Only thing in common is the ability of Trump's cult to see absolutely nothing wrong with anything he does.
Sexual assault. No problem.
Incite a riot. No problem.
Push by a staffer at Arlington and get an official rebuke from the US Army. No problem.
Refuse the peaceful transfer of power and almost get your VP hung. No problem.
Cheat a charity. No problem.
Cheat on your wife with a porn star then pay her off and lie about it. No problem.
Make fun of a handicapped reporter. No problem.
Tweet about the VP giving blowjobs to get her job. No problem.
Try to pressure states to cheat on the election results. No problem.
Create a slate of fake electors. No problem.
Talk about being a dictator and suspending the Constitution. No problem.
Felon in the White House. No problem.

Trump was absolutely right.
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This is overwhelmingly the majority of white female Democrats. Dumb AF, low info, doesn’t even understand basic terms, no clue of what’s going on, but wants you dead.

In this video, she thinks Trump is a communist and that he started political division in 2015 and that she wished he would’ve been murdered and she hates to say it cause she doesn’t have any “hate in her heart.”
Poor girl, must have a difficult life with only a partially functioning brain.

Jasper Johnson

From what I understand, Pitino was letting Mashburn take Ray Allen out to eat that night. Pitino had already met with him and was meeting with him again the next day. He had told Mashburn to tell Ray about the UK experience.

I think Ray Allen overplayed that moment when Pitino "only" waved at Mashburn and Allen. Clearly he was giving Mashburn and Allen space to privately discuss the UK experience. This is the same thing Derek Anderson did for T-Mac when DA took T-Mac to dinner. Pitino used this strategy for plenty of guys. Meet with the player for day one. Let your player host (Mashburn, DA) take the recruit to dinner on day two. Close up with a final meeting in the last hours of the visit.

I know it fits the salty anti-Pitino crowd that thinks Pitino would have intentionally blown off Allen, but that's not reality.

Allen even recently said that UK "rolled out the red carpet" for him on his official visit to Lexington. So how can UK both "roll out the red carpet" and diss him simultaneously?

It's much more likely UK simply didn't prioritize Allen at that point. He was not a top 40 recruit, and Sheppard was about to commit. Pitino was only taking one of them. Had Pitino known Allen would have become the Ray Allen we knew him as at UConn, Pitino would have laid down in traffic for the kid.

Allen felt spurned, but he had his chance.
So he went 0-2 using that strategy ? Lost Ray Allen and T-MAC.

I said for months UK had no chance for Darryn Peterson

OP don't pull a muscle stretching around patting yourself on the back with a statement pretty much anyone with a brain already knew, but didn't need to seek so much attention for it as you do. Starting a thread about it just to draw accolades for something MOST knew ? Congrats,, I guess ?? Good job, good effort, EVERYONE look at Smashcat, he is an insider... He needs all of his flowers and attention, please everyone send them to him, he desperately needs it.

The Tennessean sites Stoops as a Long Term Success Story

When does the AP poll come out?

It’s out.

1. Georgia (51)
2. Ohio State (3)
3. Texas (1)
4. Alabama
5. Ole Miss
6. Oregon
7. Notre Dame
8. Penn State
9. Michigan
10. Missouri
11. Utah
12. Tennessee
13. Oklahoma
14. USC
15. Miami
16. Kansas State
17. Oklahoma State
18. Arizona
19. LSU
20. Kansas
21. Iowa
22. Clemson
23. NC State
24. Louisville
25. Washington
Others receiving votes: Georgia Tech 86; Texas A&M 78; Memphis 43; Kentucky 23; Boise State 22; SMU 19; Auburn 13; Wisconsin 11;

We are 29th in total votes.


Would GYERO please give me some advice; my wife graduated from Ohio University and we are talking about going to that game with our kids (4 of us total)...being the early start, could I just scalp tickets the day of? Should I just get some off StubHub or somewhere else? It's been years since I've been to a UK football game. Any words of advice would be much appreciated.

The Tennessean sites Stoops as a Long Term Success Story

In trashing Napier and the Gators, the author finds an interesting (and rare) comparison, one that might have been more accurate if it also described the prior 40 years of each Coach’s respective football program:

“I’m trying to brainstorm active coaches who started 11-15 and went on to enjoy long, productive tenures. Kentucky’s Mark Stoops comes to mind. Stoops won nine of his first 26 games before settling in.

When Florida hired Napier, Gators fans weren’t hoping for another Stoops. And Napier isn’t Stoops. His Gators don’t play half the defense Kentucky does.”

