I said for months UK had no chance for Darryn Peterson

I haven’t posted in weeks, maybe months, but just wanted to come here and say smashcat is right. He’s said it all along. EVERY person on this board thought Peterson was a cat; myself included. He tried to tell us, and we just wouldn’t listen. We ALL argued with him.

@Smashcat I am truly sorry and will never doubt you again. You called it, man.
LOL, No MOST people with a brain didn't EVER think he was coming here.

And before Smashcat tries to lay claim and take all the credit, I am going on record and saying it here "WE HAVE NO SHOT AT BOOZER", neither of the them. I have said it since day 1, we are NOT getting the Boozers. Stay away Smashcat, this one is all mine.


It’s hilarious all Trump supporters are in a cult yet he supports Harris who he cannot name a single thing she will do for the benefit of American citizens. It’s why he has his list of grievances against Trump he posts over and over, he doesn’t have anything good to say about his party so he spends his time just trashing ours.

He is truly deranged. One might think he might actually want to engage in a civil debate, but that would him to list the policies of his candidate. Color me not surprised if he goes off one day at a supermarket or church.
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Demo☭rats want dEmOcRaCy North Korea style. To Hell with that shit.

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They are 100% on board with the Globalists "Ministry of Truth" agenda. If they can't control the outlets allowing the speech, they will resort to jailing those who make the posts contrary to the government prescribed narratives. It's already being done in Europe. Don' think for a second it won't happen here as well.


I know the point has been made before, buts it’s amazing how you lefties only possess enough brain function to continuously post the same things over and over with no critical thought.
Because you fools are still trying to argue that what Trump did at Arlington is AOK because a family invited him there.
The invitation is irrelevant.
The behavior there is the point of contention. The Army Rebuked TRUMP.....not the family.
But you all no longer care about facts, truth, Arlington, the peaceful transfer of power or whether or not your Presidential nominee is a felon or liable for sexual assault. It is pathetic.
You're in a cult.


'McCain’s decision to speak out now is part of his broader shift away from the Republican Party and his family’s famously conservative roots. After years as a registered independent, he says he registered as a Democrat several weeks ago and plans to vote for Kamala Harris in November, adding that he “would get involved in any way I could” to help her campaign'.

Really reputable here, Village Idiot. I'm supposed to care what this clown thinks? LOL

Further proof you don't even read your posted links, the headlines just make you excited.
Nah. You toasted me for speaking out on certain topics you say are irrelevant. They aren't.
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When you have vacuum created by Biden/Harris limp-wristed soy-boy leftism in control of a place like Colorado with their pathetic simp-loser governor, this is what you get. The country will have local strongmen taking control because they do not fear the local LEOs. The locals, defunded and disrespected by the leftists in control, will usher in more crime and damage to their communities.

The southoftheborder types come from an unapologetically macho culture. They will rise to the top in any area where WOKEists are in "authority." The bitter, angry, purple-haired childless cat ladies will have no clue what they are up against.
The whole Venezuela gang takeover thing is BS fake news for the right wing chicken littles to cluck about. 😂😂
All those stupid videos of Hell's Angels heading there and whole Apartments controlled by Venezuelans is Russian and right wing fake news. You gonna believe a meme or the Aurora police fool???
You idiots believe anything Trump tells you. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

The Dumbass doesn't even bother to fact check ANYTHING.


These topics I address are in the news every day. They are based on current event articles from today's headlines.
99 percent of my posts are rebuttals to arguments one of you clowns have made following one of my posts.
Headline from today's Online News related to the 3 main topics I fight with you fools over.

'McCain’s decision to speak out now is part of his broader shift away from the Republican Party and his family’s famously conservative roots. After years as a registered independent, he says he registered as a Democrat several weeks ago and plans to vote for Kamala Harris in November, adding that he “would get involved in any way I could” to help her campaign'.

Really reputable here, Village Idiot. I'm supposed to care what this clown thinks? LOL

Further proof you don't even read your posted links, the headlines just make you excited.


Good job.

One of my g'daughters just began her college career. Full academic ride at U of Alabama. My daughter and her husband are very conservative, and I know they had a number of conversations over the last year. Hope they have as good of results as you have.
Lucky that I have a very sharp and logical girl. The woke BS boggles her mind. Parents need to educate their kids as much as possible. We were always supposed to be their primary influence. This outsourcing to schools is what is causing most of the issues in this country and beyond.
