This situation with sharpe is why fans are turning on cal.

Lots of people raise money for people they look down on. Look at every party in Hollywood.
Ah hah. This reveals the true soul of Cal hatters, it's political. They're trying to insurrection take over Rupp Arena ever since Cal's players supporting BLM.
I’m just not sure what this board wants. Some blame Cal for one and done as if he created it. Okay. No one complained the first several years. Would you rather recruit like Louisville? This board would go nuts if Cal brought in the number 8 class.

We have a pretty damn good team this year yet both sides are creating this “pro-Cal/anti-Cal” end of the program false narrative between games. Seems we’re on the same page during games, but in between, people are talking up this “divide” narrative. It’s you guys who are creating this divide. Enjoy this team. If Sharpe plays, great. If he doesn’t, that’ll suck but damn, just enjoy what we’ve got going on right now.

Funny thing is, for decades there’s been this “boy, women sure are dramatic amirite?!” mindset. Look no further than here to witness a bunch of dudes lose their collective minds over a teen possibly playing or moving on to the draft in a few months.
Cal can't win. He's bashed for having lost his recruiting MOJO. Now that he seems to have turned that around and is getting the top players again he is skewered by some regarding the sharpe situation. Cal is not in control of what the kid ultimately chooses. He has put kentucky in the position to receive his talents for however long that is. People just can't sit back and enjoy the fine season we're having.
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Cal could sign every single player in the top 10, get them on campus, all 10 decide to sit waiting on the draft while using UK for their own personal reasons, thus having NO SEASON, and the same jerkoffs would somehow try to defend Cal for that.

That’s called a Cult. You all look pathetically ridiculous, but people in a Cult don’t care.
Cal could sign every single player in the top 10, get them on campus, all 10 decide to sit waiting on the draft while using UK for their own personal reasons, thus having NO SEASON, and the same jerkoffs would somehow try to defend Cal for that.

That’s called a Cult. You all look pathetically ridiculous, but people in a Cult don’t care.
Is it lost on you that those who defend him no matter what are acting cultish?
Ah hah. This reveals the true soul of Cal hatters, it's political. They're trying to insurrection take over Rupp Arena ever since Cal's players supporting BLM.
Except ideologically I agree with Cal on most things. I just don’t like him. I had zero problem with the players kneeling ideologically. I do think the majority of our fans are conservative however and he needs to respect them as well. That’s a much more complicated issue than most people want it to be. The kids and Cal have the right to believe and express those beliefs as they see fit. The conservative fans have the right to be pissed that a program that they helped to create basically spit in the face of their beliefs.
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Ah hah. This reveals the true soul of Cal hatters, it's political. They're trying to insurrection take over Rupp Arena ever since Cal's players supporting BLM.
So here’s the thing. You live in a world where you think everyone cares about politics as much as you do. A lot of people don’t give a shit. And a lot of people think those in the far left and far right are annoying af.

The fact that you come to the conclusion that those who are against Cal have turned on him simply because of his politics, reveals just how much your own worldview and perception of what goes on around you is influenced by the god whom you worship: politics.
Thanks for making my point. Perfectly timed.

As the person I was responding to in my prior post can see, they cry and get really butt hurt if any accountability is involved. They don’t even like for their inability to cope to be mentioned.
I really liked the part about how its been going on since the Tubby days and you've been completely inept at stopping it. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside
The only thing I have against Cal is he doesn't play zone at times when he should, doesn't use his timeout available with young teams and cant make (or doesn't) make game adjustments and doesn't use all his scholarships up every year.

Wouldn't a player that might not be NBA material still be life changing if he got a degree from UK? If I played for KY and got my degree I wouldn't have to worry about a job in KY and you can bet your life I would be better off with it. That is also life changing.

