Fantasy Football

Josh Allen has been rather disappointing in fantasy with his inconsistency for one of the best QBs in the game. Shakir being out should not have caused this performance. He is no Stefon Diggs. As good as James Cook has been, can't blame it on his volume carrying the ball with only 2 games rushing the ball over 11 times.

Game 1 31 points
Game 2 9 points
Game 3 31 points
Game 4 7 points
Game 5 14 points

They are probably the most erratic team through 5 games. Their first 3 games they looked like far and away the best team in the NFL. Then they look absolutely awful against Ravens.. and more of the same today against the Texans until they make a strong come back to almost win it late.
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Several things here:

It isn't in the United States' interest to have radical religious zealots willing to suicide bomb us. We've seen that many times/places, but hello, 9/11 anyone? It isn't our fight and shouldn't be. There is no reason to support a colonial apartheid state and piss off an entire region doing so.

What about all the people living under Israeli military occupation? No rights, no legal status.

Bombing your way to stability isn't possible. Or it would've worked one of these dozens of times Israel's done it.
You honestly think that would change if we didn't support Israel?
Wow, I sure don't.

Big Upsets - what it means

Plus, a couple diamonds in the rough who are transferring up from lower tier and G5. The gap closes.

I just read that along with Coach Jerry Kill, and QB Diego Pavia, Vandy’s leading receiver is a Tight End who came from New Mexico State.

That’s quite a haul from one G5 school, who is now struggling.

The rich get richer!!
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Big Upsets - what it means

Kids are definitely transferring for playing time, but if they are 2-3 year backups are they really going to change the college landscape by going to a new home? Now if a kid is a starter and is bought by another program that's a different deal. Kids are flocking to places playing the most NIL. The big Texas schools, OSU, Bama, Tn are trying to buy success. My favorite take was a vol fan stating their 8m dollar QB didn't understand running out of bounds with no time ended the game.

Look at Duke. They get Malik Murphy, who was at Texas a year and clearly would've been the back as Arch is clearly the guy. Texas won't miss Murphy. He may have gotten some run via games being handled and possibly seen some packages here and there. That's about it though. Three years ago, he'd probably have settled for that until he graduated and could transfer without sitting maybe ball out for a year somewhere. He's got Duke in conversation for ACC and maybe even playoffs, and 2-3 years of eligibility left.

We got BV. Career back up. Now he's not necessarily the second coming of Tim Couch but he's clearly been a difference. Big athlete, better runner than expected, has moved chains and kept drives alive in crucial moments.

Those are just two anecdotal stories, but if you multiply that across the college landscape. Give every middling program in the 30-45ish range 2, 3, 4 guys from programs 1-25. Plus, a couple diamonds in the rough who are transferring up from lower tier and G5. The gap closes.

UT Player attacks a fan

it didn't appear as if that particular fan was a threat to the player. We didn't see or hear all the evidence but if some are saying the player was within his rights because he felt threatened, idk about that one!
In this NIL era, it is just a matter of time before a player loses his shirt as a consequence of losing control in these circumstances.

I can't help but question what someone who can't control himself when someone jostles past him during a celebration will do in a sports bar some day under similar circumstances. In crowds, there's unavoidable jostling. The two individuals, cheerleaders or not, were just trying to squeeze through.

I get that fans should not be on the field. These two could have been cheerleaders. They could have been press. They could have been family of the coaches. Or, they could have just been fans with no business being on the field other than to celebrate an upset victory.

It didn't look to me like #21 checked their credentials before leveling them.

CFB Poll

Conference breakdown:

SEC: 9 (Nos. 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, T-18, 21)
Big Ten: 6 (Nos. 2, 3, 4, T-18, 23, 24)
ACC: 4 (Nos. 6, 10, 22, 25)
Big 12: 4 (Nos. T-11, 14, 16, T-18)
Mountain West: 1 (No. 17)
Independent: 1 (No. T-11)

I'm still confused about the 12 team CFP: "The 12 participating teams will be the five conference champions ranked highest by the CFP selection committee, plus the next seven highest-ranked teams."

