Let me ask you this, What is wrong with being a "nationalist". notice I didn't precede the word with "white" What is wrong with simply wanting America first policies, Americans being taken care of and protected first by our policies and agendas? Being defenders of our Founding principles. What is wrong with wanting America to remain the most powerful nation in the world?

The term "white Nationalist" was another term concocted by the left to paint anyone with an America First agenda alongside white supremacists in an effort to demean a broader portion of a political base.

True "Nationalists", don't want their country invaded and overrun by anyone and everyone who just thinks it's ok to storm our border illegally. No other country on the planet allows for that. We can still be nationalist and celebrate our diversity and be accepting of those who want to migrate here LEGALLY and PROPERLY and who want to assimilate, be productive members of society and live their dreams of prosperity by fighting for American values afforded them. Just because someone harbors America first values and happens to have white skin, doesn't make them a White Supremacist.
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Direct tv issues

A lot of bad information here. ESPN+ on it's own without some other paid ESPN account will not let you watch the UK games that are on ESPN/ESPN2/SEC Network.

This is from the first FAQ on the below link:
An ESPN+ subscription does not give you access to stream ESPN’s traditional TV networks or the content on them. To stream those networks, you need a television subscription through a cable, satellite or digital provider.

The FAQs are way at the bottom:

Farm work

Stripping tobacco was the easiest part of the whole process.

I'm a tall guy and hated cutting. I'd usually only cut a day or two before spending the rest of that season in a barn housing. I mostly worked the wagon/ground where my height was an advantage.
I was tall too, was 12-13, but was nearly 6' then. I used an old-school pull-knife, instead of the hatchet type. Then when putting in the barn I was at the bottom lifting the sticks up to the guy in the rafters. But I didn't mind working up a good sweat.
The stripping it though, it was freaking cold, hands getting numb even with a heater going, the smell would knock you off your butt. And was so teadious standing there for hours doing it.
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PJ Washington repping the pigs

The best hope we can have is for Cal to be Cal and take the Arkansas team to 10 plus losses including to some awful teams on the home court and Pope kills it at Kentucky with a final four his first year. Even if we don't make it to a final if Cal is Cal on how they perform then you will start seeing these players and others ghosting him. Give it time.

New MLB proposal?

Oh (cole854), don't get me started on the 100 max pitch theory. I was throwing 100+ pitches every start by age 12, 40+ years ago. Well I know I was at age 15, when I tracked all my stats and averaged 130 pitches in 7 inning games. And 3 years earlier had less control, so was probably 100+ in 6 inning games. And not just talking about tossing them in there, at 12 was throwing mid 60's, and at 15 low 80's. There won't ever be another Nolan Ryan, but they have taken it to the other extreme.
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US construction spending fell .3% in July, the greatest monthly decrease since Oct 2022.

Additionally, the ISM manufacturing PMI sits at 47.2.

Its been in contraction territory 5 months in a row and 21 of the last 22 months.

Looks more and more like the Democrats parting gift to the country in November will be a recession.

This is the MO of the Democrat Party. Leave the world worse than you left it so everyone in the next administration is too busy cleaning up the mess they left behind to actually accomplish anything. Then Trump accomplished sht anyway and in the first 2 years. They REALLY (Ds and RINOs) REALLY don't want Trump back in office, much less any success that might lead to another effective, conservative administration.

Scorched earth because the republic AND Republicans took slavery away from them
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Does UL really deserve a top 25 ranking?

Top 25 not even 2 weeks in doesn't mean a whole lot.

It's essentially based largely on last season's finish, chalk projections of obvious top tier programs, and style points from week one.

Top of conference finish previous season + week one blowout + not enough data so early into season = top 25 team

They'll probably blow out Jackson St, sniff around top 20-15, but after that reality will set in. I'm not saying they have an SEC schedule, but they don't have a cake walk. Ga Tech who is no longer a gimme, and Notre Dame who is a legit play-off team, back-to-back. Then down the road later in the season they have Miami, BC, Clemson, and us.

That's at least 6 games that will be tough. Who knows with the way the ACC is trending, there may be another surprise team that pops up and knocks people off their perch.

Ideally, they'd be top 25 and in the ACC picture when we play them so it's a big game, gets a good prime time slot, and helps us make a case for good bowl or maybe play off after we beat them.

Does UL really deserve a top 25 ranking?

Brohm is a solid coach and they won't be any easier to beat this year than they were last year. I despise UofL, always have. But they've been digging their way out of the beatdown streak and eventually they will (obviously, as with any rivalry) beat us again. Just hope it isn't this year, or next, or the year after that, etc. Glad we get them in Commonwealth this season.
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PJ Washington repping the pigs

I am sure Cal made sure he wore that shirt. Looks like he may have played with the team or something. I can’t hate him too much, he’s visiting his coach. I don’t like it but we will see if he comes back here or not at some point. It would be a shame if not.
I’m sure the next year will be filled with goofy stuff like this one. Cal will try and have as many former guys show up at Ark. I’m sure he’s dying to try and get Davis or Booker in hog stuff, but I think they’re smarter than that lol. You kind of see who the savvy, long-term thinkers are in this split.


Most politicians are self serving grifters, whether they have an R or D next to their name. Their staffers are there to perpetuate their own employment. None of them are there to serve the American people.

Trump voters are trying to upend that system. Never trumpers and Kamala voters are dead set on perpetuating the grift for themselves, or their ruling overlords they serve.
