You still believe the "fine people on both sides" hoax?!?!?!?! Even snopes finally acknowledged the truth on that one. That makes you look pretty ignorant and the rest of your post look ignorant too.
Trump often/usually takes both sides of an issue. Does he want a less restrictive abortion ban? He has recently taken both sides. What about IVF. A strict abortion ban would seem to mean a highly curtailed use of IVF. He's claimed he'll provide government funding for IVF. On Jan 6, he got his crowd into a lather and as they were streaming away, he said be good or something. China's our worst enemy? But not so much that he didn't help Ivanka doing business there and get expedited trademarks.


What did Hochul know and when did she know it?

- Question the media will never ask
Yea, the MSM isn’t so good at follow-up questions. Seems kind of important to journalistic integrity. But what do I know… I didn’t major in journalism at an Ivy and then intern at the New Yorker.


I would put you on ignore, but I occasionally need a sense of reality that there are people in this world who need help, such as yourself. I would feel ashamed not giving you my attention at times.

I do have a question...are you and Rosie O'Donnell having relations?
Can a lesbian and gay man have relations?

Aggies to the Big Ten?

Though I do think they're an overhyped program, they do serve an important demographic/market purpose for the conference.

Texas is a huge sports market, the more teams we can get from there, the better. I've said in other threads over the years that the SEC should do all it can to get a couple more. Obviously, we got the big one in the Horns, but I'd still go after Baylor and probably Houston as well.

The BIG10 go a W in the markets/demographic's arms race with the Pac schools. They have Pacific Northwest and West coast population centers and big brand names that people follow. In addition to their middle America hometown roots. That's a pretty potent bargaining chip when it comes to negotiations with big media, advertising, prime time slots, who gets preferential treatment and an extra team or two in the playoffs, etc...

In addition to conquering Texas, SEC probably needs to add some exposure to coastal population centers. Not sure who would be available in the near future, but if ACC ever breaks up, I'd go get Miami, UVA, Unc, Nc St, UVA, Syracuse, and/or Boston College.


I saw a commercial this morning about monitoring your blood pressure, which was fine. We all should do that regularly. However, it must have been a regurgitated commercial from covid days because all of the approx. 20 people in the commercial were wearing masks. If I was to wear a mask right now, my BP would go up, and that would be contradictory to the message.

I guess when you go full bore tin foil hat, then it is hard to break that habit.


Strawman. Its always hilarious to watch libs flail about trying to debate issues because they can't actually debate issues on the merits because the merits dictate they lose every single time.

If they thought trump was so bad, they would've never joined him to begin with. That said i am very vocal in here at criticizing trump on his ability to select good fits. So far hes terrible at it. Generally speaking trump is terrible at delegating in general which is not a good quality in a president.

Jmo but his poor delegation skills come from the fact he runs a super small business. Most dont realize how small it actually is because the perception he exudes is hes running this massive company which just isnt true. His business model is genius and he clearly made a vast fortune but its never been large in terms of actual employment.

If I thought Trump was Hitler and was president for 4 of the worst years in American history, I’d definitely put a lot of weight on the judgment of the people who were serving with him and helping run the country during those terrible, terrible 4 years. Their backing of Kamala is definitely a well reasoned, intelligent move. After all, they’ve never shown poor judgment.