So, I guess if it was over today the Mountain West could get an auto-selection with #17 ranked Boise State.


Violent murders are committed every day in this country by Christians. And they're prosecuted with the force of law because they've impinged upon someone else's constitutional rights. Just like Muslims are when they commit crimes. We are all equal under the law in our secular society. Like I said, no Bibles or Qurans in government and no chopping the heads off infidels. No matter whether it's Muslim or Christian zealots doing the chopping.
Surely you understand the distinction between violence by people who happen to be Christain, and violence carried out under the banner of Christianity. And of course, you do but you are inherently dishonest in your bid to compare apples to oranges. But let's pretend that 911 or the Oct 7th was carried out by a sect of Amish or (gasp) Pentecostals. Of course, Christians have done some bad things, like Jim Jones etc. But Christians clearly reject such evil, much less celebrate their martyrdom. The Koran calls for infidels to be slaughtered. They are badly in need of a reformation and clearly intolerant of other religions. But see you want to PRETEND that all religions are the same in order to make your dishonest argument. I have a huge Buddhist temple in my neighborhood. This Agnostic feels pretty safe in the assumption that they aren't going to try to behead me anytime soon.
Beyond that you are deflecting from your original statement where I believe you were inferring that somehow Islam is no problem because a set of manmade charter of laws written on paper will stop them. Clearly the sept 11th hijackers weren't too worried about the Constitution, now were they? Only ONE religion wants theocracy and are brazenly open about it, but in your anti-religious zeal you PRETEND otherwise in order to castigate all religions, Charlie. But hey keep importing enough backwards Islamicists and maybe you will get that religious war you are craving in order to abolish all religion. Btw, and of course you know this, but that U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence was written by mostly Christians with a few Deists thrown in for good measure. And makes it rather clear that those rights derive not from men, but divine providence. Also, if you ever feel so inclined look carefully at the declaration of Independence signatures. Almost all seem to purposefully integrate the ichthus into their signatures at various points.

CI Wrestling Thread #56

Thought Bad Blood was fairly mediocre. HIAC was great and worth remembering though. They knew where the lines were and didn't do anything for extreme shock value as if they were in a Hostel or Saw movie. Fans afterward didn't need to say "I never want to see something like that ever again." We got Rock back and KO finally turned but the rest? Meh.

MVP's tweet about racism I guess got a journalist to ask Triple H about the lack of specifically black men on the show. I just don't like those gotcha questions and it's weird to focus only on one specific group like that. Jade and Bianca are stars, Naomi recently got a win over Stratton, Woods has an IC title match tomorrow night, Crews is starting to appear again, Street Profits put on a clinic Fri night, Truth was all over Raw in 2023 and some of 2024, and there's incredible black athletes in NXT. About 70% of the roster could probably be booked better, that's not a black thing, or anti-black thing. Hell, Stratton has been booked horribly as a lackey. Guess Trips hates white blondes with big, fake cans.
I’ll just leave it at this, it’s been a discussion in the black community for far longer than dating back to those MVP comments and that whole “I don’t see color” comments last night only made things worse.

Dook's Flagg 'hesitant' in debut

We had the number 1 recruit last year and you see how that turned out. He could be flipping burgers somewhere for all I know. Our recruit from KY kicked all their arses and counting his money as a Lottery Pick in the NBA right now. You never know what translates from High School to College these days. I like CMP and my team. We know we got kids that can produce in College.

Go Cats!!

Jon Sumrall Watch

Maybe a year, ago, I saw an average for coordinators that was above two, but below three years. Eddie Gran was here for four.

Curry had I think 4 or 5 in his seven years.
I know gran was here 4 but I don't believe any others were here more then 3 and I think that was Neal Brown ,then in no particular order he has Shannon Dawson 1,Scankarello 1 ,liam 1 and 1 ,GRAN 4 ,Brown 3 maybe 2 . That's a whole lot of turnover considering Brown and Gran was half of his tenure.
