Star Wars Rogue One

I own that, and I'll own this Star Wars one, too.

Y'all in trouble. I just figured out who made this new Star Wars and looked at his filmography lmaoooo. Y'all have no leg to stand on. I'm actually amazed JJ was able to make Force as decent as it was, but I'm highly confused as to why he was allowed to reboot fn Star Wars. That's awful man.

You thought JJ Abrams was James Cameron and you still continue to post in this thread?

I thought Krazykats crushing you on your ishy Tupac takes in your home base rap thread was your low point.

Might be time to step back and re-think this whole internet thing.
I can't watch anything Star Wars now without doing a Mr. Plinkett review in my head.
only 84%? Wow .. I would of thought it would be like 95% at least with all the reviews I've been hearing about it.

That's what I was thinking too. The negative reviews aren't that negative though. Some complain about the film being too bleak for a Star Wars film, but that doesn't bother me.

Wait, you mean to tell me Disney shitting out another uninspired, soulless moneygrab isn't going to have a lasting impact on Star Wars fans?
That's what I was thinking too. The negative reviews aren't that negative though. Some complain about the film being too bleak for a Star Wars film, but that doesn't bother me.

Critics in the early 80's completely shat upon Empire strikes back for being too bleak also. I wonder how that turned out over time... hmmmmm? lol
The main problem is there's not enough Samuel L. Jackson or Idris Elba in it. That and the fact that this film is really just a social construct of oppression by big corporate owned Republican fascists.

The real protagonists of the films are the drones.
Shawn, how could you hate this movie? The writers themselves even stated it's about a diverse team of minorities fighting the evil bigoted shitlord white man! It's everything good in film!
"A couple of 9-year-olds on a screen-free rainy afternoon would come up with better adventures, and probably also better dialogue."
Granted, NYT, so fake news, but even if their liberal ass writers are slamming it you know Disney didn't pay enough for the reviews.

This guy thinks Episode III is better than A New Hope.
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I find it funny that the overly dramatic negative reviews are coming from news paper sources that desperately need money and hits because they are a dinosaur for information.
That doesn't mean he's wrong about post-Lucas Star Wars.

True, but he is in the minority of reviews so far.

"Rogue One" is definitive proof: "Star Wars" is back, baby.
-New York Post

This spin-off/prequel has the same primitive, lived-in, emotional, loopy, let's-put-on-a-show spirit that made us fall in love with the original trilogy.
-Rolling Stone

Much more than a mere sideshow in the Star Wars saga, these rebels build on a brilliant legacy.
-Toronto Star

Rogue One is a bright light in the Star Wars canon.
Chicago Sun-Times

Rogue One is a bold and stirring adventure film that will have both fans and casual observers spellbound.

This is a whole new stable of characters operating on the fringes of the world we know by heart. When you think about it, that's pretty exciting. And it opens up a world of cinematic possibilities moving forward.
-Entertainment Weekly

It stands alone as the best Star Wars entry since 1980's The Empire Strikes Back. Yes, it's that good.
-New York Daily News

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story answers the question of whether that galaxy far, far away is big enough to sustain multiple offshoots with an emphatic yes

The Force Awakens may have reanimated the once-dormant franchise, but it's Rogue One that will give Star Wars fans a new hope.

And so on...
Might have already been discussed in here:

Jen Erso and her group get captured and become the Knights of Ren. That is the group you see with Kylo Ren during Rey's flashback. That is the theory anyway.
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I'm going to check out until I see the movie to avoid spoilers. Thanks for using a tag. I hope you guys enjoy the film!
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Given its subject matter and time frame in Star Wars universe I don't see how it could not be dark and bleak. It be like going to a movie about the French resistance and expect it to be all rainbows and puppies.
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regardless of how good/bad it is, my wife wants to go, so we are going. the thing i learned a long time ago was that movie dates are less about liking the movie and more about bearing through a mindless sitting exercise for a couple hours to get the opportunity to exercise more vigorously for like the four hours afterwards.
I loved this movie. It takes a little bit to get going, but the final act is so, so good. One of the best endings in the saga.

It is a dark film. The only comic relief comes from Alan Tudyk (who is awesome).

It's a very different Star Wars film, but a lot of cameos and nods that it still feels a part of that world.
True, but he is in the minority of reviews so far.

"Rogue One" is definitive proof: "Star Wars" is back, baby.
-New York Post

This spin-off/prequel has the same primitive, lived-in, emotional, loopy, let's-put-on-a-show spirit that made us fall in love with the original trilogy.
-Rolling Stone

Much more than a mere sideshow in the Star Wars saga, these rebels build on a brilliant legacy.
-Toronto Star

Rogue One is a bright light in the Star Wars canon.
Chicago Sun-Times

Rogue One is a bold and stirring adventure film that will have both fans and casual observers spellbound.

This is a whole new stable of characters operating on the fringes of the world we know by heart. When you think about it, that's pretty exciting. And it opens up a world of cinematic possibilities moving forward.
-Entertainment Weekly

It stands alone as the best Star Wars entry since 1980's The Empire Strikes Back. Yes, it's that good.
-New York Daily News

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story answers the question of whether that galaxy far, far away is big enough to sustain multiple offshoots with an emphatic yes

The Force Awakens may have reanimated the once-dormant franchise, but it's Rogue One that will give Star Wars fans a new hope.

And so on...

All of them predicted trump would lose too. They don't know dick empire is untouchable