I still like Cal as our coach but he needs to change more things. This year was good start though
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I absolutely hate the 'One And Done' system but sadly this has been the landscape of college basketball for the past several years. I'm glad that Cal is trying to bring in the best of the best every year but since this OAD system exists I just have to keep rooting for our Cats and hope for the best.
I don't blame Cal, he has stated himself that he too hates it, that's simply the system as she exists today. I hate it, it sucks but I will be watching, attending games when I can and losing my voice every season.
But is it? Baylor won with upper class-men. So did Virginia, and Nova in 16’ and 18’. Why is it that Kentucky has been stuck with playing one-and-dones but these programs have not?
Best answer I can think of is the coach. Our coach, and I am not saying this is good or bad, but he is more into what society has changed into. Virginia and Nova have older coaches who coach a different style; I don't much about Baylor coach to comment on him.
You are right, these teams win by building a team over a year of two versus what we have every year.
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Drama drama drama. Not to mention the losing like we never lost before. After the worst losing season folks were amped to get the first elite recruit in some time. Now? We don’t know if he plays this year next year or the highly possible never. It is a vicious rollercoaster of revolving door of players and in since 2015 subpar UK results. I don’t know who’s being played, us, cal or what and I don’t care. I want stability in this program. As a life long fan 47 years I still own a share of season tickets I want consistency and stability.

instead we are set up for another offseason of unknowns about a roster that was shaping up to be worth another shot. We re gonna get into may after a likely early out and it’s gonna be is sharpe staying after 0 years or is he gone? Sitting on pins and needles. I speak for a lot of fans when I say this has by far worn the fan base thin. Apathy has set in. Our tickets. 4 rows up behind the visitor bench and scorers table. You’re on espn the entire game. 4 home games this year those seats have been empty. I even offered to give them to my buddy for a game and he said he couldn’t go he had something better to do. What was it? Go to dinner with his high school buddy. He could have taken him to the game but didn’t. I mean really? You don’t want seats on the floor basically? I’ve sensed where things were going for a while now but this year when I couldn’t give those tickets away the reality set in that fans have better things to do.

it’s unfortunate because UK basketball has been a way of life for central Kentuckians for generations. The love for it is passed down from grandpas to grand sons. Fathers to daughters etc. The apathy now though is palpable and the floor is about to fall out if this sharpe situation goes the way it seems to be developing.
Such a dumb post. If Sharpe leaves without playing a game, so what? Cal will recruit someone else, likely from the portal that can have a Shavir or Oscar impact.
I’m just not sure what this board wants. Some blame Cal for one and done as if he created it. Okay. No one complained the first several years. Would you rather recruit like Louisville? This board would go nuts if Cal brought in the number 8 class.

that's all on Cal. Recruiting has always been important but the end result is what matters. I actually think UK fans would prefer that Cal *doesn't* have to go out and get the very elite to have any shot at a championship.

Seriously, how can you put yourself in a situation every year where you have almost zero margin for error, relying on a collection of 18 year olds who haven't played together to reach one of the hardest achievements in sports? And the following year you start over again with a new bunch? That sounds insane.

OR would you rather he build a team of consistent developed players with a mix of talent that he can count on to win 6 in a row against veteran experienced teams and not give a damn how many stars they had by their name?

Cal made multiple 5 star recruits a "we gotta have them" mentality among the fans because he prioritized it. Prior to Cal the fan base would have been perfectly content with 1 or 2 star players and a team of very good players.

As Cal has said - its about being in the conversation. That's what Kentucky fans care about - and as many coaches have proved since 2009, you don't need a team loaded with 5 stars to get there. And during that time Cal has also proved that simply having them doesn't mean you will be.
Is it lost on you that those who defend him no matter what are acting cultish?
They are entitled to their own opinions, just as everyone else is, but at some point opinions don’t equate to the reality of the situation.

There is no defending Cal or any other coach allowing something like this to happen. If Cal wants to play NBA, then go to the NBA and play it there. He’s at UK to uphold and build on the legacy of winning, not to use every trick he can to bypass these dudes along.
Cal can't win. He's bashed for having lost his recruiting MOJO. Now that he seems to have turned that around and is getting the top players again he is skewered by some regarding the sharpe situation. Cal is not in control of what the kid ultimately chooses. He has put kentucky in the position to receive his talents for however long that is. People just can't sit back and enjoy the fine season we're having.
Cal ONLY landed Sharpe because of the situation that will eventually unfold, so no, he hasn’t got his recruiting MoJo back.

