This situation with sharpe is why fans are turning on cal.

Lol, this forum is why I normally only post in HOB. It's ridiculous. Someone needs to call out the ridiculousness. Tired of seeing coach & players bashed. It's wrong! Much worse than me calling it out. I can't imagine a true fan being like that.
Who's bashing the players? Please, cite evidence of that. After calling people mentally sick and then making a ridiculous claim like that?
Lol, this forum is why I normally only post in HOB. It's ridiculous. Someone needs to call out the ridiculousness. Tired of seeing coach & players bashed. It's wrong! Much worse than me calling it out. I can't imagine a true fan being like that.
They aren’t true fans. No way, no how. Lol
I think he referenced the coach and players being bashed. Its not really idolizing someone to say maybe we shouldn't bash the entire makeup of the program based on the hypothetical that a player leaves after the season.
It’s just a reference to his name incorporating the very slogan/brand/website of a preacher, then calling people worthless. Seems to me that Jesus said to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you and things like that. If my username is a New Testament greeting and John MacArthur shoutout, I’m being careful about the words I use and the way I engage.
Who's bashing the players? Please, cite evidence of that. After calling people mentally sick and then making a ridiculous claim like that?

Just come to this forum tomorrow if UK loses tomorrow & observe.

BTW, it's ok to bash coaches? It's actually bad either way. Rather than stomping & going into a "I can't stand that Calipari" rant there's a way to respect what Cal has done hear & in his career & graciously state what one does not agree with. That's not the case. Some posters on hear have anger towards like like he stole their wife. And most of it is just very shallow & not OP's post. I mean, my goodness. Who doesn't know that roster uncertainty is a problem most college basketball teams face today? Why post like it's a Cal thing? Baseless

A lot of fans like myself & many others are tired of seeing it & reading it. Needs to be called out. Mods need to clean house, but they will not so....posters need to be called out.

Good day sir
It’s just a reference to his name incorporating the very slogan/brand/website of a preacher, then calling people worthless. Seems to me that Jesus said to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you and things like that. If my username is a New Testament greeting and John MacArthur shoutout, I’m being careful about the words I use and the way I engage.
I'm just saying that not everyone who is defending the program is idolizing Calipari. I don't think any of you are worthless or whatever.
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Just come to this forum tomorrow if UK loses tomorrow & observe.

BTW, it's ok to bash coaches? It's actually bad either way. Rather than stomping & going into a "I can't stand that Calipari" rant there's a way to respect what Cal has done hear & in his career & graciously state what one does not agree with. That's not the case. Some posters on hear have anger towards like like he stole their wife. And most of it is just very shallow & not OP's post. I mean, my goodness. Who doesn't know that roster uncertainty is a problem most college basketball teams face today? Why post like it's a Cal thing? Baseless

A lot of fans like myself & many others are tired of seeing it & reading it. Needs to be called out. Mods need to clean house, but they will not so....posters need to be called out.

Good day sir
Cal is expected to recruit the best players out there, who usually are the one and done type who will leave after one year whether they are ready or not.
If he didn’t recruit the best, he would be blasted here for it as well.
I HATE the one and done, but that’s college basketball today.
Theyre too stupid to figure that out
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I'm just saying that not everyone who is defending the program is idolizing Calipari. I don't think any of you are worthless or whatever.
I was saying it directly to him, tongue in cheek. He shows up and starts calling people mentally sick and worthless, while it’s very clear he wants people to know of his association with Christianity. I find that peculiar. Don’t you? Did Jesus go around calling people worthless? Does John MacArthur likely do so? Just seems like a bad look to me. Like when a dude has the Christian symbol on his car and flips you off. Just seems counterproductive.
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It’s just a reference to his name incorporating the very slogan/brand/website of a preacher, then calling people worthless. Seems to me that Jesus said to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you and things like that. If my username is a New Testament greeting and John MacArthur shoutout, I’m being careful about the words I use and the way I engage.

