Pitino says he regrets what he told the team right before the Laettener shot

The story I remember hearing was that Pitino wanted to double team Laettner with Pelphrey and Feldhaus. One in front and one behind him. They were confused on who was supposed to be where, and both ended up behind Laettner so he had a free look at the pass from Hill. And CBS STILL has that clip as part of their CBB intro to this day. 🤮


We might not like Jones politics but ESPN does. Since Matt has no kids in his life he is all about career advancement and he knows whose back he has to rub to get noticed. I know everyone heard about Vance talking about childless cat ladies well that applies to guys as well. Many childless men like Jones tend to be very feminine and deep into Dem politics. FWIW Trump has seen a surge in support with Black men across the country.
Matt Jones was at his best when he posed as Amy McGrath and ran for Senate.

He looked handsome... for a woman.

POLL: Is there a God ??

It is simple for me...there is no way all 12 disciples are going lie about seeing the risen Christ, only for the vast majority to be put to death as a result. Not one recanted, not one. If this was a lie, surely one would have cracked as they were approaching death to save themselves. No way all 12 could keep a lie going, in unison, for the many years they did, while eventually spread out across Asia/Africa.

Secondarily, what did any of the 12 disciples get out of perpetuating this lie? Fame? Fortune? Power? Women? None of that, only ridicule, imprisonment, beatings, torture, and eventually death.

Not to beat a dead horse, but there is no way 12 people are perpetuating a lie of something they claimed to have seen, ultimately leading to a life of torture and death, without one person (that's all I am asking for, just one) recanting to save themselves.

If UK wins their 1st three games (all at home) over S. Miss, South Carolina and #1 Georgia

Kirby is ultra secretive. We never hear info about anything like that, we didnt know he wasnt playing Sat until just before the game. We aren't playing an SEC game this week so he isn't required to submit that info to whoever gets it. This is just me guessing, he is to be suspended 10.2% of the season, so I am guessing he sits a quarter, maybe a half and get him some touches. But that is me thinking out loud, he may start or sit the entire game. If he is out,
So I should probably play Frazier over him in my fantasy league then.

We Are A Bad Match Up for South Carolina

Through last year he’s averaging 6.63 wins per year at Kentucky. Now mind you there are 3 to 4 Patsys on your schedule each year. Let that sink in. Yet he is considered an extremely good coach and your fans are afraid he will leave. Don’t shoot the messenger.

Edit: why do I feel like JD Vance spouting facts at Dana Bash?
Our younger fans forget how many losing and 2 win seasons we have had in last 50 years.


Dion fails to realize the propaganda he pushes was pushed into him long ago by his Marxist professors at his expensive Liberal Arts college, who have infiltrated the institutions of higher education at an alarming rate.

This guy detailed the system Dion fell victim too all to well.
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Let's be honest about it, people like Dion is why they do the propaganda. It's effective on weak/feminine men and women who in general absorb authoritative control well.


No citizens actually want immigration in their countries. None. It's only the people who are doing it for nefarious purposes. There's no benefit to it for normal citizens. Cue the "Oh I love food trucks" morons on here who can't comprehend these people draining resources, destroying schools and neighborhoods, even bankrupting hospitals, bringing rape, murder, and drugs to your land.

Unlike a lot of those on the right, I do not adopt the belief "as long as it's legal" immigration. No. NOOOOO! We are full. You should not be allowed to come to the country unless you have a skill that can be used and something to contribute. Merit-based immigration is the only thing that should ever be discussed and that should be a rarity.

It is proposterous in every way to allow this into your nation. It's like having a deadbeat come and say "I'm going to live with you. I will not contribute anything and will use all of your stuff and expect you to prop me up and also I'll be bringing in my family to live with us so you can pay for that too."

Who would sign up for that? Not a single person. So all of this is pure treason.

Does UL really deserve a top 25 ranking?

It is certainly going to be interesting the first time that an 11-1 or 12-1 Big 12 or ACC team is vying with a 9-3 SEC or Big Ten team for one of those last at large spots. You and I both know that’s going to happen - probably this year. Which way does the committee go in that case?
As it applies to this year, that would mean you had two teams with one loss between them going into the respective Conference Title games...I don't really foresee that with the ACC. You'd have to have say a Miami run the table into the Title game and lose in it.


Marches? That's oddly specific. Clarence Thomas wants to overturn Griswold. And he's far from alone. Where do you think Vance's childless cat-lady crap came from? The whole modern sexual ethos came out of the invention of The Pill. Of course they want to curb birth control.

Your content always provides a nice bit of unintentional humor. Thanks.

I picture you as some deranged person with voodoo dolls of trump and Clarence thomas that you constantly abuse.


Russia's propaganda machine is yet another example of why Trump is a terrible leader.

If you don't think Russia, China and several other countries aren't trying to interfere in the American election process, you aren't informed.

What Trump should've done, if he didn't have the sensitivity of an infant taking a bath, is expressed interest to solidify elections and expunge foreign intervention in 2016. Instead, he over-reacted and ultimately showed no ability to lead. He insisted none of it was real (despite his 2016 campaign comments inviting Russian interference). This is because he believed Russian interference did benefit his campaign. If it benefits Turmp, he sees no problem with it.

And, so, to this day, we have MAGA acolytes who continue to stick with their narrative that all foreign intervention is make believe and only targets Donald Trump. Meanwhile, the same people have the audacity to challenge the authenticity of elections. They have no desire for authentic elections. They only have desire to push that narrative when the results do not benefit them.

Again, Trump leadership.
So when the US is interfering in other nations elections you just ignore it and turn a blind eye. Guess what champ, this is nothing new. Welcome to the real world.

You also show why you have NO credibility at all. Just a partisan hack when you throw out "inviting Russian interference" BS. Everyone on earth but you apparently got the joke when he said "hey Russia...." on national TV during the debate. It was a laugh line....CLEARLY and it worked. So when you cannot be an honest are what you are. Just lying.

Did you have a problem with the "Intel Agencies" interfering in our election via the 51 liars letter? How about as Zuck acknowledged, the WH censoring the laptop story by interfering with social media. Unlike Trumps laugh line in the debate....those are REAL interference.

SIAP: Jasper Johnson Reportedly A Cat

Why do you post this sh*t? Very mean spirited and pointless.
But him wanting to call Barnhart the night he hired Pope and harrass him isn't mean spiriited and dare I say NASTY?

Please. My post was light-hearted childs play and I'm not interested in fighiting with you or anybody. Just a simple post. Enjoy the rest of your life.

Pitino says he regrets what he told the team right before the Laettener shot

The grass always looks greener from the other side. Refs were blowing whistles on everyone who looked at Laettner that game. And if he wasn’t going to miss a turnaround with two seconds left and a man in his face there’s no way on Earth he would have missed a foul shot from the same spot with all the time in the world.

It took me near thirty years to realize it. And maybe it’ll take him longer. But Pitino did everything right in that game. Everything.

In fact, while K coached that game too and beat him, he had more NBA talent on his roster. He also had the refs on his side, pretty clearly.

In that game, largely recognized to have been the best college game ever played, there’s a real strong case to be made that Rick Pitino turned in the best single-game coaching performance in history. Time to stop beating himself up over it.
It was a tough spot and no real error in my mind. In hindsight would have been better to put someone ont he inbounds but if so you'd have one less back to try and break up the pass. And once throw was made and caught you did have to be very careful not to foul. Sounds easier than it was in practice to defend perfectly.

I'd love to have won it but soon after I could sense that in a lot of ways that team was more revered and immortalized (not just by UK fans) in defeat and the way they fought than they may have in victory.
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