Does UL really deserve a top 25 ranking?

We have beaten them 5 years in a row (not counting COVID year when we didn't play), and none of them were close. Have they really come back now with Brohm? (I think that his name). I never understand the writer's love of Louisville.
They are definitely a top 25 team. Well coached- and the quarterback they got from Texas Tech will put up big numbers, provided that he can stay healthy- and he has never been able to avoid injury.


"Mathematicians make good economists" is a pretty ignorant comment. Some, maybe. The vast majority, no. It's not about math. It's about the availability, production, and import/export of goods while protecting your market/economy. If math alone did it, there would be no need for economists/economics.
I’d like to add the following:

Most economists you see on TV aren’t very good at economics either.

New MLB proposal?

The proposal is long overdue, and the mythical max of 100 pitches is still a joke, and way overplayed by the media and announcers. The golden era of great arms laughs at this so called magic #.

Anyway, the so called "bullpen" games need to go away immediately. Teams that use this are essentially unprepared and overmanaged....see David Bell, who is a complete joke and the worst mgr I have ever witnessed. If it is going to be 6 IP/100 pitches as a couple of parameters, then I believe 3 ER should be the limit. 5 IP should actually be the min, not 6, as that is what is required for the SP to get the win.

You also need to increase the pitch clock to at least 20 seconds. It is taking a toll this late in the season w/ pitchers losing control and more walks during a game.


Austin, you have me remembering the lyrics of an old song: “Flew in from Miami Beach BOAC, didn’t get to bed last night…” And yeah, the few times I’ve flown British Airways (What used to be British Overseas Airways Corporation) the food has been tip top. I wish their pubs did as well.

Heading into work. No wine on the subway. No food or drink of any kind, as they try to keep the rats and roaches at bay. It is fairly clean but if you pass through the deep underground stations you will see an occasional rat scurry by. I’m not sure what they eat, though enough kids ignore the food ban that I guess they get by.

Not much going on aside from work. You all have a good day.

Comin' in to Los Angeleez
Bringin' in a couple of keez
Don't touch my bags if you pleeze, mister customs man


Because if anyone else besides trump won the nomination, pence wasnt needed at all. You could well argue trump won over evangelicals pretty quickly with little help from pence anyway. So at most pence was just an insurance policy.
I think useful is a much more accurate characterization of Pence than lucky. What was he lucky about? Trump not caring for him? Now that I can see. Why do people take out insurance if not of value? Who is helping Trump with evangelicals given his ever changing abortion position?
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Sitting behind this idiot a few times the last couple of years made me dislike him as a person and a coach. He likes to think he is bigger than UK basketball. These are the jabs he takes to try and prove it.

Can’t wait to watch him get his teeth smashed in the next 3-4 years at Arkansas. We should have all learned by now. You can have all talent in the world. It takes discipline, unselfish behavior and hard work to reach the goals UK fans want to reach. That was lacking for quite some time here.

Kyle Tucker calling it quits. WCS story was his last story.

Tucker has always been very good at covering UK Sports, albeit a little grumpy from time to time. He wasn't afraid to go after Cal in the last couple of years either (when it was needed). Gonna miss him a bit.

But maybe this is a good thing, Pope basically gets a fresh start with new media members as well (minus KSR and a few others).
all I will say is, just like when Matt Jones decided to go after Tubby, there is a calculus as to when the decision is made, and it has little to do with the actual performance of the coach. So I take "when it was needed" with a grain of salt. Had the press gone after Cal early and often instead of being PR men and censoring haters, Cal might still be here and the program would have flourished instead of the outcome we had. I have come to appreciate Jerry Tipton so much more over the years of seeing how the press deals with Coaches.


You and the others on here lump together everyone who is not a Trump fan as "leftists" or whatever nonsense. The people who will decide this election are those who see this as a choice between two flawed candidates.
Excellent post. MAGA wants purity over all else. They prefer losing to giving an inch. They say good riddance to Pence & the 1-5% of voters who have similar views.
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If I say that X and Y are something, it's true that I've said that X is something. In the Charlottesville march, Trump said both sides (X and Y) had fine people. So, he said the White Nationalists had some very fine people.

The difference between that and your example of the Gold Star Families? You supplied the "AND Y" in the mocking of the Gold Star family. You are inventing the connection. You could have inserted anything at all because there is no link between Trump's behavior and "Gold Star Families" over Trump's behavior.

As for the reporter, he was to hold the reporter up for ridicule, he used a grotesque version of the disability to do it with.

Don't join in with him. He's a creep and a bully. A criminal. He organized the crowd to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power. And he purposefully took National Defense documents with him to Mar-a-Lago. How many times does he have to betray the country for it to sink in that he isn't just a buffoon? He's a gangster.
No he absolutely did not. Not everyone in Charlottesville was a "White Nationalist" or "antifa" member. Some were just regular people there to protest the destruction of a historical monument and some were just regular people there wanting it's removal. They weren't people there to incite violence or hatred of any kind. They were the peaceful protesters of the bunch. Those were precisely who Trump was referring to and he SPECIFICALLY mentioned that he WASN'T referring to the "neo-Nazis or White Nationalists". He specifically went out of his way to make that delineation. But of course you morons still run with that same tired ass gaslighting and propaganda.


"was therefore of little political value other than what he provided." How does that make him lucky? Seems he provided exactly what was wanted of him.

TC has always tried walking on the edge of saying what he could get by with w/o causing high backlash - causing his employer problems - vs. what you tell was really underneath but couldn't say. I watched his old program a few times & I realized he was too kooky for me. Intelligent? Yes. Smart? Not so much.

Because if anyone else besides trump won the nomination, pence wasnt needed at all. You could well argue trump won over evangelicals pretty quickly with little help from pence anyway. So at most pence was just an insurance policy.
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Shows you how 'rock solid' conservative that whole group of 'conservative' Repubs were back in the 90s when Newt and the rest of them would do their speeches on C-Span in the empty chamber at night. While it worked to get Rs elected to Congress...time has shown that weren't/aren't 'conservative' Republicans.

Pence, Kasich, Asa Hutchison....and probably more. Would throw McCain in with this group as well, but he was in the Senate.
I'd say the values of both parties have moved in opposite directions since then. Why did you leave out Mitch?
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I say lucky because he could never win a national election and was therefore of little political value other than what he provided. No other gop presidential candidate needed to connect with the religious right so he really only held value for one person.

Yes but that isn't always a bad thing. Thought provoking and providing platforms are interesting. Making Hitler anything other than a heinous evil being is much beyond that imo. That goes beyond controversy and hurts his credibility with the casual viewer.
"was therefore of little political value other than what he provided." How does that make him lucky? Seems he provided exactly what was wanted of him.

TC has always tried walking on the edge of saying what he could get by with w/o causing high backlash - causing his employer problems - vs. what you tell was really underneath but couldn't say. I watched his old program a few times & I realized he was too kooky for me. Intelligent? Yes. Smart? Not so much.