So you're more upset at me for making sense & suggesting that these posts should stop? Ok. I'm the real problem here. How dare I get fed up for reading a fanbase go awol for the last year about our coach & players. And knowing we have a ton of trolls on this free site that love to show up & stir the pot.

Was my of wording it very good? Nope! Could I have chosen better words & had a better manner? Certainly! But after reading the nonsense for 1-2 years & keep on harping on it right in the middle of a good season & a great team was my breaking point. No excuse, but still.

And I'll say regardless of you're username you need to think about how you post. Me included. BTW, my username has zip to do with John MacArthur.
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Just come to this forum tomorrow if UK loses tomorrow & observe.

BTW, it's ok to bash coaches? It's actually bad either way. Rather than stomping & going into a "I can't stand that Calipari" rant there's a way to respect what Cal has done hear & in his career & graciously state what one does not agree with. That's not the case. Some posters on hear have anger towards like like he stole their wife. And most of it is just very shallow & not OP's post. I mean, my goodness. Who doesn't know that roster uncertainty is a problem most college basketball teams face today? Why post like it's a Cal thing? Baseless

A lot of fans like myself & many others are tired of seeing it & reading it. Needs to be called out. Mods need to clean house, but they will not so....posters need to be called out.

Good day sir
Their knowledge runs deep because of all the national championships The Miserables have won.
Suffice it to say, unless we win the national title every year we will never be happy.

And after a few years of national titles, this fan base will be mad that we aren’t 40-0 every year.

That’s just who we are: Big Blue Nation.
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I was saying it directly to him, tongue in cheek. He shows up and starts calling people mentally sick and worthless, while it’s very clear he wants people to know of his association with Christianity. I find that peculiar. Don’t you? Did Jesus go around calling people worthless? Does John MacArthur likely do so? Just seems like a bad look to me. Like when a dude has the Christian symbol on his car and flips you off. Just seems counterproductive.

I removed the post but try not to take to seriously some calling whoever the trolls are "worthless trolls". There are things you'd say on a message board you don't really mean about the individual in life. It's like street talk. Does it make it ok? Nope.

I think trolling any forum, pretending to be a UK fan, is pretty elementary. But as elementary as they are...they're not worthless in the literal use of the word.

I'll be more thoughtful next time. Thank you
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So you're more upset at me for making sense & suggesting that these posts should stop? Ok. I'm the real problem here. How dare I get fed up for reading a fanbase go awol for the last year about our coach & players. And knowing we have a ton of trolls on this free site that love to show up & stir the pot.

Was my of wording it very good? Nope! Could I gave chosen better words & had a better manner? Certainly! But after reading the nonsense for 1-2 years & keep on harping on it right in the middle of a good season & a great team was my breaking point. No excuse, but still.

And I'll say regardless of you're username you need to think about how you post. Me included. BTW, my username has zip to do with John MacArthur.
I’m not upset with you. I just find it peculiar that someone who is explicitly Christian comes into a thread and starts telling others they are worthless and mentally sick. Just seems like, I don’t know, the OPPOSITE of grace?

And I disagree with your last statement. Your username, and any username like it, necessitates that you conduct yourself a certain way the the rest of the folks aren’t expected to. I’m not going to get into my story, but I know that you’re an ambassador and are supposed to live in a manner worthy of the gospel. And if I’m you, or anyone else in that group, I’m trying to be as gracious and compassionate and loving and kind and forgiving as humanly possible, even when, or especially when, there are people on the board that make you lose your mind.
I removed the post but try not to take to seriously some calling whoever the trolls are "worthless trolls". There are things you'd say on a message board you don't really mean about the individual in life. It's like street talk. Does it make it ok? Nope.

I think trolling any forum, pretending to be a UK fan, is pretty elementary. But as elementary as they are...they're not worthless in the literal use of the word.