If somehow Sharpe does indeed play at UK next season, I’ll change my tune. But. That. Ain’t. Going. To. Happen.
typical of a Cal lover
been following UK since Rupps Runts, close to 60 years
still have every win on vhs tape during the Pitino years
NEVER in that time frame was there a year like last year
The inmates ran the asylum
Boston should have been benched & others playing, yet Boston played so that Cal could keep
his draft goals in sight
KU is now about to become the all time win leader in college, a record that the fans want to keep,
but again the Cal lovers brush it off, assuming that KU will have to vacate some wins due to NCAA

hate UK basketball, no, hate the disregard that Cal has shown toward it
One think I notice that all despicable Cal and KY haters have in common is the complete inability to comprehend Coach speak. That’s why all these NBA conspiracy theories are so popular amount the haters. Utter BS.
Cal is not on the same page with fans....never has been. He measures success with draft picks not wins or championships. He is basically a snake oil salesman with an ego. He feed his ego by running an NBA farm system that produces publicity and draft picks. It makes him and a few players wealthy, but does nothing to maintain the integrity of the basketball program. No, things are not going to change anytime soon....remember Barney gave him a lifetime contract for mega $$$$$$.
Wow, never heard those complaints before.
Does he start “20 of these a week” or is that an exaggeration?

Do the polls in this very forum, both recent and from the past few seasons, reveal only a “small but odorous” opposition group exists?

Do you know where each and every person that dislikes Cal stands politically? Or if politics have anything to do with their attitude toward him as a coach?

Do your politics influence your opinion of Cal? You seem to have very strong feelings regarding political matters and a disdain for those who are in a different camp.
Why would we ever do polls, half of these people are the same person
Half this board is full of cult like activity, whether it is the Cal worshipers or the extreme Cal haters. Hell, it can be argued we are part of a cult with the unhealthy obsession over a game played by college kids. Most people on this board have unreal expectations because they have not succeed in their own life and have to live vicariously through 18-22 year olds dribbling a basketball.
Folks, we need to adjust our attitudes and language towards one another or thread are going to get locked and people put on probation. The vitriol has gotten out of hand. Disagreements are great, but attacks are not. Please dial it back some, wildcat friends.

Note to imposter fans. I will find out who you are and call your mothers. Good luck getting the keys for this weekend.
He's not going to play, and the fans are going to fire themselves. Enjoy the empty seats at Rupp. And remember to thank Cal for being a slimy, dishonest car salesman.
Cool bro. I’m going to enjoy this season and see what happens. You can get as upset and act as emo as you want over things that have not happened.
Ah hah. This reveals the true soul of Cal hatters, it's political. They're trying to insurrection take over Rupp Arena ever since Cal's players supporting BLM.

There it is. Why can't all those colored players just perform on the court for us and not have thoughts and opinions. .
You’re not listening, which is always the problem on the left. Like I said, I am a liberal and believe these kids have the right to their thoughts and opinions. They have the right to express them. The fans on the right also have the right to their thoughts and opinions. That opinion is that they spit in the face of their beliefs. You’re very concerned about these guys rights to express and everyone should listen, but not interested at all on listening to the other side of the argument.
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Cal can't win. He's bashed for having lost his recruiting MOJO. Now that he seems to have turned that around and is getting the top players again he is skewered by some regarding the sharpe situation. Cal is not in control of what the kid ultimately chooses. He has put kentucky in the position to receive his talents for however long that is. People just can't sit back and enjoy the fine season we're having.
Number 8 in recruiting ranking for 2022 not much of a turn around.
Half this board is full of cult like activity, whether it is the Cal worshipers or the extreme Cal haters. Hell, it can be argued we are part of a cult with the unhealthy obsession over a game played by college kids. Most people on this board have unreal expectations because they have not succeed in their own life and have to live vicariously through 18-22 year olds dribbling a basketball.
I don’t agree with the assessment that fans unreal expectations have something to do with their own successes or failures. That’s stereotyping a massive amount of people, and it’s a bit arrogant on your part (assuming you are excluding yourself from this group that needs to live vicariously through UK players).

I’m sure their are plenty of people on this board doing better than you and worse than you, and many in both groups are passionate about their team and have unreal expectations.
I find it extremely ironic that in the middle of what’s shaping up as a great season, we have fans bitching about Calipari not caring about the program because of ….one kid who hasn’t played

There’s definitely a group here that cares more about Calipari than they do Kentucky. They just don’t own any mirrors.
We have vampires on here???
but what good does it do to get the #1 recruit if they never play a game for UK
I see no benefit at all
But what if they do?

