If you don't believe that Jesus was God incarnate on Earth, and came to absolve people of their sins, was crucified, died, and arose from the dead in order to do this, then you would be an idiot to follow the teachings of Jesus. Because he would be a mental patient.

It's a binary choice. Anthing else makes ZERO logical sense.
? Why can't one think he was just a sociologist with interesting ideas? You're saying the teachings of Jesus are something "a mental patient" with "ZERO logical sense" came up with? Why follow them then?
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Oh, the "population" is Christian. Not Christians themselves... Oh.. You got serious issues Celine... Now you use """""percentages""""" You are in a serious place and do not even realize it...
? Being extremely generous and just saying half of them are committed by Christians, that's ten thousand a year. You're trying to claim none of those 20k are Christians? No Christians murder anyone?
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Big Upsets - what it means

UK football had to be the worst cheating program in NCAA history.

Doing it “correctly” was so damn easy. Simply mailing cash, or paying coaches or players cash was stupid.

The better “operators” used co-signatures at banks for loans to Mom for
the new house, then the night depositories for paying off the loan. The “Note” was neither recorded with the mortgage, nor could the NCAA subpoena it, as they had no subpoena power.

No one actually could know who made the 3:00 am cash deposit for $4,800.00 each month until paid off in 2/3/4 years . . and it was small enough an amount of cash each month it created no federal reporting.

As to Mom’s getting nice houses, just how politically incorrect would it have been for the media to question why Mom has a nice house, especially if race differences were involved?

Miami comes back from 25 down….

Missed you brother, hope you're doing well.

TN's got their bounty program, founded by Fulmer, up and running again. Attacked the Arkansas QB's knees, finally got him.

Yeah, went to cabin for a few days to check on storm damage. Phone service is touch and go there at best of times. Luckily we didn't have any to the cabin, stands or feeders. But power was off for days and freezer thawed. Lost about 40 lb of catfish for the fish fry we have during hunting season. But lucky compared to many, got a foot of rain and 90mph winds there. At home just got 4-5 inches of rain.

Just getting ready for some cool weather.
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It's looking really good for Acaden Lewis and Caleb Wilson to UK

Gonna suck if we lose Wilson to UNC. That would be two times Pope got beat by UNC, the first being in that 1995 Elite Eight game.

Please finish this one, Coach.
Are you tallking about the game where Walter McCarty got T'd up because Andre Riddick grabbed Rasheed Wallace by the neck in retaliation for a flagrant elbow?

Anyone Have Any PC/Laptop Upgrading Experience?

Last one. Got the last of it in. Just ignore the wires and cords. Not sure if I will fix it yet. Getting ready to have some bedrooms redone and got it out in the living room until then.
@KyCatFan , i hate you dude. i always thought i could resist a second monitor and a slick computer set up. but this makes me want to lobby for one. i'm going to request the missus for a second monitor now. what the stand that you have them mounted on? also, do you have a big pc box for the cooling or would a smaller one work for the processor you chose?


I follow the teachings of Christ but don't necessarily believe everything in the Bible word for word. I think a lot of it is figurative and not literal.
If you try to live your life according to WWJD.... You typically can't go wrong.
That is why I have such a hard time with many on here who claim to be Christian but completely ignore what Jesus said about the poor, the sick, the hungry, immigrants etc.
They're in church every Sunday then ignore everything Jesus had to say about how to treat your neighbors.
OK, thanks for answering. I'm not going to get into a religious debate with anyone on one will win. I was just curious about your thoughts on Christianity because you have responded to discussions about it on here IIRC.

UT Player attacks a fan

I am not excusing the player. Would it be 100% on the player if he went in the stands after the kid? Of course it would have been. When the fans charge the field after a huge win with 70 or so huge alpha males in a bad mood, is he expecting a hug? The field is the players domain, the stands is the fans domain. If each stay in their place this would not have happened.

taking out a players knee is pretty rich. What exactly do you think the player should have done? He was attempting to remove himself from the field.
Takes a Georgia fan to come in here with some sense. Good post, Grump.


Kind of reminds me of D shift on the 366 SPS in Turkey. We had one guy who mostly worked law enforcement. He had a chart in his locker with all the offenses he could write someone up on and all the ranks. He was trying to fill in all the boxes. Some of us were sitting in the barracks drinking a few beers. Ever once in a while, he would hit his right leg as hard as he could. He said his left leg hurt and he was just trying to even out the pain. His goal was to be a civilian policeman after his discharge.

Jon Sumrall Watch

Seriously?! You must be young.

“Cholly” McClendon had great success at LSU and Howard Schnellenberger at Miami, and then even at Louisville. Both were Bear Bryant guys who, had the timing and support been right, could have been at Kentucky.

Same with Jerry Claiborne, who spent his most productive years at VPI and Maryland, being passed over by UK twice prior to his hiring in 1982.
Nope, I'm knocking on geezer status. I remember missing on howard and regretting it, but not McClendon.
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