I'll be more thoughtful next time. Thank you
I appreciate that. I just posted below before seeing this. And I apologize also. I don’t always use the best words on this board either, and can be rude and sarcastic. I actually really dig Jesus, but have had negative experiences with many of his peeps.
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But Cal has told us over and over how these dudes just want to win. How they’re not about themselves and their stats. If that’s the case, and dudes like Wheeler, Mintz, and Grady recognize they’re not NBA caliber guys, then chemistry shouldn’t be an issue at all. They should know this dude makes the TEAM better.
Sounds good and all till something happens. Look at all the portal activity every year now. Again I’m not saying I know either way. Just saying anything is possible.
You're grasping at straws and you aren't even thinking about this. You're smarter than this.

Think about Collins, Hopkins, Ware, Allen. How many minutes have they played? Would Sharpe play worse than any three of them? Come on.
I’m not grasping at anything. I literally have no idea what would happen. Same as you.
What a stupid thread. OP is like the most negative Troll on here with his own agenda.
I know I'm not going to cry and whine about something I can't control. My team is on the floor
If you come here on a basketball scholarship you should play basketball.
That won't always be the case with Cal here ,don't see how any fan would like that
but it is what it is. We won't change it and Cal won't change. Like the poster above said my team is on the floor
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Just come to this forum tomorrow if UK loses tomorrow & observe.

BTW, it's ok to bash coaches? It's actually bad either way. Rather than stomping & going into a "I can't stand that Calipari" rant there's a way to respect what Cal has done hear & in his career & graciously state what one does not agree with. That's not the case. Some posters on hear have anger towards like like he stole their wife. And most of it is just very shallow & not OP's post. I mean, my goodness. Who doesn't know that roster uncertainty is a problem most college basketball teams face today? Why post like it's a Cal thing? Baseless

A lot of fans like myself & many others are tired of seeing it & reading it. Needs to be called out. Mods need to clean house, but they will not so....posters need to be called out.

Good day sir
Oh, okay, so you admit there were no players being bashed, just predicting it.

Maybe you shouldn't post so angry. Makes you look bad.
Ignorant to say this why when it would be the first time AND it hasn’t even happened yet. Now there should be a meltdown of Sharpe never plays a single minute here, but my god can we at least wait until it happens first.
So you're more upset at me for making sense & suggesting that these posts should stop? Ok. I'm the real problem here. How dare I get fed up for reading a fanbase go awol for the last year about our coach & players. And knowing we have a ton of trolls on this free site that love to show up & stir the pot.

Was my of wording it very good? Nope! Could I have chosen better words & had a better manner? Certainly! But after reading the nonsense for 1-2 years & keep on harping on it right in the middle of a good season & a great team was my breaking point. No excuse, but still.

And I'll say regardless of you're username you need to think about how you post. Me included. BTW, my username has zip to do with John MacArthur.
Wow you asked yourself some easy questions there. Nothing like being your own critic to deflect from your own bad behavior.

You didn't just suggest that posts should stop - you called people mentally sick for criticizing Calipari.

That's cult behavior.
Not true, I have plenty of ideas about what can/will happen.

I'm just willing to voice them.

You are not.
You have guesses but no facts. My guess would be we see him once or never but I don’t know this to be true. You actually said something as fact with no inside knowledge of it. You seem to just want to argue. Fact: I said nobody knows what goes on behind the scenes and threw out random possibilities as simply maybes. You just didn’t like one of them for some reason. So don’t believe what you don't want to believe. It doesn’t bother me you have a difference of opinion.
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You have guesses but no facts. My guess would be we see him once or never but I don’t know this to be true. You actually said something as fact with no inside knowledge of it. You seem to just want to argue. Fact: I said nobody knows what goes on behind the scenes and threw out random possibilities as simply maybes. You just didn’t like one of them for some reason. So don’t believe what you don't want to believe. It doesn’t bother me you have a difference of opinion.
I've already told you, Kyle Tucker said Cal knew about Sharpe's draft status.

