramble about her getting back to winning

Purazzo vs Shida Friday on collision

Shida promo with Mone

Shida vs Mone Saturday for the tbs belt on all out live on ppv

So the 3 people you wouldn’t put purazzo against are shida/mone/may and somehow TK chose one of those 3.

Awful ways to die

Slippery slope? Seriously? What do you think happens to people who suffer from depression and won't seek help or get help and it doesn't work out do? Would you rather they had an option to go out peacefully, or would you rather them take their own life and be found by a loved one or stranger with their brains splattered out over the wall, floor or even on the roof of their garage, hanging by the neck in their garage, in the woods with their dog howling and head nearly blown off where they put a shotgun under their chin and were found by their wife and two kids, or shooting themselves in the head in front of their wife, 4 year old kid and in-laws....or even worse, decide to take someone else or other people with them?
So be it.


Of course there's tons of propaganda out there. I'm the one pointing out the American propaganda to this thread while everyone else swims in it. Now, what exactly does that have to do with Russia paying rightwing media to spread their particular brand of bullshit? Whatabouting American and Chinese propaganda doesn't make Russia's evaporate. Europe runs theirs too. Israel prides itself on theirs. You think Saudia Arabia hasn't spent gazillions rehabbing their American image? Your boys are paid Russian shills.
Why aren't you pointing out China's Propaganda then? and he asked you to specifically state what russian propaganda talking points those guys were pushing. so please do that for us.