Would you prefer we not get them? If Sharpe plays this season or next we benefit. If he doesn't we still look good to recruits.

Then in 2023 we get Wagner and that is a MOJOR benefit
I can understand the frustration of the potential of Sharpe never playing a game in a UK uniform. Totally get it, as It would stink not getting to see a player of his caliber play.

However, and maybe it's just because I am a little older and slightly more mature (my wife would disagree), I prefer to enjoy living in reality, and not worrying over hypotheticals. What's real is UK is having a great year that I am thoroughly enjoying. They also have a solid chance at getting to a final four. What's also real is Sharpe is at UK and practicing with the team.

Anything else about Sharpe is purely hypothetical, and not worth wasting one's time and energy worrying about. When we get to the point when Sharpe's decision becomes a reality, then I will offer up my thoughts. Until then, going to keep enjoying this year's team, and am beyond pumped for tomorrow's game!
its a choice that Cal has made, not a mandate - and the reality is that we haven't gone on a tear of winning championships at any faster pace than any other program because of his approach.

People will say "we would complain if he didn't take a 5 star or that we would be mad if we had a team of 3 stars - like its an either or situation. You build a team that complements each other, that provides balance, you don't just go out and collect as many stars as you can. Cal said he'd take talent over experience any day, and the reality is he hasn't proved that out on the court during the tournament.

Look at this years team - he could have built that year over year but he chose not to.

He CHOSE not to.
This is a good post. It all comes down to Cal’s preference, which has worked out decently well. I don’t think any other coach/method has proven to be more effective in the same time frame. Luck plays a role, injuries, off nights for every team. They still only hand out one trophy, and nobody has really stuffed their trophy case with hardware at an envious pace. It’s simply a method being tried.
This is a good post. It all comes down to Cal’s preference, which has worked out decently well. I don’t think any other coach/method has proven to be more effective in the same time frame. Luck plays a role, injuries, off nights for every team. They still only hand out one trophy, and nobody has really stuffed their trophy case with hardware at an envious pace. It’s simply a method being tried.
to be fair, this team with the exception of TyTy is very Tubbyesque in its design, and if they come up short in the tournament, then it will just reinforce the lottery mentality among some.

Still, I think there is alot to be said of having an Oscar on the team as a Junior for 3 years (that's assuming Cal builds the team instead of his mercenary transfers) and see him develop into an All American candidate rather than get him for one year, get frustrated for being recruited over and jump to the g-league without accomplishing anything during his time at UK other than participate in a pro day

I mean at the end of the day if your chances of the championship are the same, why not build a program that is endearing to the fans, develops continued loyalty instead of apathy and makes sure you never have an NIT or worse season?

I think it would be an interesting discussion to ask who put more fans in the seats - make any reasonable comparison you want - for example, Malik Monk or Chuck Hayes? Reid Travis or Josh Harrelson
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Half a dozen threads on this, but you have to start another one to add nothing but this maudlin, whiny nonsense?

Calipari took his best shot at the #1 recruit. He didn’t create the rules. If he didn’t go after Sharpe he wouldn’t be doing his job. If it doesn’t work out, he’ll still put a strong team on the floor.

Some of you people need to grow up, lose your sense of entitlement and face the reality that exists in college sports today. Or quit following the sport if it leaves you so bitter and emotionally crippled.
You are what we refer to as a "YES MAN" and you sir do it well!
You realize that Self beat Cal for that title in 2008 in one of the biggest chokes ever right? Also Wisconsin, Auburn, KState, WVU, Cal has had his share of chokes. Self has the same amount of titles as Cal and they both beat each other for their titles. They have both been investigated by the NCAA and Cal has already had two final fours taken away. However, after all that, Self is about to lead Kansas past us in all time wins while he's the coach at KU and Cal is the coach at UK, I'd say that's a pretty good comparison pick.
This may be true, however if the NCAA applied rules evenly self would also have had 2 final fours vacated and zero national championships. Then he would top cal as most overrated coach of all time in my opinion. But unfortunately rules are only rules if the person enforcing them decides they are.