That's a FACT.

You don't even listen, let alone think.
Being draft eligible equals going to the draft?

That isn’t how it works.

Now, granted, if a guy is a projected top 5 pick, he is almost assuredly gone, but that still doesn’t change the fact that nothing has been decided yet that we know about.

Even if Cal knew he was planning to leave, I don’t fault Cal for taking the chance on him.

If Sharpe decides to play tomorrow and Cal plays him, then great.

If Sharpe decides not to play and Cal let’s him practice, then big deal.

But getting him on campus was not a bad thing, regardless of the outcome.

But Cal can’t force the kid to play. It doesn’t work that way. He can tell him to play or leave, but that would be a terrible move, IMHO. It would hurt recruiting in the future for sure.

But go ahead and be outraged. You guys are good at it.

I’ll just enjoy this season, whether Sharpe plays or not.
I've already told you, Kyle Tucker said Cal knew about Sharpe's draft status.

That's a FACT.

You don't even listen, let alone think.
I agree they know things as fact. But things change all the time and we don’t know what they are. Personal attacks let me know you are a young guy. I’m not even sure what you are arguing about since I actually said I didn’t know. Think about that.
Just come to this forum tomorrow if UK loses tomorrow & observe.

BTW, it's ok to bash coaches? It's actually bad either way. Rather than stomping & going into a "I can't stand that Calipari" rant there's a way to respect what Cal has done hear & in his career & graciously state what one does not agree with. That's not the case. Some posters on hear have anger towards like like he stole their wife. And most of it is just very shallow & not OP's post. I mean, my goodness. Who doesn't know that roster uncertainty is a problem most college basketball teams face today? Why post like it's a Cal thing? Baseless

A lot of fans like myself & many others are tired of seeing it & reading it. Needs to be called out. Mods need to clean house, but they will not so....posters need to be called out.

Good day sir
well see how effective that is

you're just polluting the board like the people you want to call out
Well said, I think this is the mindset of many fans, but many are hesitant to say due to being crucified on here. The whole deal with Cal is exhausting, it was easily tolerated because the results were good. But lately the subpar results and player turnover, for reasons other than being a lottery pick is hard to stomach.
Oh yes because it’s such a hot take lmfao
Half a dozen threads on this, but you have to start another one to add nothing but this maudlin, whiny nonsense?

Calipari took his best shot at the #1 recruit. He didn’t create the rules. If he didn’t go after Sharpe he wouldn’t be doing his job. If it doesn’t work out, he’ll still put a strong team on the floor.

Some of you people need to grow up, lose your sense of entitlement and face the reality that exists in college sports today. Or quit following the sport if it leaves you so bitter and emotionally crippled.
His Wheeler gem of a thread wasn’t enough.
I agree they know things as fact. But things change all the time and we don’t know what they are. Personal attacks let me know you are a young guy. I’m not even sure what you are arguing about since I actually said I didn’t know. Think about that.
Well, I see I am not the only person that lowcountry doesn’t like on here. LOL!
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exactly these fans want us to fail so bad just to wail on the coach some more
I think it’s a bs situation and wish none and done didn’t exist, but other than having a conversation on a forum about it I give zero $#@$ about it and don’t miss an ounce of sleep over it. Some like conversations about it but doesn’t mean we are all in on burning Cal’s house down.

Now if those Auburn pukes win this weekend then I will need an extra glass of bourbon.
Well, except if you just red my posts from last night you'll see I was extremely complementary so your first point is demonstrably false. And look I don't like Cal, I don't hide it. But I think if you read this board today you will see that the significant majority on this board is on my side. Im not saying you can't like Cal, that's your right. This is not the hill I'd die on though in that argument. I think almost everyone has a problem IF this happens.
It’s funny though that it hasn’t happened yet, in fact nothing has changed since the moment he committed so far yet we have 6 threads of this same crap. It’s ridiculous.
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